Recent content by UzziAdv

  1. UzziAdv

    block rpc address

  2. UzziAdv

    block rpc address

    eyy someone have an idea how can i block some rpc addresses?
  3. UzziAdv

    [C++] DISABLE CHAT with rpm/wpm

    same as your family.. hmh
  4. UzziAdv

    [C++] DISABLE CHAT with rpm/wpm

    i said already, i don't tested it yet..
  5. UzziAdv

    [C++] DISABLE CHAT with rpm/wpm

    bool uzzidisablechat = false; if (ImGui::Checkbox("Disable chat", &uzzidisablechat)) { if (uzzidisablechat == true) { DWORD samp = (DWORD)GetModuleHandle("samp.dll"); DWORD maculatura = samp + 0x7A710; DWORD...
  6. UzziAdv

    you eaten candy?

    you eaten candy?
  7. UzziAdv

    CPP RELEASE [TUTORIAL] - Add ImGui Into your s0beit

    is not useful for shareable projects..