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  1. Scraatch

    convert ahk code into c++

    no hahaha i want to ask if the player is spawned in c++ internal but i dont know how to convert the funktion from autohotkey into c++
  2. Scraatch

    convert ahk code into c++

    yeah i have the address for the samp.dll and i do internal code for a .dll
  3. Scraatch

    convert ahk code into c++

    yes DWORD samp = (DWORD)GetModuleHandleA("samp.dll"); and i found that code in a keybinder source
  4. Scraatch

    convert ahk code into c++

    bro i think thats cleo? i want it in c++
  5. Scraatch

    convert ahk code into c++

    Might be like that, but i have no experience with converting code and i really dont understand how the _DWORD function in autohotkey works
  6. Scraatch

    convert ahk code into c++

    Hello, i want to check if the player is spawned and i found this code in an autohotkey script and tried to convert it into c++ but with no success. I hope that someone can explain to me how to convert code such like this. Btw i am new at coding and learning c++. isPlayerSpawned() { return...
  7. Scraatch

    get target ped

    how do i do it?
  8. Scraatch

    get target ped

    thank you! is there a solution to avoid shooting at ped behind walls? //EDIT: It is even shooting if only the green triangle is showing. how can i fix this that it only shoots if i am on the player?
  9. Scraatch

    get target ped

    i used this to get the target ped but always when i start the game, it crashes and its because of the address i use address: DWORD getTargetPed(void) { return *(DWORD*)((*(DWORD*)0xB6F3B8) + 0x79C); } how do i fix this? need it for a triggerbot
  10. Scraatch

    [C++] Simple command system (0.3.7R1)

    Some std funcs dont work, but i think its because i used a namespace for std but the other error i do not know how to fix pls help
  11. Scraatch

    How to use d3d9?

    do you have an video tutorial for this? hahaha sorry i am absolutly new at visual studio and c++ and i have no idea how to put in the directories and all of that, but i got installed the sdk under C:\Windows haha
  12. Scraatch

    Why its not working?? [SOLVED]

    But when do i know to use int, byte, dword, float or what else for example: coords are floats but on it says that the coords are dwords and i dont know what to choose
  13. Scraatch

    How to use d3d9?

    How can i include d3d9 to show some text on screen?
  14. Scraatch

    Why its not working?? [SOLVED]

    Thank you! Do you know if there is any good youtube tutorial on this? I cant find one
  15. Scraatch

    Why its not working?? [SOLVED]

    I have this code created but have no idea why the numpad1 function to change the health of the player is not working, i tried it on int and float #pragma comment(lib, "Open-SAMP-API.lib") #include <iostream> #include "SAMP_API.h" #define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN #include "Windows.h" #include...
  16. Scraatch

    How to change values internal [SOLVED]

    okay thanks
  17. Scraatch

    How to change values internal [SOLVED]

    What is a debug line? Sorry but i am really new at this, I am actually reading 3 books to understand c++, objectprogramming and game programming.
  18. Scraatch

    How to change values internal [SOLVED]

    is this right? [...] DWORD pid; HWND hWnd = FindWindowA(0, ("GTA:SA:MP")); GetWindowThreadProcessId(hWnd, &pid); HANDLE pHandle = OpenProcess(PROCESS_VM_READ, FALSE, pid); do { if (GetAsyncKeyState(VK_NUMPAD1)) { DWORD HealthPtrRTN; DWORD...
  19. Scraatch

    How to change values internal [SOLVED]

    How do i use it? cause i have no pHandle but i think thats my dwSAMP. but where do i get HealthPtrRTN and HealthFullPtrRTN? sry, have no much experience
  20. Scraatch

    How to change values internal [SOLVED]

    I am learning to code with c++ and i try to make an samp cheat as an dll/asi file. Now i want to change the health and i now that the player pointer is 0xB6F5F0 and the health offset is 0x540 . how can i acces to that? i tried this and this is my whole code: btw: the unlimited ammo function is...
  21. Scraatch

    How to use OpenSAMPApi? [SOLVED]

    I am learning c++ and i want to check my progress with in the game, but when i try to use the opensampapi it always says that the dll file is missing. i downloaded the released version 1.1.4 ( ) and opened the example file overlayexample and...
  22. Scraatch

