Search results

  1. C


    They don't want to create another MTA thats why.
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    Help 20 mods in 1

    Why do you even want 20 CLEO's in a Single .cs file?
  3. C

    Help 20 mods in 1
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    3rd Party mod

    Thats one way.
  5. C

    3rd Party mod

    Use Anti AC
  6. C

    CLEO Release Smart Invisibility 0.3.7 - Working in every server

    Well, it certainly is smart.
  7. C

    [SNIPPET] GetBonePosition from Actor

    Dammit feels good to be a beggar.
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    CLEO Release AIMP: SA Edition

    You rock
  9. C


    ᏟᎾᎾᏞ Ꭼh?
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    S0beit-type DayZ health hack here ya go Leo
  11. C

    CLEO Release AIMP: SA Edition

    Can I get a link for HenryTeylor's MP3 player, its just that dialog are pretty easy to use.
  12. C

    [SNIPPET] GetBonePosition from Actor

    I was hoping if someone could really use this and turn it into a headshot aimbot some something like a random bullet shot, like 20% of the bullets don't hit em, the rest does hit his head, so it could be kinda undetectable #Mod edit; this is a snippet section, if you don't have questions...
  13. C

    [Q] Checkpoint Color

    Its a texture file
  14. C

    CLEO Release AIMP: SA Edition

    Everything is pretty good, I always needed something like this but the only problem there is is; the spam it creates, fix it and it'll be perfection
  15. C

    Tree of savior silver exploit

    A silver what?
  16. C

    I need a script for typing (samp)

    Upload the CLEO as an attachment, I'll see what I can do.
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    I have three balls, is it normal to have three balls?

    Your signature kinda suits the scenario.
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    [SOLVED] Teleporter with timer?

    RE: [REQ] Teleporter with timer? Its possible and I'm pretty sure of it, though I don't know how.
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    i need italiy mafia script

    :no: I've been searching it for like 2 months now, No fucking clue where the fuck it is. Anyways, why are you double posting!-with-pwn-and-package-16662/msg92448/?topicseen#msg92448 Anyways, use the search button from now on...
  20. C

    I have a question

    Perhaps they are SAMPFUNCS mods which need you to write the text in the Sampfuncs console. Or maybe they are entered like cheats in SP
  21. C

    CLEO Help Sync player to position

    Know what? Leave it, I'll use the old teleporter.
  22. C

    CLEO Help Sync player to position

    Can anyone post an example below. Its pretty hard as I tried 4 - 5 different examples, They all didn't work.
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    CLEO Help Sync player to position

    :yuno: Y u no undestnd dat me nu need nu snippet. Wait, Alright, I need the snippet. Just explain me what each of the line in that snippet mean, I'll figure the rest out.
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    CLEO Help Sync player to position

    Can you help me or not?
  25. C

    CLEO Help Sync player to position

    :yesye: Just tell me the code, and no problem if it detects as teleport.
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    CLEO Help Sync player to position

    If I knew how to script why would I be still here?
  27. C

    CLEO Help Sync player to position

    Can we just sync a player to a specific XYZ, world & Interior ID? I just wanted to know how if I could sync to different position at once. It would be like, we will stay synced to that position until i press something else, other then those other mods I've seen where they sync you to a...
  28. C

    This is how to abuse anti cheat (video) =D

    Damn it feels good to be a hacker.
  29. C

    u're beated t3ktonit

    Probably he is...
  30. C

    u're beated t3ktonit

    T3Ks Signature has meaning in it... See how a cute lil' girl asked a Monster for Milk, Even if he was so ugly. Still, The monster tried to hard to give the lil' girl milk, And see how he succeeded in doing so, Pure cuteness.  :oh_stop_it_u:
  31. C

    How to get distance between you and target

    Thanks for the advice, Perhaps now I would stop fucking my mind and concentrate on C#
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    CLEO Release auto login (useful in RP server)

    ^^^ reupload the link please
  33. C

    CLEO Help Textdraw off.

