Recent content by MasterZero

  1. MasterZero

    Selling PUBG hack

    so, what if i'll create same cheat but with half-value?) or do payment one times at all?)
  2. MasterZero

    m0d_sa Release Red Eclipse V15 Private by MasterZer0

    ayyy lmao, what did you do with the s0beit?) What different between it and original v4 version, published about 2 years ago? I hoped, that you all can use source to create good funcs. And what i see? Russification? MasterZer0 or who took my nickname, you are pointless.
  3. MasterZero

    Looking to buy a LEGIT AIM/TRIGGER for recording 0.3.DL

    just wait for a few days. Now I am working for sobeit 0.3 DL ;) 
  4. MasterZero

    [ASI] how to find phandle of the current process?
  5. MasterZero

    imgui and sampfuncs problems

    >windows.h first of all you need to install Windows SDK to your VS. Otherwise you cannot create any WinAPI applications. >3385 errors lol, you are lucky guy
  6. MasterZero

    GTA San Andreas

  7. MasterZero

    will there be new nops in 0.3.8?

    just different names. nothing else more.
  8. MasterZero

    will there be new nops in 0.3.8?

    Kalcor is pidor) [hr] so, that is what I found on the sa-mp forum: 1. 0.3.8 will not relise 2. there is 0.3.7-DL will be instead 3. 0.3.7 and 0.3.7-DL clients are NOT compatible 4. 0.3.7-DL will be placed as realise (not RC) now i wonder when it will happen)
  9. MasterZero

    m0d_sa Release [Mod Sobeit] OverLight v3 (with source code)

    Nice one. I thought you abandoned this shitty game)
  10. MasterZero

    m0d_sa Release Red Eclipse V15 Private by MasterZer0

    I am allow do anything with blue eclipse source))0)) You can ask now krakazabra, but I am sure at 90%, that aswer will be positive
  11. MasterZero

    Release Blue Eclipse Source Code

    >This code is a goddamn mess :o i know. Me and krakazabra create many trash code and later just dont wanna fix it :D > Hope you added pitfalls for some people  no pitfalls. compile & run ;)
  12. MasterZero

    Release Blue Eclipse Source Code

    deleted by Krakazabra request