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    CLEO Help What is the command for instant stop?

    Any opcodes for instant stop? I tried searching but no luck.
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    CLEO Help Help in my mats run cs

    My problems is that it won't repeat the process and sometimes do bad things, I made this so I can do afk and do some business. if there are any cool suggestions, please help me out. thanks {$CLEO .cs} thread 'Wittzi' :Wittzi_01 wait 0 if and 0256: player $PLAYER_CHAR defined 00DF: actor...
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    CLEO Help Know the hidden Deathmatcher

    I'm working on a CLEO that prompts who ever gives damage to me, I have a problem. How can I get the actor's ID ? What I need to do is that it will message me, who ever gives me damage and the weapon used. {$CLEO .cs} thread 'Wittzi' :LOAD wait 0 if 8AF7: get_samp_base_to 0@...
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    CLEO Release Auto seatbelt(/seatbelt) for RP servers

    For Rp servers that provide seatbelt ( /seatbelt ) feature.. Safety is a must :) :):) :happy: :happy::happy: {$CLEO .cs} thread 'Gio' :LOAD wait 0 if 8AF7: get_samp_base_to 0@ then 0A93: end_custom_thread end repeat wait 400 until 0AFA...
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    CLEO Help CLEO help, sends a message when I'm in a certain coordinate

    {$CLEO .cs} thread 'Wittzi' :Wittzi_01 wait 0 if 0256: player $PLAYER_CHAR defined else_Jump @Wittzi_01 if 00DF: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR driving else_jump @Wittzi_01 if 00EC: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR 0 near_point 1420.403 -1324.796 13.262 radius 80.0 80.0 else_jump @Wittzi_01 0AF9: "/gmats"...
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    CLEO Help Cleo checks msg entered at samp

    Like I send /teleport my cleo will activate. Thanks in advance
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    Help Can't bypass s0beit

    Hmmm, the server I'm playing got good anti cheat. I always got kicked when entering, any solutions?
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    Help s0beit Nick

    Is there a way that I can change my nick when I reconnect? *Shift+0* . Example I wanna be Ian_Travolta when my name is Ian_Dickstorikszki
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    CLEO Help S0beit Help

    Hmmm I'm still being kicked from the server, I toggled Toggleplayercontrollable on. Any solutions?
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    CLEO Help Can enter any restricted vehicle

    Vehicles exclusive for VIP , LSPD , LSFMD , Gov and such. I'm using s0beit, I used disable incar data but I can't see no one. But I can drive
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    Help S0beit help

    Hmmm I'm now playing at a shop. I installed s0beit, only GTA Patches , no SAMP Patches, any solutions?
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    CLEO Help I got s0beit

    The name tags of s0beit is so creepy for me, is there a way to maintain the normal name tag? while it is still activated?
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    CLEO Help I need help

    I wanna pwn the server that scott wants to pwned, I hate the admins there also, I wanna know how he bypassed the Auto kick? the Hack installed