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  1. Z


    Hello Ugbase, today i want release a Cleo which i maked ^^ It names FastCBuG and you need only Aim and the Script auto Shoot and Cbug for you ;) ;);) [CBuG] key=162 key2=51 wait=50 reload-Key=48 I maked it newbie-Friendly so everyone can change the key's and cause some user's have a Shit PC i...
  2. Z

    Checkpoint teleport

    Hello Boiizz, after the cool boii 0x688 send me the addresses for the checkpoint i make'd a simple checkpoint teleport for you^^ First press "on" on you keyboard then it show a Text which say "checkpoint teleport: on" then press the key 9 for teleport to the current checkpoint and when you press...
  3. Z

    Untagged Release GLANCE M0D 0.3.7 | Former "private" mod

    Currently there is no, but u can suggest it for the update ;)
  4. Z

    Help raknet rpc_chat

    thank you, i really appreciate it! :)
  5. Z

    Help raknet rpc_chat

    Hey ug-base members, could someone tell me the struct for the rcp_chat bitstream?
  6. Z

    Untagged Release GLANCE M0D 0.3.7 | Former "private" mod

    You have to find this "line_of_sight_dist =" and edit it to the range of your Server :)
  7. Z

    CLEO Help Compile this for me

    maybe fix the error? have fun and look what i changed c: // This file was decompiled using sascm.ini published by GTAG ( on 14.6.2013 {$CLEO .cs} //-------------MAIN--------------- thread "ANTICSAW" 0662: NOP "XZYTRO SAYS HI" 0662: NOP "FROM...
  8. Z

    [REQ] Reload Plugins (.cs, .asi, .cleo)

    i think so much people wants that but it's not easy to make, 0x688 started something like this but i dont know if it works now ^^
  9. Z

    0.3z SA:MP Patches

    you can paste this in s0beit.ini ^^
  10. Z

    S0beiti 0.4a update by StyleRxd 101% WORK

    No you should'nt take it as Joke cause i think you're really a friend from Stylerboiiii  :fuck_yea:
  11. Z

    CLEO Help Code bugs after decompile, how to fix?

    here is the code :) // This file was decompiled using sascm.ini published by Seemann ( on 13.10.2007 {$VERSION 3.1.0027} {$CLEO .cs} //-------------MAIN--------------- thread 'BMXSPRINT' 0662: NOP "XZYTRO SAYS HI" :MAIN wait 0 if and 047A:  actor...
  12. Z


    nop not wrong but they are in the Air and in another Virtual World so you wont see them ;)
  13. Z

    [2014] Trollbeit 0.3x R1

    :table_flip: when samp 0.4a is released ;D
  14. Z

    How to Put Codes like this!!

    this is for 0pi []code]this is for 0pi[/code] just remove the first "]" this sucks hard
  15. Z

    for Opcode.

    nah Opcode cant, ask 0x688 or Niex or FYP but i think they will say:"no" ;)
  16. Z

    Money Hack for 0.3x non-detectable

    Ban from for no-brain User Needed
  17. Z

    Untagged Release RakSAMPClient Edited by DarkNeX and TrollingYT for SA:MP 0.3x

    why u removed the Credits from the Author? :/
  18. Z

    Untagged Release ]2014[ Nametag Distance & LoS [0.3Z]

    NAZI NAZI gj 0x815
  19. Z

    CLEO Help Silent Aim Bot for 0.3z

    commands Sampfuncs not updated wont work
  20. Z


  21. Z

    CLEO Help More register_client_command in a cleo

    nice try but this 0B34: samp register_client_command "EST2" to_label @TEST2 will never registered cause u made a endless loop with this while true wait 0 end u just need to write 0B34: samp register_client_command "EST2" to_label @TEST2 under 0B34: samp register_client_command "EST1" to_label...
  22. Z


  23. Z

    [SNIPPET] Search text in text

    Re: Search text in text for this u need sampfuncs too, Opi ._.
  24. Z

    Help Bypass Anti-S0beit

    Go sleep Boii, there are enough other ways to detect s0beit ;) ;);)
  25. Z

    Help Bypass Anti-S0beit

    but thats the wrong way ;DD
  26. Z

    SAMP MySql

    maybe they have some leaks but on the normal way there's no chance ;) ;);)
  27. Z

    Describe a person above!

    Funny Avatar ;D
  28. Z

    Describe a person above!

    A real Nigga
  29. Z

    Describe a person above!

    1800 Post Nügga
  30. Z

    Describe a person above!