    How to include Open-SAMP-API into code
  23. Scraatch

    How to include Open-SAMP-API into code

    i did it, but it doesnt recognize ist
  24. Scraatch

    How to include Open-SAMP-API into code

    how? have not much experience
  25. Scraatch

    How to include Open-SAMP-API into code

    Hey, i tried to include this -> into my project. But when i add the SAMP_API.h into my headers folder and if i use this to include: #include "SAMP_API.h" it says that the file cant be read
  26. Scraatch

    [C++] Simple command system (0.3.7R1)

    i have no idea how to include that, i tried to put the first block of code in my main.h file and this AddCommand( "/test", 1, [ ]( const std::vector< std::string >& strArgs ) { if ( strArgs.front().empty() ) return; samp->AddMessageToChat( 0xffffffff, "Argument (1): %s"...
  27. Scraatch

    [C++] Simple command system (0.3.7R1)

    how can i include that in my code? #include "main.h" #define SAMP_DLL "samp.dll" #define SAMP_CMP "F8036A004050518D4C24" using namespace std; int playergodmode = 0; int unlimitammo = 0; int vehiclegodmode = 0; float Old_Player_Health = 100.0; int difference = 0; DWORD CPed =...
  28. Scraatch

    Class problem

  29. Scraatch

    Class problem

    Hey there i have this class and i tried to use it but only the function create() works, the other funcs doenst works. Class class textdraw{ ident := -1 text := "NOTEXT" xpos := 0 ypos := 0 letterColor := "0xFFFF901E" font := 3 letterWidth := 0.28 letterHeight :=...
  30. Scraatch

    CLEO Help Delete

    Activate notClose at Settings-TagetFilter
  31. Scraatch

    CPP RELEASE [TUTORIAL] - Add ImGui Into your s0beit

    i fixed it but i want to use it in my dll and not in a s0beit //EDIT: and i have not the file proxyIDirect3DDevice9.cpp to initialize
  32. Scraatch

    CPP RELEASE [TUTORIAL] - Add ImGui Into your s0beit

    Whats the problem here? they cant get opened
  33. Scraatch

    SAMPCAC Bypass needed

    Hello guys, i need a bypass for the sampcac. I hope that someone can send me one. Need it for my dll cheat
  34. Scraatch

    Free Source SA:MP RedEyeCheats v0.3.0

    from where did i get these following things? #include "imgui.h" #include "imgui_impl_dx9.h" #include "vtable.h" #include "main.h" #include <d3dx9.h>
  35. Scraatch

    How prepare a projectfolder

  36. Scraatch

    How prepare a projectfolder

    I want to use this API ( I have no idea how to set up a new projectfolder (i mean if something special must be changed or smth) and how to include the api, because it will be delivered as a project. //EDIT: C++
  37. Scraatch

    How 2 press key on samp with minimized mode

    I really have no experience with this subject but maybe its possible to send keys with a call or write function but idk
  38. Scraatch

    AutoHotKey keybinds for SA-MP

    F10:: { ExitApp } return
  39. Scraatch

    CLEO Release New OP-HaX for 0.3.7

    Your internet is taking too long since yesterday
  40. Scraatch

    CLEO Help Dialog hider doenst works

    //EDIT: hat sich erledigt
  41. Scraatch

    CLEO Release New OP-HaX for 0.3.7

    Check that you have the Cleo version 4.1 and all .dll files which were sent with the op-hax in your gta folder
  42. Scraatch

    CLEO Release Dialog Hider (0.3.7)

    did someone have a dl link for dialog hider?
  43. Scraatch

    AHK Requests Thread

    der silent von sn ist echt geil
  44. Scraatch

    Passenger Crasher by MasterZero [NEW]

    does not work by me
  45. Scraatch

    0.3.8 ideas

    some bugfixes new weapons and vehicles new objects
  46. Scraatch

    [Snippet] Sliding Doors

    can someone make a cleo? i didnt have exprerience in cleo
  47. Scraatch

    Decompile S0beit

    i want to decompile a s0beit from a friend from me he has there a extra function and i will send him the sourcecode he didnt belive that i will get that code ^^
  48. Scraatch

    Decompile S0beit

    Hi, i have a s0beit version from a buddy and i will get the sourcecode of the functions but i have really no idea how to decompile it and what to decompile.
  49. Scraatch

    c++ standard functions

    from where did you get the api for c++? i mean the functions
  50. Scraatch

    German Talk Lounge

    Ja kenne einen Geldbug auf LyD, du musst nach dem du dich registriert hast und nachdem die ganzen Dialoge kommen nach dem letztem Dialog mit dem DialogHider den Dialog wiederholen und dann bekommst du erneut 40.000$ und das kannst du bis 1kk machen da du sonst vom System wegen Geldhack gebannt...
  51. Scraatch

    Untagged Release [0.3.7] Undetectable Weapons hack!

