Recent content by JustMe.77

  1. JustMe.77

    CLEO Help Aimbot Detect on Global Wars in UIF

    They fucking ban you only for an hour after you've been caught with aimbot? lmao
  2. JustMe.77

    Any bypass for this new AC?

  3. JustMe.77

    [E-BOOK] Easily steal SA-MP Accounts!

    Let me guess: You set up a server by yourself, message your victim and tell him that you want to show him something. He register with his password, it's not hashed, and you have it. Am I right?
  4. JustMe.77

    Untagged Release GLANCE M0D 0.3.7 | Former "private" mod

    Whats the function of "Anti Derail"? Can anyone explain? Never heard about it
  5. JustMe.77

    Untagged Release [0.3.7 R2][v3.0] TrollBoss.cs

    RE: [0.3.7 R2][v1.6] TrollBoss.cs Why I can't download the attached files? It opens a weird stuff with "bugged" code.
  6. JustMe.77

    Untagged Release HMOBullet 0.3.7

    The cleo is loaded but I am receiving always unknown command though..
  7. JustMe.77

    Help Running two SAMP windows at once?

    I'd recommend using the fixes.asi made by bartekdvd, it works pretty fine for me :) !
  8. JustMe.77

    CLEO Release Silent Aimbot v8.0 [Fixed Release]

    It's so easy to detect..
  9. JustMe.77

    [E-BOOK] Easily steal SA-MP Accounts!

    Well, I'm really curious about how would you hack a SAMP Account from someone who isn't a retard, but pay 5€ for something you don't know if it will work or not? I'm not sure..
  10. JustMe.77

    CLEO Help Sketchy shit

    I've never saw such a hack, correct me anyone if I am wrong.
  11. JustMe.77

    Untagged Release SobFoX Project v0.0.0.4

    It's cool to have fun with it on roleplay servers though, good work.
  12. JustMe.77

    CLEO Release Search YouTube, Convert and Stream

    It looks kinda interesting, I may give it a shot later :) !
  13. JustMe.77

    CLEO Release AntiKill (Cleo kill spoofer)

    What about telling us what "bugs" you have?
  14. JustMe.77

    Give me your scripting ideas!

    - A cleo to disable HUD Functions (It's possible to do with sobeit)
  15. JustMe.77

    DayZ Godmode

    I'm asking for the server IP, not if you are able to look into the script or not ;)