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  1. BBB

    Untagged Release Nametag Hack [exe]

    maybe you downloaded wrong file?
  2. BBB

    Untagged Release [asi] debug mode cmds just use vsel spawn a new vehicle, i dnt know  :imoverit:
  3. BBB

    [SAMP 0.3.7] Handy function for debugging...

    nice try reviving code section, but now you get zombie  :omg_run:
  4. BBB

    Untagged Release Nametag Hack [exe]

  5. BBB

    Untagged Release Nametag Hack [exe]
  6. BBB

    google trick

    you can also use this directly just place some other url
  7. BBB

    Hook samp.dll

    if you just want to call simple fuctions you can use code injection, it works fine
  8. BBB

    Hook samp.dll

    you can't get samp.dll handle this way you need something like this:
  9. BBB

    Printing Unicode HUD

  10. BBB

    Untagged Release [ASI]SA-MP Markers

    this also make transparent blips visible?
  11. BBB

    Untagged Release [ASI]SA-MP Markers

    dafaq... vscan crazy crypt shit for 3 lines of code?
  12. BBB

    [s0beit] Get/Set Memory

    do you event pointer, bro? :trollface:
  13. BBB

    Untagged Release [asi] debug mode cmds

    This ASI will add these debug mode commands /.v /.vehicle /.vsel /.player_skin vscan password: sincerely :stoned:
  14. BBB

    Untagged Release Nametag Hack [exe]

    :kidding: k, but i didnt tested..
  15. BBB

    Untagged Release Nametag Hack [exe]

    just uploaded for 0.3.7 RC2  :challenge_completed:
  16. BBB

    C++ Multithreaded Bruteforce Base

    just a little thought: if people use "random" passwort of alphanumeric characters "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789" and the password has a length <=6, so you have 62^6 possible words  :sweet_jesus:
  17. BBB

    Hacking server-sided money on SAMP.

    here some possible exploits, but probably you won't find them on any decent server: - "decrement negative value" - integer overflow - server trusts your client-side money value, when (increment) decrement
  18. BBB

    Untagged Release Nametag Hack [exe]

    No its a "wallhack" for the nametags of other players - it removes distance limit (so you see the nametags if the players are streamed in) - you see them through walls - you still see them if the server disabled the nametags (some RP servers use that for hitmans)
  19. BBB

    CLEO Release WallHack (PLUS) 03z/R2

    wow, you updatet on the same day as i did with my exe, coincidence?  :iknowwhatyoudid:
  20. BBB

    Untagged Release Nametag Hack [exe]

    Try "Run As Admin" if still not working then i don't know..
  21. BBB

    Untagged Release Nametag Hack [exe]

    Maybe you donwloaded wrong version? The first "" is for SAMP 0.3z R1 The second "" is for SAMP 0.3z R2 Or wrong usage? 1. Connect to server 2. type "1" into console of nametaghack.exe and press Enter
  22. BBB

    Help A VERY IMPORTANT QUESTION regarding and c++

    I want to add that it depends.. I  had to edit some address returned by "_ReturnAddress()" , because i used european gta_sa.exe, and the address in sobeit was for english gta_sa.exe
  23. BBB

    Untagged Release Nametag Hack [exe]

  24. BBB

    Untagged Release Nametag Hack [exe]

    No  :oh_stop_it_u:
  25. BBB

    Untagged Release Nametag Hack [exe]

    It is a simple NOP patch, so samp ignores that there is a wall etc.
  26. BBB

    Untagged Release ]2014[ Nametag Distance & LoS [0.3Z]

    @creatiive maybe this works:
  27. BBB

    Untagged Release Nametag Hack [exe]

    hmm..  thats weird, maybe your AV is blocking it or try to run as admin
  28. BBB

    [REQUEST] Name Tags

    I created an exe file here: (it still needs appoval though..)
  29. BBB

    Untagged Release Nametag Hack [exe]

    Name: nametaghack Mady by: me Description: Its just the same as other nametag hacks. maybe better  :iknowwhatyoudid: features: see through walls, no distance limit, see disabled names virustotal: 0.3.7 Usage: 1. Connect to server 2. type "1" / "2" into console of nametaghack.exe to...
  30. BBB

