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  1. K

    Disable HP/NT

    A useless cleo, but might be useful when you want to make videos and don't want to show the other player's nametag/hp.  Description: Removes the player's nametag/hp Commands: /dnt - removes the player's nametag /dhp - removes the player's health bar Source Code: (Probably not the best code)...
  2. K

    Mechanic Services

    My first cleo, don't hate....  :kidding: Description: What this cleo does is mainly just repair, flip/repair, add nitro, and NOP SetEngine State. Usage: /ms - Nothing special Note: Need SampFuncs, and of course cleo. Video:
  3. K

    how much life has ugbase stolen from you

    Time Spent Online: 2 Weeks, 2 Days, 4 Hours, 51 Minutes, 25 Seconds
  4. K

    Destroy car

    Compiled version attached {$CLEO .cs} 0000: NOP repeat     wait 300 until 0AFA:  is_samp_available 0B34: samp register_client_command "vdestroy" to_label @vdestroy while true wait 0 end :vdestroy wait 0 if     00DF: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR driving     then     1@ =...
  5. K

    CLEO Help Auto Message Sender after at the message

    Try this, the compiled version is at the bottom. {$CLEO} {$INCLUDE SF} 0000: :Load wait 30  if   SAMP.Available else_jump @Load 0BE3: raknet setup_incoming_rpc_hook @in_rpc while true wait 0     if and         8B21: not samp is_chat_opened         0AB0:   key_pressed 80 //P key     then  ...
  6. K

    CLEO Help [Help]Bullet Data

    Worked, thanks
  7. K

    CLEO Help [Help]Bullet Data

    Is it possible to disable incoming bullet data from certain a player? If so, how can I go about doing it. :in_pckt if    0@ == 1 then    0BE5: raknet 10@ = get_hook_param PARAM_PACKETID          if        10@ == 206 //Bullet data    then        0BE0: raknet hook_ret false    end  ...
  8. K

    CLEO Help Auto dialog answer

    The list items start at 0, so the first item's id will be 0. What you wanted to select was 6, but that wasn't the "Server Closed Connection" problem, the problem was sending a response to the dialog twice. This should work now. {$CLEO .cs} 0000: NOP :Load wait 30 if SAMP.Available...
  9. K

    CLEO Help Auto dialog answer

    Can you send me the server ip? Through pm if you're not comfortable giving it publicly.
  10. K

    CLEO Help Auto dialog answer

    Try this: {$CLEO .cs} 0000: :Load wait 30 if  SAMP.Available else_jump @Load while true wait 0    if        0AB0:   key_pressed 78    then        wait 1000        say "/gps"        wait 1000        0B4E: samp 1@ = get_current_dialog_id        if            0B4C:  samp...
  11. K

    CLEO Release Disable HP/NT

    A useless cleo, but might be useful when you want to make videos and don't want to show the other player's nametag/hp.  Description: Removes the player's nametag/hp Commands: /dnt - removes the player's nametag /dhp - removes the player's health bar Source Code: (Probably not the best code)...
  12. K

    CLEO Help Change activation method

    Here you go. {$CLEO} 0000: repeat wait 0 until samp.Available() while true wait 0 if    0AB0:   key_pressed 48 then    0AC6: 0@ = label @Main offset    0B3B: samp show_dialog id 0 caption "DIALOG NAME" text 0@ button_1 "Select" button_2 "Close" style 2     end    if        0B3C:  samp...
  13. K

    Release Blue Eclipse Source Code

    So it begins...  :ohgodwhy:
  14. K

    CLEO Help Message Box Help

    I managed to show the text, I just separated it into many formats. (I'm bad at explaining, sorry :P) Anyways, below is the fixed example code. {$CLEO}   0000:   :Load wait 200  if SAMP.Available else_jump @Load   0B34: samp register_client_command "stoop" to_label @blah   While true wait 0...
  15. K

    CLEO Help Message Box Help

    Can someone tell me what's wrong with my code and how to fix it? The real code doesn't say "stoop", but it's the exact length. I think it's the string but I really need all that, is there a better way? This is how it appears: {$CLEO} 0000: :Load wait 200 if SAMP.Available else_jump...
  16. K

    Object Pos?

