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  1. luxdav

    CLEO Release SafaHook

    Nice Safa!
  2. luxdav

    no reload c++ source

    // by luxdav - [DISABLE] 00740450: fmul dword ptr [00858B3C] fmul dword ptr [esp+1C] 00740460: fmul dword ptr [eax+2C] [ENABLE] 00740450: nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop 00740460: nop nop nop Hi, this is how I do it! Greets luxdav [hr] Okay, I didn't read properly. The code...
  3. luxdav

    Offset for change vehicle handling?

    The ids are not the model ids but in the order of the handling cfg i think [hr] Here are the IDs
  4. luxdav

    Offset for change vehicle handling?

    I used this and calculated all the adresses [hr] I'd rather use the pointer to the car im sitting in, due to the fact that I dont care about the handling of cars im not driving [hr]...
  5. luxdav

    Offset for change vehicle handling?

    heres one example for the mass
  6. luxdav

    CPP RELEASE RoleplayNames.asi

    Hi, made an ASI for RP servers to remove a dot or underscore DL: Greets luxdav
  7. luxdav

    [ COLLECTION OF 0.3.7 - 0.*.* OFFSETS ]

    samp.dll+1BBFD: 1, turnEveryEngineOn, 0, normal mode (byte) // 0.3.7 R2
  8. luxdav

    German Talk Lounge

    Hey Leute, ich habe einen Discord eröffnet, um rund um SAMP & Reverse Engineering zu quatschen. Falls ihr Interesse habt, schreibt mir doch eine PN! Wir sind bis jetzt 8 Leute.
  9. luxdav

    AHK SAMP UdfEx (0.3.7)

    I'm currently playing around with this.
  10. luxdav

    [ COLLECTION OF 0.3.7 - 0.*.* OFFSETS ]

    SAMP 0.3.7 R2 Some of my exported names of my idb: CActorPed::ApplyCommandTask               100A8A40 CActorPed::ClearAllWeapons_maybe          100A6AA0 CActorPed::DestroyFollowPedTask           100A8A90 CActorPed::HasHandsUp                     100A75F0 CActorPed::HoldItem              ...
  11. luxdav

    AHK SAMP UdfEx (0.3.7)

    I found this somewhere: getChatLineEx(line := 0) {    ; 0x152 - offset for first message    ; 0xFC - size of a message    ; 99 - max count of a messages    if(!checkHandles())        return    dwPtr := dwSAMP + ADDR_SAMP_CHATMSG_PTR    dwAddress := readDWORD(hGTA, dwPtr)  ...
  12. luxdav

    AHK SAMP UdfEx (0.3.7)

    Hi. After two years doing nothing for SAMP I looked into SAMP 0.3.7 R2. I already made something similiar for vehicle, actors, players and objects. It draws the targetedId at the model: @dope Im also thinking about a better getChatLine function. But when you're alt tabbed the game stops...
  13. luxdav

    CPP RELEASE A Lua Engine for SAMP Client Events

    This is not a hack. It is for actual players, that wan't to enjoy this game on a roleplay server. :areyoukiddingme: I wrote this 3 weeks ago. Handles events better than any Keybinder. Thought I'd share this with you. Here is a release...
  14. luxdav

    AutoHotKey SAMP Trainer that injects ASM Code

    write 1 or 0 to SAMP_INFO_PTR + SAMP_SETTINGS_PTR + 0x0
  15. luxdav

    Help [AHK]GetDialogText

    Here are my getDialogText and getDialogTitle Functions: ; get the text in dialog ; @author luxdav aka David_Luchs getDialogText() { if(!checkHandles()) return "" dwAddress := readDWORD(hGTA, dwSAMP + 0x21A0FC) if(ErrorLevel) { ErrorLevel := ERROR_READ_MEMORY return "" } dwAddress :=...
  16. luxdav

    AHK SAMP UdfEx (0.3.7)

    Re: [AHK] samp UdfEx (0.3.7) Here are my getDialogText and getDialogTitle Functions: ; get the text in dialog ; @author luxdav aka David_Luchs getDialogText() { if(!checkHandles()) return "" dwAddress := readDWORD(hGTA, dwSAMP + 0x21A0FC) if(ErrorLevel) { ErrorLevel := ERROR_READ_MEMORY...
  17. luxdav

    AHK SAMP UdfEx (0.3.7)

    Re: [AHK] samp UdfEx (0.3.7) Aw, yea I took just one signed byte, it should be id := readMem(hGTA, dwAddress + 0x22, 2, "UShort")
  18. luxdav

    AutoHotKey SAMP Trainer that injects ASM Code

    I don't know that S0beit-function, just the cj walk byte to run faster: SAMP_INFO_PTR + SAMP_SETTINGS_PTR + 0x0 = byteCJWalk You may send me a link that shows the function.
  19. luxdav

    AutoHotKey SAMP Trainer that injects ASM Code

    Do you mean the walking styles? like CJ walk?
  20. luxdav

    AutoHotKey SAMP Trainer that injects ASM Code

    I always used this to accelerate / stop my car: Press ALT + UP to speed up Press ALT + DOWN to stop your car immediately !Up:: gtaHandle := OpenHandleByName(windowNameOfSAMP) speedPointer := Memory_Read(gtaHandle, 0xBA18FC) speedX := Memory_ReadFloat(gtaHandle, speedPointer + 0x44) speedY...
  21. luxdav

