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  1. N

    Light Hydra Hunter

    You know how on a Hydra you can drop flares that distracts seeking missiles from other Hydra's. He wants to be able to do that with a Hunter.
  2. N

    CLEO Release Player Bugger

    What does this CLEO do? Also is it detectable
  3. N

    Is this dude speed hacking?

    Try this. Every time you run you'll run at full speed, infinite stamina also.
  4. N

    CLEO Release Trace Bullet.cs

    Doesn't work for me..
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    GTA:SA Multiprocess (Updated)

    Re: GTA:SA Multiprocess I'm a proper noob mate. How do I set to windows mode? so confused
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    GTA:SA Multiprocess (Updated)

    Re: GTA:SA Multiprocess What do you mean by this. "Just decrease your resolution in gta, set window mode in fixes.ini" Could you do a stepbystep of how I put this into action. i'm a bit of a derp <3  :oh_stop_it_u: (using windows 8.1)
  7. N

    [FIND] ZiiP's Settings/Graphics [ENB, Colormod, Timecyc, more] V2

    This looks damn sexy. Re-upload plz!
  8. N

    CLEO Release noSpread.cs - shoot without bullets spreading 0.3z

    Doesn't work for me, insta crashes :(
  9. N

    CLEO Release Shadow.cs

    Looks badass
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    CLEO Release [RELEAS] Who Shoots.CS

    Works! Thanks
  11. N

    Untagged Release Collection of skin aimbots (0.3Z)

    I'll be sure to use these!
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    CLEO Release My CLEO Pack!

    Nice pack
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    [REQ] MTA Dayz. NameTag Hack

  14. N

    [REQ] MTA Dayz. NameTag Hack

    Hi! I'm looking for a mod for MTA Dayz where I can see peoples names from afar, one that's undetectable. I appreciate any help that you guys can give! By the way it doesn't have to be there name exactly, just something so I know where they are at all times