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  1. J

    Untagged Release HotReload (beta)| Auto reload edited CLEO script

    Inspired from the new CLEO Redux which monitors new changes from CLEO files and reloads them in game. How it works: -In a array goes all found files from CLEO folder -Then in loop I read the threads names of loaded scripts -Checking the names of threads...
  2. J

    CLEO Help Loosing my sanity...

    So, idk why but I have a weird bug, or I'm blind+dumb... My problem consist in a fucking variable which SOMEHOW re-writes it self from nothing when I'm using say keyword to execute a command. Here is a screenshot with this: The variable 1@ contains the message from 27@ by using %n where...
  3. J

    CLEO Help Trigger Indicator

    Hello fellows, I used an open source triggerbot for sniper which uses the distance between the bones to calculate area where if sniper is on player to shoot (like 05A5. So the problem is that I can't find the depth of the skin and this is a little bit annoying when the snippet doesn't return...
  4. J

    CLEO Help MiniMap Coords

    How to find the screen coords of the minimap?
  5. J

    CLEO Help [SOLVED] Create a linked list

    Hello, is a way to create a linked list in CLEO, like this. I know how it works, but in CLEO idk how to reproduce, here is a.k.a pseudocode {$CLEO} 0000: repeat wait 0 until SAMP.Available() 0b34: "list" @linked_list while true wait 0 if key_press 190 // period or > then...
  6. J

    CLEO Help Input info struct [SOLVED]

    I want to find out the coordinates for chat box, does someone have snippets or something else idk... Edit: :inputbox_xy 0BAF: samp 0@ = get_input_info_ptr 0@ += 8 0A8D: 1@ = read_memory 0@ size 4 virtual_protect 0 1@ += 8 0A8D: 2@ = read_memory 1@ size 4 virtual_protect 0 //x 1@ += 4 0A8D: 3@...
  7. J

    CLEO Help If string/text have color

    Hello, I'm having a trouble with DXUT dialogs, about static text. I'm getting from cars licence plate and formatting in a string: The problem is that some cars have "red" licence plate, which causes the string what I'm formatting to bug. Can I somehow find out if the licence plate/text haves...
  8. J

    CLEO Help [SOLVED] Last screenshot taken.

    Does anyone know how to get this info from string? I need only the screenshot number. Sorry problem solved, I didn't tried to use without coming RPC_ClientMessage.
  9. J

    CLEO Help Screen text

    How can I get this text SAMP 0.3.7-R1: P.S. Please without troll, thx guys. [SOLVED]
  10. J

    CLEO Help Dialog Box parsing [CLEO]

    Hey there!! I need some help, because I'm stuck a little bit. The thing I need is to highlight/delete the selected "item" from dialog, I have ideas.. but it doesn't properly work... Here I'm formating the string for a dialog_list_item: :dialog_create alloc 31@ 128...
  11. J

    CLEO Help Checkpoint (Hatiko Waiting)

    Hi guys, here I have a problem... Please help me... I want the chatmsg to show up only one time on that coordonates, but it only spams... I have tried everything, I have spent 3 weeks to solve this, but no result.. {$CLEO} 0000: repeat   wait 0 until 0afa: WHILE TRUE wait 0 if call...
  12. J

    CLEO Help Chat String [I'll wait the response like HATIKO]

    Hi everyone, here i've a problem with chat string. The problem consists in that 25@ mb taking and ID from %d, and 26@v it doesn't separate it. Code: {$CLEO} 0000: repeat wait 0 until SAMP.Available() alloc 16@ 105 alloc 1@ 64 alloc 4@ 25 alloc 5@ 260 alloc 25@ 20 WHILE TRUE wait 0 for...
  13. J

    CLEO Help Incompatible label

    Why isn't taking the red color? On SF 5.2 the label is working, but on SF 5.3 isn't working...... [php] :copcmd_main WAIT 0     IF 31@ == 1     THEN         FOR 0@ = 0 to 999              IF SAMP.IsPlayerConnected(0@)             THEN                  IF 1@ =...
  14. J

    CLEO Help Incompatible label.

    :copcmd_main WAIT 0     IF 31@ == 1     THEN         FOR 0@ = 0 to 999              IF SAMP.IsPlayerConnected(0@)             THEN                  IF 1@ = SAMP.GetActorHandleByPlayerID(0@)                  THEN                     16@ = SAMP.GetPlayerColor(0@)                     IF 16@ ==...