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  1. R

    Help Help sobeit

    The player in this print is using sobeit, I want to know the name of the sobeit he is using that leaves the normal life bar like this and just the money letter modified @SobFoX help ?
  2. R

    Help config

    [Settings] TargetHookDistance= Detour= WeaponsUpdate= GiveDamageRPC= RandomShot= FriendlyFire= Model[1]=0 Model[2]=0 Model[3]=0 Model[4]=0 Model[5]=0 WallShot= ValidVector= DrawBlood= ShotDistance= Can someone send me a rage config of silent v4.5 so that I always take the skin example sawnoff...
  3. R

    unlimited green triangle

    Can someone send me the file for the green triangle always appears on top of the skin's head
  4. R

    Silent Versions

    can anyone send me the old versions of silent opc0d3r v13 v14 v15
  5. R

    Help Silent v14 v13

    Does anyone have the silent version v13 and v14 of opc0d3r to send me?
  6. R

    CLEO Help Reduce damage

    // This file was decompiled using SASCM.ini published by GTAG ( on 14.6.2013 {$CLEO .cs} //-------------MAIN--------------- 0662: printstring "SYSTEMAIN.3DN.RU" thread "$PLAYER_ACTOR" :$PLAYER_ACTOR_37 wait 0 if Player.Defined($PLAYER_CHAR)...
  7. R

    CLEO Help Delete cleo in game

    I need a cleo that allows me to delete my .cs in the game without having to leave can someone send me?
  8. R

    CLEO Help Kill godmod

    I would like to know if there is a hack capable of killing anyone who uses GODMOD and if anyone has it please send me in pv
  9. R


    I need a file that destroys the driver's car with 1 shot already explodes or catches smoke it can also be an aimbot that follows the driver when I aim and the passengers
  10. R

    CLEO Help Aim

    Can someone give me the on / off version of this aim?
  11. R

    CLEO Help Help

    // This file was decompiled using SASCM.ini published by GTAG ( on 14.6.2013 {$CLEO .cs} //-------------MAIN--------------- 0000: NOP :Label000002 wait 0 SAMP.Available else_jump @Label000002 $4 = -1 $5 = 0 $6 = 0 $7 = 0 $8 = 0 $9 = 0 call...
  12. R


    Is there a way to remove this loading screen from sampfuncs?
  13. R

    CLEO Help Help please

    {$CLEO .cs} {$INCLUDE SF} ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //WSTEP\\ // \\ //Skompilowany - Mr.Christmas // hf :) //29@ = Zasieg 3D cordu //27@ = Ustawienia detoru //26@ = Korekcja...
  14. R

    CLEO Help Key help

    // This file was decompiled using SASCM.ini published by GTAG ( on 6.14.2013 {$CLEO .cs} //-------------MAIN--------------- 0000: NOP :NONAME_2 wait 0 0AFA: else_jump @NONAME_2 $4 = -1 $5 = 0 $6 = 0 $7 = 0 $8 = 0 $9 = 0 0AB1: call_scm_func @NONAME_4735...
  15. R

    CLEO Help Help AIM

    Can anyone fix this core for me? It is crashing and if you can enter ActivationMode and Gamekey Options Please // This file was decompiled using SASCM.ini published by GTAG ( on 14.6.2013 {$CLEO .cs} //-------------MAIN--------------- nop...
  16. R

    CLEO Help 0.3.7 R4

    How to use hacker in version 0.3.7 R4 Sampfuncs doesn't work
  17. R

    CLEO Help Op HaX

    Can someone give me a smooth Op Hax setting that is legit that can record that pulls very little
  18. R

    CLEO Help Tv cleo

    I want to know how to hide CLEO on the computer when watching tv anyone find someone can tell me how?
  19. R

    CLEO Help Silent Help Please

    // This file was decompiled using SASCM.ini published by GTAG ( on 14.6.2013 {$CLEO .cs} //-------------MAIN--------------- nop :Label000002 wait 0 SAMP.Available else_jump @Label000002 $4 = -1 $5 = 0 $6 = 0 $7 = 0 $8 = 0 $9 = 0 call @Label00127F 0...
  20. R

    Help silent

    // This file was decompiled using SASCM.ini published by GTAG ( on 14.6.2013 {$CLEO .cs} //-------------MAIN--------------- nop :Label000002 wait 0 SAMP.Available else_jump @Label000002 $4 = -1 $5 = 0 $6 = 0 $7 = 0 $8 = 0 $9 = 0 call @Label00127F 0...
  21. R

    Silent v4.5 !

    Well here's the v4.5 open source cleo Can anyone enter the GameKey and Activationmode keys Please?
  22. R


    Can someone decrypt this .cs file for me?
  23. R

    Aimka samp

    Good night I really like to use opc0d3r / aimka silent v4.5 Just wanted to activate it by key (activate when you hold it down) and in this .ini don't have the ActivationMode and Gamekey Options Can anyone enter them?
  24. R

    CLEO Help Teleport private

    I need a private teleport that works with online admins they don't detect
  25. R

    CLEO Help op hax

    Hi I wanted the exact prediction of this video here from the old hax op and the smooth setting This one too Can someone send me? @Opcode.eXe Help me ?
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    CLEO Help Aimbot

    Hey, what's up ? Well I really wanted the aimbot of this video the aim is not glued and is well legit can someone send me this aimbot?
  27. R

    CLEO Help Smooth aim LEGIT

    I want to know which smooth aim this is Very legit If someone can tell me the name or the setting to be like this thank you
  28. R

    CLEO Help Op hax config

    @Opcode.eXe Can you give me the smooth configuration of this video please for this op hax
  29. R

    CLEO Help Op hax aimbot

    can you give me the smooth configuration of this video? old hax
  30. R

    CLEO Help Obstler hack Private version I saw in this topic that this and the public version of the obstler could send me the private version? some friends of mine said that there is the private version of the obstler with more functions who you send me please...
  31. R

    CLEO Help Aimbot

    Could someone pass me the aimbot of this video?