Recent content by CH34T3R

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    kijk app
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    I've no clue my friend.
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    Weapon and skin mod.

    You can also use spark which is a lot easier and what I do. Put it in Custom then.
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    CLEO Release New swim.cs makes you swim faster without fps 20!

    Does it make you lag? like when you do /fpslimit 20?
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    CLEO Release Player Informer

    Works great for me.
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    CLEO Help Vehicles name...

    This works PERFECT!! Awesome really appreciated man!
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    CLEO Release Skin-Aimbot.cs - without 180° spin

    I already have that.
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    CLEO Help Vehicles name...

    Awesome thankyou! :D
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    CLEO Help Vehicles name...

    Ye this would be awesome when you enter your car it shows the name of it below, can you also make something like this a cleo or something which show you in what town you are? Like in GTA singleplayer it says: Idlewood or Ganton such like that just right in the middle of the screen would be great...
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    Weapon and skin mod.

    This is a video I uploaded a while ago, the video sucks really but the weapons are awesome! I'm still using them and I'll update the video soon. Download is in the description. Weapons: Mp5 - Desert Eagle - M4 - Rifle - RPG - Molotov Then the Deagle...
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    Dizz Nicca's Mod pack V2

    Does it contain the radar mod aswell?
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    [Find]Best Enb 2014

    Lol this most likely but it's easy to fix, all the DLL files can be found here:
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    CLEO Release Player Informer

    It's not working, when will this be fixed?