Recent content by ok_299

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    Working Brazzers account

    great where do you find these?
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    CLEO Release SniperZoom.cs

    Awesome! Great job, man.  :somuchwin:
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    CLEO Release SniperZoom.cs

    Works like a charm on 0.3z R1. Only problem is the "zoom" bug at x16 (pressing y once) and aiming out, your screen stays zoomed in and the somewhat inconvenient zoom keys. I'm not complaining though, good job.
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    CLEO Release Shadow.cs

    Pretty cool, but it's kind of buggy (shadows take a while to appear at further distances). Better than using ENB though.
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    i wan pusi

    This. Get to work, admins!
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    kkkkkkk que porra foi essa que acabei de ver?
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    Help [HELP]VPN

    I also need help with this, I can't get it to work.
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    Causing crash.