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  1. M

    CLEO Release Invisible Released 0.3z

    Don't know if this is considered as bumping but could someone please modify that invisible mod here to make it work on vehicles? If invisible and you enter a car, you get visible again, same goes for enabling it while in vehicle.
  2. M

    Untagged Release Mouse Bug Fix .asi By Gamemaster

    Lol Ryosuke839 already created a fix for that, does it also work by forcing Win32 API?
  3. M

    CLEO Help How to get forum permissions?

    That's actually a pretty good system to prevent ppl from outside getting free stuff here :D :D:D Will include this feature in my own forums...
  4. M

    Very fast reloger

    When I disable everything in Sobeit ini file, Does it do something which can be detected? I mean, for example, ENBSeries still does something in the background even when all effects are off. So does sobeit something in the background when everything is off?