    Bumb  :hellno:
  34. C

    SF Plugin Release SF ULTIMATE V0.1

    How can the 'money hack' even be useful unless its a 20 slots poorly scripted server you're talking about.
  35. C

    CLEO Help Textdraw off.

    been messing around with some already built cleo's to make them work, but infact they don't. :sadpepe: So, I'm gonna ask if anyone knows how to disable Texdraws once and for all until I delete the cleo, it would be better if they could be on/off but no problem if they can only disable them, And...
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    Debate over religious beliefs

    Well, As a Muslim, I'll say that Prophet Muhammed didn't wrote Quran himself, He didn't knew how to read or write. He was just vistited by Jibrael who then told him the words of Allah, and then those were the scriptures who used to write it down on leaves, stones and such pieces. After the...
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    Driving vehicle

    Well, at first it just didn't let you enter the car, now it checks if you are in the car and then simply kicks you, double lock. I have no idea if you can even prevent this.
  38. C

    CLEO Help [HELP]Get player weapon.

    If you say I could compile the4mals code into a .cs.
  39. C

    CLEO Help .mp3 in Cleo

    :okey: {$CLEO .cs} thread 'MUSIC' :MCleo_01 wait 0 if 0AB0:  key_pressed 104 else_jump @MCleo_02 0AAC: $hMP1 = load_audiostream "CLEO/MUSIC1.MP3" 0AAD: set_mp3 $hMP1 perform_action 1 jump @MCleo_01 :MCleo_02 wait 0 if 0AB0:  key_pressed 105 else_jump @MCleo_01 0AAD: set_mp3 $hMP1...
  40. C

    CLEO Help .mp3 in Cleo

    :yesyes: Everything went well, but when I play it after stopping it, the voice gets a but mixed up and it gets loud, its as if the .mp3 file is running multiple times at once.
  41. C

    CLEO Help .mp3 in Cleo

    Dud, You're awesome.
  42. C

    CLEO Help .mp3 in Cleo

    {$CLEO .cs} thread 'MUSIC' :MCleo_01 wait 0 if 0AB0:  key_pressed 104 else_jump @MCleo_02 0AAC: $hMP1 = load_audiostream "CLEO/MUSIC1.MP3" 0AAE: release_mp3 $hMP1 0AAD: set_mp3 $hMP1 perform_action 1 //0=stop, 1=play, 2=pause, 3=resume 0ABC: set_audiostream $hMP1 volume 1.0 0AAF: 0@ =...
  43. C

    CLEO Help .mp3 in Cleo

    Then I can enter the wait opcode and after that I can make a goto checkpoint to where I started the stream? If anyone could just post a code where including Monday's code.
  44. C

    CLEO Help Multihack Standalone feature + Texture draws

    :sadpepe: Yesterday I had a good time with my Q Button... now it doesn't work. :somuchwin: plz chang de activ0ti0on k3yyy 2 'J'
  45. C

    CLEO Help .mp3 in Cleo

    Can someone just give me the opcodes needed to stream a .mp3 file, an dhow to loop it again after a specific time.
  46. C

    CLEO Help .mp3 in Cleo

    That is nice, but I don't want a separate mod, Not the one which has its copy right issues. Give me the permission to edit it by the way I want and reupload, I want it to be simple, no credits when the game starts and such.
  47. C

    CLEO Help .mp3 in Cleo

    I want to know if we can run a .mp3 file in a cleo, if we can, then how will we able to repeat it so that it would just keep repeating after it ends.
  48. C

    Is it possible to open .sf files?

    :computer_guy: I'm gonna wait here for whole day, Lets see if anyone replies.
  49. C

    Untagged Release Map Pirate PLUS | Copy server maps!

    You can use another mod of that reason, PM me if you want it.
  50. C

    Untagged Release Map Pirate PLUS | Copy server maps!

    Copy the codes and paste it in the SA:MP map editor, move around and see if they are all there.
  51. C

    CLEO Help Can we enable/disable name tags.

