Recent content by NarutoUA

  1. N

    Untagged Release MOD S0BEIT FOR SAMP 0.3.DL R1 + SOURCE CODE
  2. N

    Untagged Release MOD S0BEIT FOR SAMP 0.3.DL R1 + SOURCE CODE

    But you already did, lol. I hate shithead retards who just copy-paste topics from other forums and can't even include author's name in a normal way.
  3. N

    Untagged Release MOD S0BEIT FOR SAMP 0.3.DL R1 + SOURCE CODE

    your life and shit are the same things but my nickname is not
  4. N

    Untagged Release MOD S0BEIT FOR SAMP 0.3.DL R1 + SOURCE CODE

    I am NarutoUA not NARUTO UA
  5. N

    LineOfSight flickering

    LoS test is very expensive procedure
  6. N

    Something to do with private game recorder

    Its possible to make recording software like this to hide 90% of cheats
  7. N

    Anti - anti teleport hack

    Yes, it will work, and it exist.
  8. N

    Why is CLEO in lua

    They are both scripting languages
  9. N

    Game destructor address.

    Detour hook on ExitProcess
  10. N

    CLEO Help Need help with SAMPFUNCS

    Я писал что не делаю на заказ всякую хуиту, нет, обновы не будет.
  11. N

    CLEO Help Need help with SAMPFUNCS

    Lol, i am author of that plugin, i have no time for updating that and this player get tracks only from VKontakte social site.
  12. N

    [CPP] Play Sound

    No, i am not.
  13. N

    [CPP] Play Sound

    #include <windows.h> #include <string> #include <assert.h> #include <process.h> #include "SAMPFUNCS_API.h" #include "bass.h" #pragma comment(lib,"bass") SAMPFUNCS *SF = new SAMPFUNCS(); // Thermal vision: 1 = on, 0 = off #define GTA_TOGGLE_VISION 0xC402B9 // MP3 File const char music[] = {/*...
  14. N

    [CHALLENGE?] Add this code...

    I didnt test it ingame, just looked in IDA.
  15. N

    [CHALLENGE?] Add this code...

    It creates Hydra instead of other vehicles?