    AHK SAMP UdfEx (0.3.7)

    Re: [AHK] samp UdfEx (0.3.7) Hoi! This works for me: ; get the id of your skin ; @author luxdav aka David_Luchs getSkinID() { if(!checkHandles()) return -1 dwAddress := readDWORD(hGTA, 0xB6F3B8) if(ErrorLevel || dwAddress==0) { ErrorLevel := ERROR_READ_MEMORY return -1 } id :=...
  22. luxdav

    AutoHotKey SAMP Trainer that injects ASM Code

    *push* If someone has problems with this, feel free to contact me. I think many people don't know yet how poweful this actually can be.
  23. luxdav

    AHK SAMP UdfEx (0.3.7)

    Re: [AHK] samp UdfEx (0.3.7) Dude, here are my functions: ; sets the ingame hour (day/night) ; @author luxdav aka David_Luchs ; @param hour the time between 0 and 23 setTime(hour) { if(!checkHandles()) return ; disable gta setTime function VarSetCapacity(nop, 6, 0) Loop 6 {...
  24. luxdav

    calling a function (external)

    The Cheat Engine Auto Assembler is mostly my first test. In C++, something like this should work: typedef void (__stdcall *func)(int); func myFunc = (func)(0xDEADC0DE); myFunc(1);
  25. luxdav

    Help [AHK][C++] Call a function in ahk

    Yea, sure, we know that, but whoonga wanted to know how to do it that way, calling addchatmessage was not the aim, it was just the test function
  26. luxdav

    Help [AHK][C++] Call a function in ahk

    We wrote the C++ Function in a DLL, exported the function (actually not necessary, but then it's easier to find the function in Cheat Engine), placed the asi in the gta folder, find the offset of the function, called the function with callwithparams from UDF.
  27. luxdav

    Help [AHK][C++] Call a function in ahk

    I already helped him!
  28. luxdav

    AutoHotKey SAMP Trainer that injects ASM Code

    Does it crash? Does the others work? Does it nothing? Just tested them again, they work. It might be a problem with your code?!
  29. luxdav

    AutoHotKey SAMP Trainer that injects ASM Code

    It's not that hard: gtaHandle := OpenHandleByName("GTA:SA:MP") fpslimiter := Memory_ReadByte(gtaHandle, 0xBA6794) Memory_WriteByte(gtaHandle, 0xBA6794, !fpslimiter) CloseHandle(gtaHandle)
  30. luxdav

    [AHK] Control Vehicle Engine

    Did you checked the sourcecode of my AHK ASM Injector? Just check the code section at that address in olly or Cheat Engine.
  31. luxdav

    AutoHotKey SAMP Trainer that injects ASM Code

    It's crashing because this Trainer was for 0.3z and you are using it on 0.3.7. You may create a new ahk file that uses the 0.3.7 asm injector and the old teleportfunction.
  32. luxdav

    CLEO Help Help. about samp.dll

    Use Cheat Engine or ollydbg. :computer_guy:
  33. luxdav

    Help How to coding C++/C# for SA:MP/GTA SA and inject it to SA:MP

    Hes does not inject something. He just writes in the memory of SAMP.
  34. luxdav

    AutoHotKey SAMP Trainer that injects ASM Code

    Hello friends  :ppffh:! I updated all addresses to 0.3.7. If you have questions or it does not work, just post it. See names through walls See hp through walls See names to streaming range See hp to streaming range No Recoil Unlimited Ammo No Reload Infinite Stamina Anti-Bike-Fall...
  35. luxdav

    AutoHotKey SAMP Trainer that injects ASM Code

    ASM Injector Here is the ASM Injector as a standalone (slim) version. Made for embedding purposes. If you already have a Keybinder written in AutoHotKey you can easily add my functions to yours. I will update the ASMCodeObjects to 0.3.7 when I have time. Remeber: The version for this injector...
  36. luxdav

    AutoHotKey SAMP Trainer that injects ASM Code

    What version do you use? They should work. Actually I posted this release that you can improve your own knowledges in ASM via GTA and AutoHotKey. It's pretty easy to create a method that changes your skin via AutoHotKey. I'll give you an example how I did it: This is the asm code of the skin...
  37. luxdav

    AutoHotKey SAMP Trainer that injects ASM Code

    Install AHK ANSI 32Bit
  38. luxdav

    AutoHotKey SAMP Trainer that injects ASM Code

    This is how the overlay should look like:
  39. luxdav

    AutoHotKey SAMP Trainer that injects ASM Code

    Hello out there! I wrote an AutoHotKey Script that basically works as a Trainer on every SAMP Server. The current Cheats included are written for R1. The cold is a half year old. I wrote most from scratch. The Trainer injects some ASM Code into the game. This works on RoleplayServers, too...
  40. luxdav

    Address for falling speed

    bump, i want to set my velo to 0
  41. luxdav

    Address for falling speed

    I want to set the velocity once to zero.
  42. luxdav

    Address for falling speed

    Does someone knows where the fallingspeed is stored?