    I'll go with the S0beit.
  52. C

    CLEO Help Can we enable/disable name tags.

    I would like to know if its possible to switch name tags off/on. I'm not talking about the NT037 Hack, just the default name tags.
  53. C

    CLEO Help Interacting with chat messages

    Hey, So ummm, I wanted to know if we can interact with the chat messages and do something with them for example. I want to copy a text from a chat sentence to my CTRL+C, Is that possible, for example. Heres a sentence, 'Welcome idkmyname', Here whenever someone logs in his name comes infront...
  54. C

    CLEO Help ID of the player by the name taken

    Alright, Thanks. It should work.
  55. C

    CLEO Help ID of the player by the name taken

    Didn't understand a word, Can you please post the code.
  56. C

    CLEO Help ID of the player by the name taken

    Hey, So can we some how replace the players name with his ID when we take his exact name in the chat. I mean like for example there's a player named 'kay' I don't know his ID, so if I type kay or /kay in the chat, instead of his name his ID is sent to the chat. I need the code cause I need to...
  57. C

    Untagged Release Map Pirate PLUS | Copy server maps!

    Tried doing it there, and it worked. Maybe some of your ASI mods are conflicting it, Kindly PM me the list of all ASI Mods you are using. Can we please talk in PMs so we don't spam this thread.
  58. C

    Untagged Release Map Pirate PLUS | Copy server maps!

    Can I get the server IP?
  59. C

    Untagged Release Triggerfinger.eXe - it's better than an Aimbot!

    its a .rar file, and pretty much what you need.
  60. C

    Untagged Release Map Pirate PLUS | Copy server maps!

    Go in-game, Go to that position you wanna record, type /maprecord and it will start recording, you will need to walk around that place so that the objects get streamed. After wards type /mapsave(even if it says /savemap in-game, Its /mapsave) After that go to your games folder and navigate to...
  61. C

    [REQ] NoSpread without static Crosshair

    In the thread shared above, I uploaded a noSpread with a changed activation key, you may try that.
  62. C

    Untagged Release Map Pirate PLUS | Copy server maps!

    No problem mate.
  63. C

    Untagged Release Triggerfinger.eXe - it's better than an Aimbot!

    Put the .dll file in my attachments to your C:\\
  64. C

    Untagged Release Map Pirate PLUS | Copy server maps!

    I'm using the same ASI you are, Silents ASI loader which comes with CLEO .4. Well, perhaps unloading the mode and loading it back may fix it.
  65. C

    Untagged Release Map Pirate PLUS | Copy server maps!

    Peroxide, are you sure you have asi loader?
  66. C

    CLEO Help How to upload in cleo

    Dude, from you english I can't understand a shit, perhaps use google tanslator
  67. C

    CLEO Help How to upload in cleo

    Make a .zip or .rar file on your desktop and put all those files in that .zip file and then upload it via Attachment option.
  68. C

    CLEO Help How to upload in cleo

    You want to upload a .cs file? use attachments. When you're making a topic you'll see a 'Attachments and other options', click on it and redirect it to your .cs file, tada.
  69. C

    CLEO Help How to upload in cleo

    You may copy the code and paste it here between these BBcodes [.code] [./code] without the .'s or you may use or just upload the .txt file as attachment
  70. C

    Untagged Release Map Pirate PLUS | Copy server maps! The full Custom made Area 51 used in Army vs. Terrorist - With texture of course, Thanks to this epic Mod.
  71. C

    Untagged Release Map Pirate PLUS | Copy server maps!

