Recent content by Averdition

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    [REQ]: Latest Current Next Generation Gaming's Script

    I don't think that even exists (yet)
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    Next Generation Gaming RolePlay v2.4.140 (NGRP's script)

    Oxford, do you happen to have the /NGRP/ animations as a filterscript of some sort? My server has literally no animations.
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    NGRP accounts.exe

    Morphy how much you want for dat database
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    Next Generation Gaming RolePlay v2.4.140 (NGRP's script)

    Have you tried editing and saving toys, then relogging? I've had this funny bug for a while.
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    NGRP accounts.exe

    morphy why wont you rek hitman directors account the dir is Trenton Smith i think do this and upload to youtube and i might trust yo lol
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    Hitman Leak 8/28/14

    what did the video contain?
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    Hitman Leak 8/28/14

    why is the video private