    Untagged Release ]2014[ Nametag Distance & LoS [0.3Z]

    wtf its just 6x writememory to enable these features -see through walls -no distance limit -show hidden names its so damn easy to make an exe..  :face_palm:
  31. BBB

    Help making nametag mod

    you got the right addresses, now you can do this on your own use cheatengine, you just need to write memory disable nametag/hp: - set byte "samp.dll+86770" to 0xC3 - set byte "samp.dll+85670" to 0xC3 enable nametag/hp: - set byte "samp.dll+86770" to 0x55 - set byte "samp.dll+85670" to 0x55...
  32. BBB

    VPN Problem (Servers go offline whenever i connect to a network)

    maybe your vpn service is expired..  :iknowwhatyoudid:
  33. BBB

    Trick 1337 [money hack]

    as I said before you have to find a command that decrements your money but doesn't check if you have enough to pay..
  34. BBB

    Trick 1337 [money hack]

    Tutorial: and I solved this max value bug you have to patch gta_sa.exe then the sign flip will set max money to 2147483647 because gta sets money to 999mio if its higher than 999mio  :face_palm: 00571786    /7C 05                JL SHORT...
  35. BBB


    it's an old one, yes 0.3x
  36. BBB


    troll samp :fuck_you:
  37. BBB

    Trick 1337 [money hack]

    I did it again.. it works, I promise But, when sign flips there is some gta bug.. gta's max hand money number is 999mio wtf ... so I decremented -2147483648 -1 = 999.999.999  :angry: Is it possible to fix it??
  38. BBB

    Untagged Release ]2014[ Nametag Distance & LoS [0.3Z]

    I looked into this now and I can say it looks very easy to make an exe just some writememory Ive found some addresses: 0.3z r1 samp.dll+0x86967        nop 2 bytes  - see name throgh walls samp.dll+0x86853        nop 6 bytes  - no name distance limit tested and works without any laggs
  39. BBB

    gugl/yt search sucks?

    :fuck_you: yesterday google's search functions didn't work, thats all but its seems to be ok now..
  40. BBB

    gugl/yt search sucks?

    Hi, is it just me or google/youtube search function sucks right now? ...  :yuno:
  41. BBB

    samp launcher

    hi, I know that samp.exe just runs  DetourCreateProcessWithDll or something like that with these arguments: -c -n (NICKNAME) -h (IP) -p (PORT) -z (PW) I created a similar launcher but what does "-c" ?? are there more arguments??
  42. BBB

    sendcmd v sendsay

    I've found an address the messege shows up but I get some stack error -wtf I had once a similar error when c&p from sobeit then I did this __asm mov ebx, dword ptr[lpPtr] __asm push msg __asm call func //__asm pop ebx and now it works :surprised:
  43. BBB

    sendcmd v sendsay

    hi, I'm trying to figure out how to take this sobeit function into my project its 0.3x r1 but it doesnt matter because I just want to learn that the function addressess are easy to find but I dont know how to deal with this "g_Players->pLocalPlayer"  :bawww:
  44. BBB

    Trick 1337 [money hack]

    before u do this u should check if this is going to work well, just calculate and maybe u need a really good spammer app
  45. BBB

    Trick 1337 [money hack]

    sooo... just want to tell something what every scripter should know but they simply often don't know or forget it. u need these things: - spamm app - no anti spam on server (maybe) - some command on server that decrements your money, but it doesn't check if u have enough! so basically every...
  46. BBB

    bot join delay?

    there are only these ini settings for bots ### s0nicTz Project Bots ### b0t_name = "Dave" b0t_split_string = "_" b0t_random_chars = "0123456789" b0t_new_name_in_ms = 4000 b0t_add_num_bots = 10 b0t_random_length_from = 3 b0t_random_length_to = 6 ####################### I thought...
  47. BBB

    bot join delay?

