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    CLEO Help Long strings

    Trying to make longer strings to hold more text but it's so annoying, wasted an hour with no results. Alloc not working, can I get some help?
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    CLEO Help Send command loop

    I write "/example Textexample 4" Now, I want it to write "/r Textexample 4" every two seconds, for 4 times (as specified). Was trying for an hour but couldn't get it to work.
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    CLEO Help Server sets me paused

    The server can make me look like I have paused the game to other players and they won't see me move around. Any way around this?
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    CLEO Help Update system / script turn off system

    I know there are some update systems, would it be possible to create a system that when you write something in that html page it just makes the script not work for the people that have it? If someone knows where can I find the update system, link it here, thank you.
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    CLEO Help Remove space in string

    So I made a CLEO that gets some numbers, it sometimes gets the three numbers I need, like: "389", but if there are two numbers, it stores it as "(space here)27", how can I remove the space when it stores only two numbers?
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    CLEO Help Need an idea for how to close a dialog!

    So, I am creating an anti-AFK bot for a RP server, and admins can check you with a dialog saying "write 69 below to prove that you're human". I already got the response part, but when I send a dialog response with SAMPFUNCS, it doesn't close the dialog and in that server if you press the same...
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    CLEO Help How to change game world?

    Can I change my world (so I can't see other players and they can't see me) by using CLEO and not server-sided bugs?
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    CLEO Help 0.3.7 FUNC_SAY bug?

    So, I need to write text into chat (a command), it worked perfectly in 0.3z with 0AF9 and SAMPFUNCS, but now it just writes the command as plain text. If I write it as I would, it works. That's my ID in chat (server feature) it...
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    CLEO Help [LOCK] Get player's nickname without SAMPFUNCS

    How can I get the player's nickname without SAMPFUNCS? EDIT: Thanks to springfield for the help, you can lock the thread now.
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    CLEO Help Whats wrong here?

    This code crashes SAMP, why? {$CLEO} 0000: REPEAT     wait 40 UNTIL SAMP.Available() 0B34: "ridon" @6 WHILE TRUE     WAIT 0 END :6 wait 0 0AF9: "/duoti vilius_andreas 350000" end_thread
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    CLEO Help Need some help

    So, I see that many people are now including {$CLEO} instead of {$CLEO .cs} in their code. What does it change? What's the difference between 0@ and 0@v? Why isn't this working? It should send another sms to the same person but the nick is either (null) or I get exceptions when I send the sms...
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    CLEO Help Fugga.cs doesn't work?

    So I am using FakeVer on a R2 SAMP server, and Fugga doesn't work. Literally. I fly to someone and there are no bullet things coming from my head or the person or his car isn't affected. What happened? Did the server made some protections, so it is never again available to use Fugga?
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    CLEO Help Is this thing possible?

    So, I saw a guy on forums that did some NOP without SAMP Functions I think. So it is possible to NOP something in CLEO without SAMP Functions or s0beit?
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    Help Need help with samp.dll

    Okay, so there is a server which requires R1-2 to connect to it, you can't connect to it with R1, but some guys managed to use FUGGA in that server, and I need an edited samp.dll or something that is for R1, but server thinks you're R1-2 and things like R1 S0BEIT and FUGGA doesn't crash.