Search results

  1. Sunny_Forelli

    Anti_AntiS0beitDetection [REQUEST]

    I want to play on this server (DayZ Server) It has s0beit protection and bans you automatically. I'm looking for a way to evade the s0beit detection in some servers. They probably've found a gap to detect s0beit. Should I change something in the mod_sa.ini or is there a file...
  2. Sunny_Forelli

    Help I need the ID of this object

    Hi. Does anyone know the ID of this object? Thank you!
  3. Sunny_Forelli

    CLEO Help SAMPFUNCS | DIALOG_LIST create new section

    Hi. I'm kinda stucked. Can anybody tell me how to code a new section in this dialog style? I tried this right here: SAMP.ShowDialog(2, "Title", "Sprunk\nBeer\nWine", "OK", "Close", DIALOG_STYLE_LIST) But this is the result: thx!
  4. Sunny_Forelli

    CLEO Help if chat is not opened

    Hi. I have a problem. How can I do that, if I click e.g. the key "Y" to not start the mod when the SAMP Chat is open. I did use this SAMPFUNCS opcode: 0B21: samp is_chat_opened If I press "Y" in the SAMP Chat the mod should not work. But I press "Y" when the SAMP Chat is not openend, then...
  5. Sunny_Forelli

    CLEO Release [CLEO]Spawn.cs

    Hi. This is my first CLEO mod release  It's nothing special, but sometimes very useful :stoned: With this simple mod, you can spawn yourself (You need SAMPFUNCS!). Download is in the attachment. Activation: [ * ] (NUMPAD) Enjoy!
  6. Sunny_Forelli

    Help SAMP 0.3z R1 | game screen turns black while trying to log in

    Hi. Nearly every time I visit a well protected server (for example: Mini Missions) after about 10 seconds while waiting for the login dialog it appears a black screen and causes SAMP indirectly to freeze. normal status: blackscreen status...
  7. Sunny_Forelli

    original fonts.txd

    Hello everybody! I actually need the original fonts.txd of GTA San Andreas. I had downloaded a modified font.txt but the file was unfortunately buggy. So... I replaced the original fonts.txd file with the modified fonts.txd, now it means that the original font.txd gets automatically deleted...
  8. Sunny_Forelli

    Help SAMPFUNCS 3.0 Issue

    G'day I've got a issue with the new SAMPFUNCS 3.0 version. First of all it's not a big deal if that issue can't be solved. But when I'm trying to press Alt + Enter(Return) to play on window mode, it let the game still on full screen mode.  (I hate to play on full screen mode) Can someone...
  9. Sunny_Forelli

    Help How to change s0beit nametag into samp nametag?

    Hello, mates. It really bothers me that the s0beit nametag is so big and unclearly. Is it possible, to change it to the normal SAMP nametag while using s0beit? SAMP Nametag S0beit Nametag Thank you in advance! :) :):)
  10. Sunny_Forelli

    CLEO Help What's the key code of mouse wheel?

    Hello, I'm stucked because I can't figure out, what's the key code of the mouse wheel. The only thing what I can do is, that I just ask here in this forum. Please help me out.
  11. Sunny_Forelli

    Hide nametag

    Hi, i'm looking for a mod, were you can hide your own Name from other players, so nobody can't see your name. I don't think, that this mod or hack is existing. But is this possible to code something like that? It would be very useful for me and perhaps for other guys as well :) :):) Thank...