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  1. K

    Help Nametag position snippet

    Thank you very much, its working, you always helping me <3
  2. K

    Help Nametag position snippet

    Okey then, thanks you guys for help, lock this.
  3. K

    Help Nametag position snippet

    I just trying to render player health with number on the left side, like this
  4. K

    Help Nametag position snippet

    I tried with this 00A0: store_actor 30@ position_to 14@ 15@ 16@ //00A0: store_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR position_to 20@ 32@ 33@ 068D: get_camera_position_to 20@ 32@ 33@ 050A: 21@ = distance_between_XYZ 14@ 15@ 16@ and_XYZ 20@ 32@ 33@ 0013: 21@ *= 0.047499999 005B...
  5. K

    Help Nametag position snippet

  6. K

    Help Nametag position snippet

    I found it but there is no what i need, that is like drawing textdraw on bones i already tried that, and its not that accurate
  7. K

    Help New nametags

    You dont understand my question i dont need that, i need position of player bar health and armor i showed in picture, to draw a textdraw with numbers...
  8. K

    Help New nametags

    I dont know is this .cs script or something else
  9. K

    Help Nametag position snippet

    Yea, i tried with bone head position but i dont get exactly location of that bar with diffrent skins
  10. K

    Help Nametag position snippet

    Hello, i need snippet for getting position of player health bar
  11. K

    Help New nametags

    What i mean is that, i need that number on left of that bar to show me how much health player have and armour
  12. K

    Help New nametags

    Hello, i need help about nametags, is this possible to make can you help me about that?
  13. K

    Help Press left mouse button

    Its not shooting, i try combining 0A8C: write_memory 0xB7347A size 1 value 255 virtual_protect 0 this and virtual key, its kicking me
  14. K

    Help Press left mouse button

    This triggerbot working
  15. K

    Help Press left mouse button

    Hello, one server have anticheat for trigger, i think they detecting this line 0B56: set_game_key 17 state 255 is there any other way to send that button?
  16. K

    CLEO Help Interface

    Offset for enemy health color? this color
  17. K

    CLEO Help Disable sparks

    thanks bro <3
  18. K

    CLEO Help Disable sparks

    0A8C: write_memory 0x723C10 size 4 value 50064 virtual_protect 1
  19. K

    CLEO Help Disable sparks

    why when i play my game crashed after idk 7-8 kills?
  20. K

    CLEO Help Disable sparks

    You are my brother <3
  21. K

    do you maybe know how to disable this spark trace?

    do you maybe know how to disable this spark trace?
  22. K

    CLEO Help Rotation object not work

    I am making a script to get hat on my head, but i dont know how to rotate it? // This file was decompiled using SASCM.ini published by GTAG ( on 14.6.2013 {$CLEO .cs} //-------------MAIN--------------- 0000: NOP wait 3000 :NONAME_22 wait 0 if...
  23. K

    CLEO Help Disable sparks

    I can see on that screenshots, there is a spark trace
  24. K

    CLEO Help Disable sparks

    I know this is not topic for this, but if you know how tell me. How to disable this spark? Original:
  25. K

    CLEO Help Health,Armor,Money,Weapon info

    Can you do that for me, just want to use default health,armor,weapon info,money bar?
  26. K

    CLEO Help Health,Armor,Money,Weapon info

    I use gta iv hud, and i want to use normal health bar,armor bar,money and weapon info, i trying to find offsets for that but i didnt find
  27. K

    Change active key

    Its impossible for that
  28. K

    CLEO Help press key

    Try this 15@ = 0 IF and key_down 71 15@ == 0 THEN Dialog.SetVisible(0@, 1) SAMP.ToggleCursor(1) 15@=1 end if 15@==1 then dialog.SetVisible(0@,0) samp.togglecursor(0) 15@=0 end
  29. K

    CLEO Help Set_current_dialog_list_item crash

    Why when i use this function my game crash? Calling with: 0AB1: @Set_current_dialog_list_item 1 1 :Set_current_dialog_list_item { 0.3.DL 0AB1: @Set_current_dialog_list_item 1 ItemNumber 1 } 0AA2: 1@ = "samp.dll" 1@ += 0x180610 0A8D: 1@ = readMem 1@ sz 1 vp 0 1@ += 143 0A8C: writeMem...
  30. K

    [Tutorial] Find SA:MP pointers

    Set_current_dialog_list_item for 0.3.dl :Set_current_dialog_list_item 0AA2: 1@ = "samp.dll" 1@ += 0x180610 0A8D: 1@ = readMem 1@ sz 1 vp 0 1@ += 143 0A8C: writeMem 1@ sz 1 vl 0@ vp 0 0AB2: 0 This one is crashing
  31. K

    Time to say goodbye

    Thanks for everything my friend, goodbye
  32. K

    Cleo Request for kill everybody in area ( If u know how to create read plz)

    Lol you want somebody to make for you, go away then lol
  33. K

    [Tutorial] Find SA:MP pointers

    Get Chat String for 0.3.dl, and if you can actor_handle_by_samp_player_id
  34. K

    CLEO Help RegisterCommand

    Its works thanks
  35. K

    CLEO Help RegisterCommand

    How to register command on 0.3.dl?
  36. K

    CLEO Help Textdraw exist

    Hahaha thanks bro, its works
  37. K

    [Tutorial] Find SA:MP pointers

    How did you get textdraw id, i am on 0.3.dl
  38. K

    CLEO Help Textdraw exist

    Ou i didnt saw that, what about textdraw text?
  39. K

    CLEO Help Textdraw exist

    I making a textdraw on my screen, like copy paste but on another location on screen, if you know what i mean.I already made that for 0.3.7 but this server changed version to 0.3.dl and there is no sampfuncs, and no functions like, textdraw exist and get_string_to textdraw. this is for 0.3.7 if...
  40. K

    CLEO Help Convert3DCoordsToScreen

    I found a solution
  41. K

    CLEO Help Convert3DCoordsToScreen

    I made one cleo mod for samp 0.3.7, and i used this SAMP.Convert3DCoordsToScreen(0@, 1@, 2@, 0@, 1@), but i want to make that for 0.3.dl but there is no sampfuncs and i cannot use this method. How to do that?
  42. K

    [CLOSED] Accepting request

    1. Name of the mod (if the mod doesn't exist, you don't have to tell one): Auto command 2. Where you saw it (not the server, we mean if you saw any videos/screenshots about it or not): I have this version but for 0.3.7 3. What do you want (the most important part, explain this carefully): I...
  43. K

    CLEO Help Silent AIM toggleable with a key Find here key 82-R
  44. K

    CLEO Help Silent AIM toggleable with a key You have save file here change in txt file
  45. K

    [CLOSED] Accepting request

    1. Name of the mod (if the mod doesn't exist, you don't have to tell one): Spread with crosshair expand 2. Where you saw it (not the server, we mean if you saw any videos/screenshots about it or not): / 3. What do you want (the most important part, explain this carefully): For recording 4...
  46. K

    I found this :Noname_372 0@ += 0x24 0@ *= 0x70 0@ +=...

    I found this :Noname_372 0@ += 0x24 0@ *= 0x70 0@ += 0xC8AAB8 005A: 0@ += 1@ // (int) 0A8C: write_memory 0@ size 3@ value 2@ virtual_protect 0 0AB2: ret 0 how i can change this code to make my crosshair expand but my ammo go to center of crosshair no...
  47. K

    [Tutorial] Read / write memory

    Thank you bro i made chat is open with this <3
  48. K

    How to use this beacuse i making something but i dont want to that work with chat open...

    How to use this beacuse i making something but i dont want to that work with chat open