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  1. 6jorn_

    Why is this forum dead?

    Say pls, or hook me up with a better forum or discord that we can discuss hacks
  2. 6jorn_

    lua sa-mp draw line

    is it possible to draw a line from your own coordinates to the other player? i have something like this now.  before this I write give the id of myself and the other player so that it can draw a line from coordinate XY to XY but it doesnt work. function gfx(arg,posX,posY) if #arg > 0 then...
  3. 6jorn_

    [Lua] Moonloader Change Blip Icon

    How to change the blip icon to the checkpoint marker in singleplayer fixed
  4. 6jorn_

    [Lua] Script not working

    function main() wait(5000) SampRegisterChatCommand("search",cmd) end function cmd(arg) if #arg == 0 then sampAddChatMessage(string.format("/search id"),FF0000) else ped = sampGetCharHandleBySampPlayerId(arg) positionX, positionY, positionZ = getCharCoordinates(ped)...
  5. 6jorn_

    CLEO Help Questions

    Hello, (ps. I already googled.)  :iknowwhatyoudidthere: Ehmm I wanna know the following or where I can find it would also help me alot + Other player coordinates + Make a beacon on a map (target_marker? ) + How reading memory works or where I can read about it and how to get the memory...