    The person Above looks like a Alien
  31. Z


    He mean's Client API like
  32. Z

    Untagged Release [HAX]wixplodeaimbot.exe[0.3xR1]

    Re: [HAX]wixplodeaimbot.exe dont like this, for me is the best Aimbot from 0x688 at Trollbeit :D :D:D
  33. Z

    CLEO Release 1

    maybe make you're own o.O? for all other's its good as fuck and work fine for me so buy it :D :D:D 8-) 8-)8-)
  34. Z

    Question for xyztro,springfield & opcode

    1. Learning by doing, edit something and learn the basics, Cleo is so Easy ^^ 2. No School will teach you how u Code in Cleo ;D 3. there are no Cleo books 4. u can learn it in ~1-2 Days but better learn C/C++ or other high programming language's.
  35. Z

    CLEO Release 1

    this way is public lul ;D
  36. Z

    Help [Help] s0nictz + api.dll

    Nop that only will work when V1.0 from api.dll is out because then it will work with r1 and r1-2
  37. Z

    Untagged Release [HAX]EasyHack

    rly old :b where are the Credit's huh?
  38. Z

    CLEO Release Player Informer

    Re: Player Informer (NEW) Uhh Springfield where are the Credit? a. If the cheat released is not yours, provide credits to the real maker or it wont be approved. It's maked by opcud, you just edited it^^
  39. Z

    Help Get archive password

    i dont think so ;D Bruteforce for a winrar password is useless i think :D :D:D
  40. Z

    Help Get archive password

    brutforce it ~2 weeks
  41. Z

    Cheating gamemode

    wtf maybe use Bare or so?
  42. Z

    CLEO Help from 0 to 99999

    {$CLEO .cs} thread 'For' :start wait 0 if Player.Defined($plaer_char) then for 0@ = 0 to 99999 0AF9: samp say_msg "Hello id: %d" 0@ end end jump @start
  43. Z

    CLEO Help Problem With WEaponPickup

    jeah but whats the Problem doesnt spawn or what?
  44. Z

    CLEO Help from 0 to 99999

    jeah for what u want use that?
  45. Z

    CLEO Help from 0 to 99999

    wtf u want do?
  46. Z

    Help C++ Steal information code

    that named keylogger just google for that ^^
  47. Z

    Help Help please

    search for and then make clickwarp_enabled = false or key_clickwarp_enable = &0
  48. Z

    CLEO Help Cant put current player into car

    nearest vehicle -> 0AB5: store_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR closest_vehicle_to 0@ closest_ped_to 1@ 0@ is the vehicle
  49. Z


    I think coding is like drive a Bike, you cannot forgot all... Look at the library there will you find enough or watch Tutorial's but i think nobody will make the work to write a guide for you.
  50. Z

    CLEO Help Insult mod Help me

    for me that works fine, u installed sampfuncs etc?
  51. Z

    CLEO Help Insult mod Help me

    {$CLEO .cs} THREAD 'Insult' 0B34: samp register_client_command "INSULT" to_label @INSULT :NOP wait 0 jump @NOP :INSULT 0B35: samp 0@ = get_last_command_params if 0AD4: 0@ = scan_string 0@ format "%s" 2@s then 0AF9: samp say_msg "%s Is a fucking cunt" 2@s wait 1500 0AF9: samp say_msg...
  52. Z

    Help Can somebody edit this s0nictz

    Press Shift + G or Shift +H idk one is for Vehicle Nametags and the other for Player Nametags
  53. Z

    A program to save all chatlog in a single file, like s0beit.

    Re: A program to save all chatlog in a single file, like s0b maybe i think false but this will spam the chatlog with the last chat entry ^^
  54. Z


    will never work ^^
  55. Z

    CLEO Help help me plesse with simple cleo mod

    explain it more... which player is streamed?
  56. Z

    Is this possible?

    :D :D:D sure it is, but currently unstable and not Public ^^
  57. Z

    Lag.exe some better shit than werner.exe

    Hab einzelne waffen aber auch eins für alle ^^
  58. Z

    Lag.exe some better shit than werner.exe

    mousescroll done; Active while Moving D0ne; Anti bing is normal^^
  59. Z

    Lag.exe some better shit than werner.exe

    ok i'll try a better one with C# write some Feature's here and i try to do that
  60. Z

    Lag.exe some better shit than werner.exe

    what werner.exe does?
  61. Z

    25_Ghz be aware ! A guy is trying to fuck your website

    Re: 25_Ghz a guy is trying to fuck your website DDoS is nublike... pm me with this site
  62. Z

    Cheat for MTA, come in the thread!

    It's possible but nobody will do that for you. MTA Patch this cheats so fast and because of this the most guys wont make a cheat there.
  63. Z

    Can any 1 here make same aimbot as fyp ping aimbot 0.3x

    contact him and buy it, he put much work on it and i think this is good that he only sell it and pls boy dont think that fyp is a idiot, i think that he work with HWID and when he do this then it looks inpossible for you to leak ^^ over and out
  64. Z

    Score Hack

    I found the Addresses so it's possible now just find the pointer Edit: Found Pointer, with what u want do that? Cleo or S0beit?
  65. Z

    I Can't remmember the name

    Search for Sandboxie ^^
  66. Z

    Untagged Release [C# beta] Handling Editor for GTA:SA by Z0DY

    Hello ug-base Member's, today i want present u my Handling Editor for Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas. With this Tool u can edit the most and for me the important things of the Handling. I hope that you all help me to find Bug's, just post them in this Thread or PM me. VirusTotal...
  67. Z

