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  1. IbraJ

    CLEO Release AdvanceMP3 [Supports Online Feature]

    This modification was originally Posted in hzgaming (Horizon Roleplay's forum) but I have been told that it has some good features to be released here too. With this modification, you can hear music on foot and it also supports online system. Here is the Preview: Commands:
  2. IbraJ

    CLEO Help Weird String Error

    :test wait 0 if 8B4C: -1 jf @test alloc 9@ 260 SAMP.GetChatString(99, 9@, 10@, 11@, 12@) if 0AD4: $USELESS = scan_string 9@ format "* %s %s has frisked %s %s." 13@v 14@v 15@v 16@v //IF and SET jf @test printf "%s %s" 3000 15@v 16@v jump @test Instead of printing correct full name...