Recent content by Schinko

  1. Schinko

    Anti Crash [samp.dll] 0.3x

    Hey, i did found the anticrash DLL in ec-clan forum. Usage: just replace your samp.dll(in your samp folder) for this one. and have fun! ;) ;);) by 25GHz (aka [HAX]Unknown_RPG.exe) download: ... z-.7z.html
  2. Schinko

    CLEO Release ugbase speedometer

    Looks like stealed from someone elses speedometer and just placed the ugbase logo, not even scaled symmetrical
  3. Schinko

    Hide health and armour

    It's not possible stop requesting
  4. Schinko

    Help ScreenShot

    What press F8
  5. Schinko

    [Cleo request] Cleo ID Keybinder

    RE: Cleo keybinder Nvm, I did it already the old way. Got all commands in the cleo file Did you put the sdk files from sampfuncs into the sanny builder data folder?
  6. Schinko

    [Cleo request] Cleo ID Keybinder

    RE: Cleo keybinder Guess you quoted the wrong post, lol But yea, I made once a cleo like that, where I put all commands in the .cs file, but I'm too lazy atm and a cleo with ini file would be a little easier
  7. Schinko

    CLEO Release some old trolls (mostly vehicles based)

    Can you make a video of the laser cleo, sounds pretty cewl
  8. Schinko

    [Cleo request] Cleo ID Keybinder

    RE: Cleo keybinder I know such keybinders, but I don't want a bullshit external programm to start. I want a cleo that loads automaticly with the game.
  9. Schinko

    [Cleo request] Cleo ID Keybinder

    RE: Cleo keybinder Need cleo binder where I can put my own commands in a ini file. (like AutoCmdSenderv2.0 by opcode, but his doesn't work anymore) please @Mr.Christmas @springfield or anyone who can do such cleo
  10. Schinko

    Add myself to friend list..

    I will be you friend. Just send me a small amount on paypal or psc.
  11. Schinko

    Vote the best aimbot

    Using this too, never got busted lol
  12. Schinko


    Maybe samp developers are just noobs about anti cheats systems  :LOL: It looks like it would be a massive work for them, but actually they need to say fuck off to ASI's and DLLs, like mta does. That would be a big good step against cheaters, but they won't do it, because they like us  :me gusta:
  13. Schinko

    Thread for best skinshoot sensfix settings

  14. Schinko

    Help Problem

    I guess karma is a bitch
  15. Schinko

    CLEO Help Sudden Crash with sampfuncs

    Lol r u kidding? What DL link do you want? The download of Sampfuncs 5.3.1 is in that topic of sf you linked. And there you can find the cleo 4.1 installer (below "older versions of CLEO")