Search results

  1. Zerotobey

    Transparent menu mod or antiafk mod [with picture]

    Thanks, works!
  2. Zerotobey

    Transparent menu mod or antiafk mod [with picture]

    Found out it's called samp addon, but now my samp funcs isnt working with it
  3. Zerotobey

    Transparent menu mod or antiafk mod [with picture]

    And no it's not the russian antiafk aafk mod this is something else. I also seen whenever I delete 'libraries' in this gta the transparent menu goes away and Im not anti afk anymore a
  4. Zerotobey

    CLEO Help Why this code is making my game crashes

    its working i tested it and anyway you can make this less laggy? it makes my game crash after 3 paychecks or so.
  5. Zerotobey

    CLEO Help Why this code is making my game crashes

    This works for 0.3.7 R2?
  6. Zerotobey

    CLEO Help Is there a working auto signcheck for Horizon roleplay?

    I installed sampfuncs and I got no errors when I complied it, however when I put it in my cleo folder it just crashes my gta after the samp menu pops up. Any ideas?
  7. Zerotobey

    CLEO Help Is there a working auto signcheck for Horizon roleplay?

    I get an error saying "0b4c" is unknown
  8. Zerotobey

    Auto get mats for 0.3.7?

    Hello, I was wondering if there was a auto get mats for 0.3.7? Thanks!
  9. Zerotobey


    There is one, however, it tries connecting with a character by character input (trying the whole alphabet in every single little way.) It's very time consuming.
  10. Zerotobey

    Best eye candy mods SA

  11. Zerotobey

    SA-MP 0.3.7 RC2 cleo or .asi loader

    Anyone either know of any development of CLEO in SA-MP 0.3.7 RC2? Or know or can develop an ASI loader? Would be much appreciated for me and the SAMP community.
  12. Zerotobey

    CLEO Release No taze, cuff and drag.

    Dope, gonna use this.  :oh_stop_it_u:
  13. Zerotobey

    Best eye candy mods SA

    Best FX, etc, except ENB.  :forever_hurra: Basically shit to make your game look more realistic and shit. Anything helps.
  14. Zerotobey

    CLEO Release BubbleParser.cs by Mgmoldova

    Wait so is this like 'bigears'?
  15. Zerotobey

    [REQ]No kick with deagle, just shoot and it doesn't go up and down.

    I was going to install a .32 pistol, which doesn't have kick IRL, I wanted it to be like that on my game, is there  any mod where it doesn't kick at all.
  16. Zerotobey

    CLEO Release [RELEASE]-Master Car.

    Nice, instant crash even with sampfuncs 3.2 .asi in directory.  :fuck_you:
  17. Zerotobey

    CLEO Release [RELEASE] Player Finder for 0.3z, works with SAMPFUNCS 3.2

    Wonder why I crashed when logging in..
  18. Zerotobey

    CLEO Release Fighting Style Switcher

    Non-working.  :fuck_you:
  19. Zerotobey

    Best 0.3z DM servers?

    Oh, I have this on my list. Thanks anyways!
  20. Zerotobey

    Best 0.3z DM servers?

    What's the IP, it sounds great.
  21. Zerotobey

    Best 0.3z DM servers?

    UIF is an oldie I knew about that one when I first started SA:MP.
  22. Zerotobey

    Best 0.3z DM servers?

    Do you guys know of any 0.3z DM server, with sync shooting? I wanted to practice my skill more :) - and the server format has to be an english one -  :urtheman:
  23. Zerotobey

    Where are you from ??

    USA, OKLAZ405!!  :celeral_guy:  :table_flip:
  24. Zerotobey


    Yea Opcode did, springfield was there to help, I have a pic.
  25. Zerotobey

    Untagged Release [Release] How to Exploit Gold VIP in NGRP - Next Generation Gaming

    I remember someone getting banned for this not to long ago, lol.  :dont_care:
  26. Zerotobey

    Untagged Release Move please.

    Re: Anti-AFK bind for AHK. It keeps you from getting kicked from RP servers, for you can gain respect points, and gain level, and paycheck. You guys need to download Auto Hot key, which you can google.
  27. Zerotobey

    Untagged Release Move please.