    Sir, you're ZE best.
  72. C

    Untagged Release No Spread with an expanding crosshair

    When you download the rare file you'll see a I I folder, inside it is a .ini file. Open it and you'll see something like ACTIVATION = 'Key Number' The CLEO key numbers work fine.
  73. C

    cheating server with anti-cheat detectability

    Good Idea..., But I don't think someone would make a anti-cheat to promote cheating.
  74. C

    CLEO Release Cleo Airbrake

    Its always in the end isn't it
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    Untagged Release No Spread with an expanding crosshair

    As I said its not in my hands, I can just change the activation key
  76. C

    Untagged Release Reaction Test Hack [exe]

    Sir, I offer you a award. **Salutes
  77. C

    Untagged Release No Spread with an expanding crosshair

    not that pro yet  :watchout:
  78. C

    CLEO Help Kindly help me - Cleo

    Found it ^.^ works like a charm, for real. PM me if needed as its just a help section.
  79. C

    Untagged Release No Spread with an expanding crosshair

    No Problem, iAnthony. See attachment, Link removed.
  80. C

    CLEO Help [HELP] Edit a CLEO mod

    Well, I'm a n00b and the SAMPFUNCS was what I could think of  :trollface:
  81. C

    CLEO Help [HELP] Edit a CLEO mod

    You do have sampfuncs right?
  82. C

    CLEO Help Kindly help me - Cleo

    I've got a problem, The code that springfield posted, can someone compile it, cause it contains the SampFuncs Opcode, which my Sanny Builder doesn't let me compile.
  83. C

    CLEO Help Kindly help me - Cleo

    You got it wrong, I said it worked when it didn't gave out any exceptions, but when I really tried to use it, It didn't work, But I didn't made any new comment cause I didn't wanted Killer to rage, I just didn't wanted to be a asshole.
  84. C

    CLEO Help Kindly help me - Cleo

    Well, Yeah. If someone with a good knowledge about CLEO view's this topic.
  85. C

    Untagged Release No Spread with an expanding crosshair

    There is a way to remove the activation key, do the following steps. 1. Take a hammer and re3kt the "E" Button. 2. Enjoii  :lol:
  86. C

    CLEO Help Kindly help me - Cleo

  87. C

    CLEO Help Kindly help me - Cleo

    Somewhere here from ugbase, Lemme search for it.
  88. C

    CLEO Help Kindly help me - Cleo

    Yup, It asks me to enter his ID, where as I'm aiming at that person.
  89. C

    CLEO Help Kindly help me - Cleo

    lel, Didn't tried it with sampfuncs... I'll try it now and give the response asap.
  90. C

    CLEO Help Kindly help me - Cleo

    Nah, not working, I get exceptions and then I crash, it happens when I aim at someone and then press 1 or 2.
  91. C

    CLEO Help Kindly help me - Cleo

    Thanks mate, I'll try it out ASAP edit; Dude, its exactly what I wanted, +r3p given <3
  92. C

    CLEO Help Kindly help me - Cleo

    I actually tried this and it gave me some 'Unkown opcode 0B2B' error and when I try to run my game while installing this script, I crash at the startup, and I couldn't even decompile that script once its compiled. So, Please kindly upload a .cs file.
  93. C

    CLEO Help Kindly help me - Cleo

    So, I was going through the forums when I saw this script {$CLEO .cs} 0000: NOP :PEPE_22 wait 0 if and 0AD2: 0@ = player $PLAYER_CHAR targeted_actor //IF and SET 0AB0: 49 // KEY 1 jf @PEPE_23 0B2B: samp 2@ = get_player_id_by_actor_handle 0@ 0AF9: "/arrest %d" 2@ :PEPE_23 wait 0 if and 0AD2...
  94. C


    ISIS does not stands for Israeli Secret intelligence Service. Dude, go get your self a sleep. 
  95. C


    You see, ISIS is doing a great deal of damage to US, Interrupting their exports, Stopping the weapon shipments before they even come into Afghan to heal their fellow US Soldiers.
  96. C


    As someone said above, USA created them. I agree with that but USA can not finish them the way they want. If they could they would've killed them a long time ago instead of fighting 24/7 in Afghanistan. ISIS(Islamic State Of Iran & Syria) and ISIL (Islamic State Of Iran & Lebanon) are now out...