    Hi, When I hit "add 10 bots" button, instantly 10 bots connect to the server, but some servers detect flooding. Is it possible to set some join delay for this function?
  48. BBB

    [Release] s0nicTz project 0.37 (Beta v0.2)

    if you have DirectX errors, install this
  49. BBB

    VPN more they offer free trial after registration, when it doesn't work anymore just register again, very simple takes 2min :troll: :troll::troll:
  50. BBB

    C++ get the name of the player that we got the target on

    (I really don't know) I don't think that u will find an offset for this but this might work by scanning some player structs in samp memory then u can get id/name from CPed etc but I don't know how either :catface: :catface::catface:
  51. BBB

    Untagged Release Teleporting to red marker ( not race checkpoint)

    I guess they mixed something up with the red marker? because its "harder" to get its coords :>
  52. BBB

    Change AHK Hotkey? :D

    *~$Control:: Sleep 200 Loop { GetKeyState, SpaceState, Control, P If SpaceState = U break Sleep 1 Send, {Blind}{Space} } Return ._.
  53. BBB

    Change AHK Hotkey? :D

    *~$^:: Sleep 200 Loop { GetKeyState, SpaceState, Space, P If SpaceState = U break Sleep 1 Send, {Blind}{Space} } Return
  54. BBB

    ger samp forum

    ..ich fand es witzig, wie sich der herr da für einen experten hält aber schon gut :catface: :catface::catface: :angry: :angry::angry:
  55. BBB

    ger samp forum

    dann die korrektur von "trollbeit" zu "tr0llbeit".. xD diese experten lol
  56. BBB

    incar /onfoot rotation

    #done [youtube:15iscbf7][/youtube:15iscbf7]
  57. BBB


    /e fail works perfectly thanks
  58. BBB


    I don't know if I interpreted it correctly :/ patch samp R1-2 like this? it dind't work.. WriteMem(( addr + 0x60FF0 ), (DWORD)"\x8B\x54\x24\x08", 4); *((BYTE*)( addr + 0x60FF0 )) = 0xC3;
  59. BBB


    I've created a function to enable/disable player control, but it sometimes freezes my game -.- pls help void ToggleFreeze(int b) { DWORD addr = (DWORD)GetModuleHandle(L"samp.dll"); if(!addr) return; DWORD playerptr = addr+0x212A4C; //some ptr DWORD func1 = (addr+0x1010); // found...
  60. BBB

    incar /onfoot rotation

    I didn't say that this checkpoint is far away... so I don't have to care about buildings etc. T3K's reaction was like: "oh I know what your're planning, it won't work" instead of helping with my current problem -.-
  61. BBB

    incar /onfoot rotation

    why u talk shit but dont help? :yuno: :yuno::yuno: anyway, I found that
  62. BBB

    incar /onfoot rotation

    thanks, now how can I let my vehicle drive for a certain direction? for example it should drive to the red marker, I can get its coordinates but how do I calculate this stuff ..
  63. BBB

    incar /onfoot rotation

    How do I get the onfoot and incar rotation ?
  64. BBB

    How to hook a function?

    maybe I wasn't clear enough by hooking I mean intercepting the function call and change it's behavior using this I can change the parameters, or just do nothing etc.
  65. BBB

    How to hook a function?

    @25ghz: nonetheless I solved this problem 2 months ago, this has nothing to do with hooking? ^^
  66. BBB

    Help How the fuck do i join 2 samp servers using Sandboxie ?

    for me it works using sandboxed samp.exe have u changed any settings in sandboxie? maybe thats the problem i dont know or reinstall samp or code a custom gta launcher, maybe it works
  67. BBB

    [SNIPPET] Get aiming positionaim

    Re: Get aiming position How does this cleo car light mod work if its not server sided? :? :?:? Because on multiplayer other players can see your lights flashing.(?)
  68. BBB

    How to hook a function?

    @StyleRxd I didn't mean that.. @0x688 I have found a tutorial about hooking by using the detours 1.5 lib but I don't get it howto include that into my project, plz help
  69. BBB

    How to hook a function?

    Can someone give me an example of hooking the "GameTextForPlayer"-function? I would like to get the content of its pushed parameters.