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  1. M

    CLEO Release Auto KeyBind

    Abejoju ar kazkur panaudojamas configas...
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    m0d_sa Release [Mod Sobeit] OverLight

    does this sobeit requires any cleo 4 instal, or sampfuncs? cuz with this sobeit, my san andreas dont stars. instant crash.
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    This just a fucking invul  :celeral_guy:
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    Da fuck? Avast found Malware  :urtheman:
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    CLEO Release AutoCmdSenderv2.0 - UNLIMITED KEYBINDS!

    1. Ok, are those 2 files need to add in the SA Cleo folder?  2. I need to change text like this: /event 1 - /event 99. In RPG servers are events, when need to chat a number off event. Can you do for me a button on my keybord "*" to say all numbers 1-99? Like /event 1 /event 2 /event 3...
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    RPG servers /event 1-99 script.

    Hey all. My english is bad, so please no comments :D Can you do for me a script? Who will in game in do all comands like /event 1-99? When is admin doing a event, and if you want to get in you need to do a command like is event is wearing like: if you want to get in this event say number ...