    Can someone explain why I crash, and possibly fix it? I'm trying to get an object's pos. {$CLEO .cs} 0000: :Load wait 30 if  SAMP.Available else_jump @Load 0B34: samp register_client_command "opos" to_label @tog while true wait 0    if        0@ == 1    then        if          ...
  17. K

    Chat Message

    I did it like this, I didn't know how to check if the text was "[server] you dont have permission to use" but with 3@ I was able to get some number and I checked if that number came up. If the message came in it disabled clientmessage. It's pretty noob code, but hey, it worked! I was able to...
  18. K

    Chat Message

  19. K

    Chat Message

    Is there a way to delete a message from chat? Doesn't matter if it's just for me (clientside). Like if I got a message saying: "[server] You don't have permission to use *special command here*" Would there be someway to remove that?
  20. K

    CLEO Help Teleport [Help]

    I changed it to 00FF:   actor $PLAYER_ACTOR sphere 0 in_sphere $X_JOHNSON_HOUSE $Y_JOHNSON_HOUSE $Z_JOHNSON_HOUSE radius 1.0 1.0 2.0 on_foot, works how I want it. Thanks.
  21. K

    CLEO Help Teleport [Help]

    So I have this code where I go to a certain pos and it teleports me on top of a building, is there another way so that it also gets the z pos? Explanation, I don't want to be teleported if I'm 2+ meters above the coords "-1494.584351, 996.862305, 7.187500". If you need more info comment below...
  22. K

    Crosshair PERMANENT

    It works, you just needed the txd in models. I tried it 5 mins ago.
  23. K

    help about litefoot.xs

    Change .xs to .cs and it'll work, I tried it.
  24. K

    help about litefoot.xs

    This is an anti-stun shot by Anilture (@xzytro) the activation key is "insert"
  25. K

    Untagged Release RakSAMP-Lua

    I think he means that the bot doesn't die when you shoot at it
  26. K

    Help Really simple, fast cleo edit

    (say "Da." and 0AF9: samp say_msg "Da.") work the same way. Anyways, try this one.
  27. K

    [SOLVED] Simple CLEO edits

    RE: Simple CLEO edits You want 3 separate cleos with separate keys? Wouldn't it be easier to just make a .ini? Anyways, where's the cleo?
  28. K

    CLEO Release Heal Yourself V2 [My First Cleo]

    Just drop it in your GTA Folder
  29. K

    New Crusher release

    :table_flip: :angry: :baww:
  30. K

    CLEO Help can activison aimbot [here

    Try this
  31. K

    What are your ways of making money online?

    I haven't dealt with any issues (IOS), the first time you cash it in you have to wait around 24h-48h but that's only the first time. After the first day it's "Please wait 60 seconds to send." It's simple.
  32. K

    What are your ways of making money online?

    You need minimum 500 ($0.50) points to cash to PayPal, I usually just cash it when I have over 1,000 points ($1)
  33. K

    What are your ways of making money online?

    Nah, I mostly just use IOS
  34. K

    What are your ways of making money online?

    The autotouch logo looks like that: and I also use fastforward  :urtheman:
  35. K

    What are your ways of making money online?

    I use this app as well, just that I use an autotouch.
  36. K

    CLEO Release | Desync SAMP 0.3.7 | GTA SA:MP

    Re: | Desync SAMP 0.3.7 | GTA SA:MP Get the [P Key]PrivateDesync.cs Get the [Capslock]PrivateDesync.cs
  37. K

    OP-HaX | Premium GIVEAWAY to one person

    0x688, he is a Sa-Mp hacker whom is pretty straight forward on things, he doesn't say anything bad about people. He is very helpful and even more when he can understand you. He gives you clear answers and he also releases a bunch of cool hacks. 0x688 made a community for everyone to have fun...
  38. K

    CLEO Help Cleo Command

    You can use something like the code below, you'll need SampFuncs. If you want something like keybinds, you might want to look at this:!/ {$CLEO} 0000: NOP repeat     wait 300 until 0AFA:  is_samp_available 0B34: samp...
  39. K

    CLEO Help Type wrong id.

    Re: I'm getting crash. Are you changing anything in the codes? Are you sure you have SampFuncs?
  40. K

    CLEO Help Type wrong id.