    [REQ]Samp Sobeit R1-2

    why u want R1-2?
  68. Z

    Help Stop s0beit detecttion

    Say bye bro now u get banned ^^ Joke I have a Account on NSG with 6000+ Score but because 0x688 is the best nsg can't detect me :D :D:D
  69. Z

    Help Remove this scoreboard

    search for d3dtext_score = true and edit it to d3dtext_score = false
  70. Z

    RGN Launcher umgehen

    gibt es, aber keiner ist public und hoffe es bleibt so
  71. Z

    Nametaghack with infinite range

    Impossible cause SAMP has a Stream distance and when he is out of Range u dont know where they are ^^
  72. Z

    Help Can't play SAMP due to crashes

    Download this, deinstall samp and then install this^^ u need SA-MP R1 for play with sampfuncs and/or S0beit <!-- w<!-- w
  73. Z

    CLEO?, and why...

    yes thats sure but for Simple trainer etc. its enough^^ Currently i work on a InGame Handling Editor and Release it later ^^
  74. Z

    CLEO?, and why...

    I think similary like you T3K, I'am learning currently C# and after i completed a Project i'am more happy then when i created a Cleo file cause you must do much more in C# then in Cleo ^^ Cleo is cool but i think it has no future ^^
  75. Z

    CLEO Release Checkpoint teleport

    you got PM zin
  76. Z

    CLEO Release Checkpoint teleport

    reuploaded sorry boiiz ^^
  77. Z

    CLEO Help How to Recover Opcodes

    put this in data/sa folder too
  78. Z

    CLEO Release Checkpoint teleport

    maybe later but not yet
  79. Z

    Untagged Release Teleporting to red marker ( not race checkpoint)

    <!-- l topic3643.html<!-- l there boiizzz
  80. Z

    CLEO Release Checkpoint teleport

    Hello Boiizz, after the cool boii 0x688 send me the addresses for the checkpoint i make'd a simple checkpoint teleport for you^^ First press "on" on you keyboard then it show a Text which say "checkpoint teleport: on" then press the key 9 for teleport to the current checkpoint and when you press...
  81. Z

    Untagged Release Teleporting to red marker ( not race checkpoint)

    old but gold paulica ;) ;);)
  82. Z

    CLEO Help text is always capitalized, why not normal ?

    not real this is just a fail with sannybuilder ^^ Open Sannybuilder ->Tools -> Options -> Format -> there you see Case Converting just edit this to "as is" ^^ have fun and dont cry about that nobody helps you
  83. Z

    CLEO Help [HELP] Activation Key Change

    search somethink like that 0AB0: key_pressed then change the number after key_pressed to 0x70 here you have the most keycodes ^^ ... 85%29.aspx
  84. Z

    Help Timecyc problem

    Your old too so lets get a new Opcode ^^
  85. Z

    [Vid]Project s0nicTz Silent Aimbot and invisible :D

    Sonictz and Niex know more about C++ and Project Sonictz is 100 times better then the S0beit from opcode ^^
  86. Z

    CLEO Help Help with script

    i dont know, never worked with object's but i think no ^^
  87. Z

    CLEO Help Help with script

    delete the , after 1@ and 2@ ^^ 0107: $2706 = create_object #AD_FLATDOOR at 1@ 2@ 3@ this works
  88. Z

    CLEO Help Help with script

    tell me whats you problem now
  89. Z


    <!-- l post6.html#p6<!-- l here the link
  90. Z

    CLEO Release 1

    thats not all ^^ 0x05 are the Mouse keys
  91. Z

    Help Help me... parameters problem.

    I dont know the Dialog Style Id's, you can try all styles just edit DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT with 0, 1, 2, 3...
  92. Z

    Help Help me... parameters problem.

    SAMP.ShowDialog(2, "Gun Cheat v0.2 | Reload", "Ammo for Deagle", "OK", "", DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT) cause it's nowhere defined so its no Parameter for the Opcode
  93. Z

    [REQ]Aimbot source

    that's only possible with the .cleo from 688, he make's that for opcode and without this i think its really hard or impossible to make a aimbot in cleo
  94. Z

    [REQ]Aimbot source

    yeah best request ever, i think nobody give you a aimbot source ^^
  95. Z

    CLEO Help Spawn car with cleo

    kk i try some Opcode's Edit: {$CLEO .cs} thread 'car' :start wait 0 if 0AB0: key_pressed 0xA0 jf @start Actor.StorePos($player_actor, 1@, 2@, 3@) 00A5: 0@ = create_car #INFERNUS at 1@ 2@ 3@ 036A: put_actor $player_actor in_car 0@ wait 2000 jump @start this works fine for me, you just cant...
  96. Z

    CLEO Help Spawn car with cleo

    i dont test it but maybe try this 00A5: 0@ = create_car #PONY at 0.0 0.0 0.0
  97. Z

    NEED one spammer

    np bro :* i just want say it ^^