Search results

  1. 6jorn_

    lua sa-mp draw line

    function gfx() --info meposX, meposY, meposZ = getCharCoordinates(PLAYER_PED) --_, getId = sampGetPlayerIdByCharHandle(PLAYER_PED) local GET_COORDS_X, GET_COORDS_Y = convert3DCoordsToScreen(posX, posY, posZ) local GET_COORDS_me_X, GET_COORDS_me_Y = convert3DCoordsToScreen(meposX...
  2. 6jorn_

    lua sa-mp draw line

    I got it man its working but it only shows it for like 1 second. & I need something that keeps refresehing the coordinates of the given id or will that lag my game? I just have to type /find (playerId) now to refresh the coordinates --info meposX, meposY, meposZ =...
  3. 6jorn_

    lua sa-mp draw line

    Already tried that before still shows no line function gfx(arg,posX,posY,posZ) if #arg > 0 then id = tonumber(arg) result, ped = sampGetCharHandleBySampPlayerId(id) if result then myX, myY, myZ = getCharCoordinates(ped) local pedX, pedY = convert3DCoordsToScreen(posX,posY,posZ)...
  4. 6jorn_

    Why is this forum dead?

    I see well thats gay beginners in hacking would need a good active forum thats why I am asking
  5. 6jorn_

    Why is this forum dead?

    Say pls, or hook me up with a better forum or discord that we can discuss hacks
  6. 6jorn_

    lua sa-mp draw line

    is it possible to draw a line from your own coordinates to the other player? i have something like this now.  before this I write give the id of myself and the other player so that it can draw a line from coordinate XY to XY but it doesnt work. function gfx(arg,posX,posY) if #arg > 0 then...
  7. 6jorn_

    CLEO Release Vehicle Finder 0.3.7

    Good idea I am gong to use this for my playerfinder
  8. 6jorn_


  9. 6jorn_

    CLEO Help How to get cleo working on win10?

    The problem is not cleo, what you need is SampAddon
  10. 6jorn_

    LUA Multicheat OPEN SOURCE

    thanks for the share why does sampGetPlayerHealth(id) and sampGetPlayerArmor(id) only work if they are close to you, if they are out of stream it shows 0 value also is it posible to get instant position of player by id? for example Idlewood
  11. 6jorn_

    [Lua] Moonloader Change Blip Icon

    How to change the blip icon to the checkpoint marker in singleplayer fixed
  12. 6jorn_

    [Lua] Script not working

    Made a few key changes to the program that fixed this specific issue - such as checks if the player is online check if charExists adding sampGetStreamedOutPlayerPos instead of getCharCoordinates added else to that and if result of sampGetStreamedOutPlayerPos fails try getCharCoordinates...
  13. 6jorn_

    [Lua] Script not working

    function main() wait(5000) SampRegisterChatCommand("search",cmd) end function cmd(arg) if #arg == 0 then sampAddChatMessage(string.format("/search id"),FF0000) else ped = sampGetCharHandleBySampPlayerId(arg) positionX, positionY, positionZ = getCharCoordinates(ped)...
  14. 6jorn_

    CLEO Help Questions

    Hello, (ps. I already googled.)  :iknowwhatyoudidthere: Ehmm I wanna know the following or where I can find it would also help me alot + Other player coordinates + Make a beacon on a map (target_marker? ) + How reading memory works or where I can read about it and how to get the memory...