    Re: I'm getting crash. Credits go to Springfield. {$CLEO .cs} 0000: NOP REPEAT     WAIT 100 UNTIL 0AFA: WHILE TRUE     WAIT 0     IF 0AD2: 0@ = $PLAYER_CHAR     THEN         0B2B: 1@ = playerId 0@  // Get Target Samp ID         IF 0AB0: 78 // Change key         THEN 0AF9: "/ke %i" 1@        ...
  41. K

    CLEO Help Use NOP with CLEO ?
  42. K


    People are not saying that it doesn't work, they're saying it's not synced. When something is not synced only you can see it, even with the patch on you'll be the only one seeing it.
  43. K

    CLEO Release Mechanic Services

    My first cleo, don't hate....  :kidding: Description: What this cleo does is mainly just repair, flip/repair, add nitro, and NOP SetEngine State. Usage: /ms - Nothing special Note: Need SampFuncs, and of course cleo. Video:
  44. K

    CLEO Help Kindly help me - Cleo

    Where did you get the code?
  45. K

    CLEO Help Activation/Deactivation w/o SF?

    Any way to make a activation and deactivation without SF? {$CLEO .cs} 0390: load_txd_dictionary "logo" 038F: load_texture "a1" as 1 038F: load_texture "a2" as 2 WHILE TRUE     WAIT 0     03F0: enable_text_draw 1     038D: draw_texture 1 position 450.0 20.0 size 80.0 45.0 RGBA 128 128 128...
  46. K

    CLEO Help Kindly help me - Cleo

    I tested it a bit more, and for me it only typed /cuff d, and server detects as 0 (basically only allows you to arrest id 0). Same with you?
  47. K

    CLEO Help Kindly help me - Cleo

    Do you have Sampfuncs 5.2.2? Note: I even tried it in a CnR server and worked perfectly.
  48. K

    CLEO Help Kindly help me - Cleo

    I'm guessing this is what you wanted.
  49. K

    CLEO Help Crashing after I input command

    I don't crash if I use the command while in a vehicle, I only crash if I input command while on foot. Anyway you can edit it? :god 0B12: 0@ = 0@ XOR 1 if 0@ == 1 then 044B:  actor $PLAYER_ACTOR on_foot     Actor.SetImmunities($PLAYER_ACTOR, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1)           0449:  actor...
  50. K

    CLEO Help Crashing after I input command

    So this is a part of a script with hacks and whenever I type /god it immediately crashes. If the person willing to help needs the script to see how this part of code causes problems I'll pm it to them. 0B34: samp register_client_command "god" to_label goD WHILE TRUE wait 0 if 0@ == 1 then    ...
  51. K

    Custom sobiet

    He was able to teleport to it because its in the same virtual world and the interior was just the kung fu gym in san fierro (just mapped). He was able to enter the helis because he put NOP removefromvehicle or something like that. He shows you at this point in the video...
  52. K

    CLEO Help Help with code

  53. K

    CLEO Help Help with code

    So I want the text draws or images to be able to be activated and deactivated, It's currently able to activate but not deactivate. The timer: {$CLEO .cs} THREAD "Thread By KillerZ, Cyborg, (ANYONE WHO HELPS)" :Load wait 200 if     SAMP.Available else_jump @Load 0B34: samp...
  54. K

    CLEO Release New Troll HACK samp 0.3.7 [make other player's car do bunny hop]

    reminds me of lagtroll.cs, except this one lowers health  :urtheman:
  55. K

    S0beit Help?!?

    Need of Assitance(image or text): If anyone can make a video on how to make something like that, please?
  56. K

    CLEO Help [Q]Bullet Flood - Cleo

    I think he means something like this: Which is found here:
  57. K


    I can see my own health but not others*
  58. K


    I could use R1 but then I can't see health  :bawww:
  59. K


    Hi, I was wondering why does my Sa-Mp crash. I have gta sa (US version), Sa-Mp 0.3z r2, and SampFunctions 4.0. When I remove my SF it works perfectly. If it's because Sa-Mp 0.3z r2 doesn't support SF can you give me one that works?  :forever_opcode_alone:
  60. K

    [Request] Fix SAMPFUNCS crash

    do you have Sa-Mp 0.3z R2? because for some reason when I have SampFunctions I crash :table_flip:
  61. K

    [REQ]N3X's Project

    *Name of the mod (If the mod doesn't exist, you don't have to tell one): N3X's Project * Where you saw it (not the server, we mean if you watched any videos about it or not): * What do you want (the most important part, explain this carefully, add...
  62. K

    CLEO Release noSpread.cs - shoot without bullets spreading 0.3z

    You don't type it on chatbox you just type it