  28. Zerotobey

    CLEO Release CarSmasher.cs - Troll them ass. | D.Kay | ( FireD edition ) |.

    Nice release, looking forward to more.  :urtheman:
  29. Zerotobey

    CLEO Release Best and simplest anti-afk bot

    In the .ini are u always supposed to jump, or can I change it to a diff key? And so what key number is left or right?
  30. Zerotobey

    CLEO Release [RELEASE] Fast-Run 2x faster run than original! (( Best at RP servers ))

    Is this working on LS-RP? Because I don't see any differences in running.
  31. Zerotobey

    CLEO Release [RELEASE] Fast-Run 2x faster run than original! (( Best at RP servers ))

    Nice release mate, I appreciate your hard work. :urtheman:
  32. Zerotobey

    CLEO Release crashMYass

    Thanks mate.
  33. Zerotobey


    Nice, to bad I have unlimited sprint.
  34. Zerotobey

    CLEO Help ELM 9.1 help [CLEO] So I've installed this ELM 9.1, and it runs and everything, but when I click the activation key all I get is a bing sound, and no menu opens, I've installed everything correctly. Looking for some answers, and thanks!
  35. Zerotobey

    CLEO Release A-shield Pro Version V2 , V3 Released -full + video +V4!new!

    Re: A-shield Pro Version V2 , V3 Released - full functioned ! + video Nice release, I play on this server at times. :urtheman:
  36. Zerotobey

    [Find]Best Enb 2014

    So, I installed this and used it successfully a couple of months ago, and now when I use it, insta-crash?!  :angry:
  37. Zerotobey

    Untagged Release [Found] Sniper Aimbot [0.3x ONLY]

    Re: [Found] Sniper Aimbot Can someone take this good piece of an example and turn it into a advanced sniper aimbot? Would really help.
  38. Zerotobey

    CLEO Release NoFuel.cs - Drive car without fuel on RP servers

    Lol, use this on RP servers you don't care about leveling up and what not.
  39. Zerotobey

    CLEO Release map run for car

    What's the point of this? Just for fun I guess.
  40. Zerotobey

    CLEO Release AFK-GHOST.cs - leave your body...

    Oh wow, im gonna try this on Army vs. Terrorist's - I'm Zerot in there. I PM'd you yesterday in there if that was really you..
  41. Zerotobey

    CLEO Release AFK-GHOST.cs - leave your body...

    So if an admin spectates you will he be looking at your players invisible body or the AFK body? Seems interesting to find out^^ :imoverit:
  42. Zerotobey

    CLEO Release autokeysenderv1.0.cs (a.k.a FACKIN' PRO KEYBINDER!)

    Do you mind explaining some of the possibilities of this?
  43. Zerotobey

    Untagged Release FasterCBug.eXe

    Best release for 0.3z so far, hope to see more in the future. I bet there is many possibilities with these .exe's.
  44. Zerotobey

    Untagged Release ]2014[ Nametag Distance & LoS [0.3Z]

    Oh, so, I need better RAM and stuff?
  45. Zerotobey

    Untagged Release ]2014[ Nametag Distance & LoS [0.3Z]

    Has any one expericenced some building lag? Like you look at a building and it syncs in, and when you make a 360 with your player and go back to the building it tries to sync itself in again??? Too many names at a time make my game do this... ReplyQuote
  46. Zerotobey

    [Find]Best Enb 2014

    What does this mean? I have that file.. :bawww: I remember reading something that some peoples video cards etc, don't work with this mod. Here are my specs.
  47. Zerotobey

    CLEO Release Nametag.cs 0.3z

    Has any one expericenced some building lag? Like you look at a building and it syncs in, and when you make a 360 with your player and go back to the building it tries to sync itself in again??? Too many names at a time make my game do this...
  48. Zerotobey

    [Find]Best Enb 2014

    Fucking errors, help me..
  49. Zerotobey

    [Find] C-Hud

    Is there one that has detailed labels and shit?
  50. Zerotobey

    CLEO Release Player Informer

    Re: Player Informer (NEW) I crashed on sa-mp start.
  51. Zerotobey

    CLEO Release SniperZoom.cs

    It isn't working for me, what cleo version would we need?