Recent content by Momo92

  1. M

    Problem with AutoHotKey.

    As I said, get the newest version of the UDF :)
  2. M

    Problem with AutoHotKey.

    I would do it like this: #NoEnv #UseHook #SingleInstance, Force #Include SAMP.ahk ; // declare global vars here return #If WinActive("GTA:SA:MP") && !isInChat() && !isDialogOpen() ; // the following hotkeys will only be triggered if SA:MP is the active window and the chat/dialogs are not open...
  3. M

    CLEO Help Keybinder nearest ID? please help

    You could simply use AHK and the SAMP UDF. There is a function GetClosestPlayerId already built in.
  4. M

    AHK error

    What library are you using? You probably have to specify what kind of value you want to read from memory or at least the size.
  5. M

    Ahk scipters

    I recommend having a look at and trying to understand this lib. You can use the memory functions and general structure and try to create your own functions based on that.
  6. M

    CLEO Help Opcode Help

    I believe 1 means Quit so if you simply exit your game and 0 means Timeout so if you lose connection to the server or your game crashes. I don't think there are other reasons so other values probably will just mean quit as well.
  7. M

    Read TextLabel above Head

    This function works with the SAMP UDF: getChatBubbleText(playerID) { if (playerID < 0 || playerID > SAMP_PLAYER_MAX - 1 || !checkHandles()) return false dwAddress := readDWORD(hGTA, dwSAMP + 0x21A0DC) return readDWORD(hGTA, dwAddress + playerID * 0x118) ? readString(hGTA, dwAddress +...
  8. M

    Possible to include a Cleo Script or Data in an AHK Script?

    You want to execute CLEO code in an AHK script? I can't imagine a way to do that.
  9. M

    CLEO Help how to find adresses?

    My post contains the link to the source as well.
  10. M

    CLEO Help how to find adresses?

    Well having a look at the mod_sa source will help in you most cases if you have basic knowledge of C++.
  11. M

    I Need Invulnerable Source

    So you want us to do all the work and you just compile it? You must be a great businessman  :LOL:
  12. M

    CLEO Help teleport hack

    No he wrote this as well. If you want the trailer to be teleported as well, just teleport the trailer  :PPFFH:
  13. M

    Please Help this noob(me)

    You absolutely do not  :LOL: If you really want to learn hacking, learn how to read and understand assembly. A basic knowledge of C++ is a good start but won't really help you to figure out how to mess with games. So a basic understanding of assembly and using disassemblers and debuggers like...
  14. M

    Help Color cmd /me

    I think that only works if the color is encoded into the message and not when it is passed as an argument to SendClientMessage.
  15. M

    Help Color cmd /me

    That depends on the server. You could find out by taking a screenshot and then use a tool like the SA-MP Colorpicker.