    /Setweap doenst work :/
  52. Scraatch

    CLEO Release OP-HaX - legit MultiHack

    its normal that somethin spams in gametext GO! and i get stunned? xD and this every 500 ms
  53. Scraatch

    [AHK] Private ProAim Executable

    nice work! :)
  54. Scraatch

    help with obstler cheat

    use the 0 on the top of your keyboard?
  55. Scraatch

    CLEO Help Searching for engine starter

    hello i am searching for an cleo mod which can start the engine from a vehicle with an command like /startengine.
  56. Scraatch

    I want to join or start a group of cheaters/trollers on rp servers

    if all troll on german servers or english servers i would take part but on russian or spanish servers i didnt understand everything :D send pn if someone will troll on german servers
  57. Scraatch

    Release [Mod Sobeit] Overlight v2 BETA release

    Nice release! :)
  58. Scraatch

    Get Pointer from Game

    Hello, i want to get the pointer from like the main weapon magazine or the health in gta samp and write in c++ an nop. if someone can only say how to get the pointer adress, it will be helpful too! //EDIT: i hope that someone can explain it to me how to get the pointer, because i will make a...
  59. Scraatch

    What should be the best directory to install the virus on?

    Maybe of of these C:\Windows\appcompat\Programs\Install C:\Windows\Cursors C:\Windows\IME\IMETC\DICTS C:\Windows\Performance\WinSAT\DataStore C:\Windows\schemas\TSWorkSpace idk i have searched for random directs :D
  60. Scraatch

    Searching for this mod

    Hello, i am searching for this mod. I mean that the crosshair gets red if i hit someone. video:
  61. Scraatch

    CLEO Help need infinity hp

    you mean godmode?  :D
  62. Scraatch

    Looking for a XignCode 3 ByPass

    Hello, i am looking for a ByPass for XignCode3 in AHK. Hopefully someone have this and can send it ^^ With best wishes, Scraatch
  63. Scraatch

    CLEO Help [REQ] Stick to vehicle

    and what must i activate?
  64. Scraatch

    CLEO Help [REQ] Stick to vehicle

    (I must post this here because i cant create a post by request) I am searching for a Cleo with that i can stick to a vehicle. Means, that if i am on a plane and with the cleo i cant fall down from the plane when the pilot is flying crazy.
  65. Scraatch

    Read TextLabel above Head

    okay thanks
  66. Scraatch

    Read TextLabel above Head

    i mean this thing in the red circle. this are not chatbubbles, so i testet it and i cant read them out
  67. Scraatch

    Read TextLabel above Head

    I mean the text over the head, on many server when a player sends a message, the message will be shown for a time over the head of the player and i want to get this text and coordinates
  68. Scraatch

    Read TextLabel above Head

    I search for a function to read the TextLabels above the Head from other players. I hope that someone can help me
  69. Scraatch

    CLEO Help Lottery numbers

    i do not think that this is possible because the lottery number is serverside too.
  70. Scraatch

    Possible to include a Cleo Script or Data in an AHK Script?

    I want to include an Cleo.cs Data or a Cleo Script in my Autohotkey Script that i can use that Cleo mod with Autohotkey. Is this possible?
  71. Scraatch

    CLEO Help Little help please.

    if(!A_IsAdmin){ Run *RunAs "%A_ScriptFullPath%",, UseErrorLevel if(ErrorLevel){ MsgBox, 262165, Error, Start as an Admin IfMsgBox, Retry Reload else ExitApp } return } #Include %A_ScriptDir%\SAMP.ahk #SingleInstance, force #UseHook #NoEnv #Persistent #IfWinActive, GTA:SA:MP...