SA-MP - Can't do anything! (S0nicTz) - d3d9.dll.


Dec 21, 2013
Reaction score
Guys, I had SA-MP for a while... and now I installed S0nicTz, and guess what happened... I join a server, my character is supposed to appear behing Login box, he doesn't, when I login and spawn he bug-spawns at Blueberry, when I try to use teleport command (/goto) my character doesn't teleport, there is also a server command /v which spawns you a vehicle and puts you inside it, when I do that it just spawns a vehicle but doesn't put me inside.

I tried reinstalling SA-MP... I'll try to reinstall S0nicTz, and see if that helps... I am not sure what is the problem exactly... It seems as if something is blocking server script to issue commands and stuff on me, but I already checked all the NOPs they don't seem to be bothering, I tried both enabling and disabling all of them.

Guys, hopefully you can help, and thanks.

  • [*]1. EDIT: I removed S0nicTz, reinstalled SA-MP, seems to be working now, however I do want S0nicTz, going to check which file is causing this issue... possibility is that I'm using SA-MP R1 while this S0nicTz may be for SA-MP R1-2.

    [*]2. EDIT: d3d9.dll is causing the issue, by deleting it the problem is removed, however S0nicTz does not function, requesting a fix-file by a good soul that may be found on these forums. :) :):)

    [*]3. EDIT: Attempted to use S0nicTz fix, did not work. Attempted to remove CLEO mods and CLEO.asi which may be causing the issue - the issue hasn't been fixed by doing so. Still waiting for help and probably a working d3d9.dll.


Dec 21, 2013
Reaction score
25GHz is a fucking legend!!!!!!!

I used v0.37 Beta 0.2, the one that is on the forums, couldn't get it to work. I mean the cheat would work, but server could not issue a single command on me that would change my position or location, not sure about kicks or bans though, anyway, that is all great if you are playing on zombie servers, DayZ, but I currently don't need that, and so I stumbled across 25GHz's S0nicTz installer, which worked! That d3d9.dll is the working one.

Now of course if I decide to fuck with admins how I take fall damage, take bullet damage but do not take any script damage, so they would think it's a script failure, I know which d3d9.dll to use! ;) ;);)