Recent content by Alexei2021

  1. A

    Need help

    GetChatline(0, kviecia) kviecia := RegExReplace(kviecia, "Ā", "") If(InStr(kviecia,"paslaug") or InStr(kviecia,"nalog") or InStr(kviecia,"[racija] Priežastis:") or InStr(kviecia, "KVIEČIANČIO SPALVA")){ GetChatline(1, kviecia) kviecia := RegExReplace(kviecia, "Ā", "")...
  2. A


    * Name of the mod (if the mod doesn't exist, you don't have to tell one): Keybinder like /ebinds but i need for my job /x 1 and other number of ads [text] / x 2 100 [text] ... which automatically publishes ads to reporters on the sarg server * Where you saw it (not the server, we mean if you...