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  1. FinestSamp

    PR-RP Latest script.

    I'm selling the latest PR-RP script no scams, i'll be bringing proof to you if you're buying it or not it's going for $30 paypal let me know and i'm willing to sell it to you so you can either create a server or make more profit from it! No scams, if you think it is a scam as I say your at your...
  2. FinestSamp

    PR-RP Latest script.

    I'm currently selling the current PR-RP script in use right now that PR-RP is using which is the 2014 script of PR-RP (Project Reality Roleplay). I'm willing to sell this script for cheaper than I got it yes, i'm updating this post/status to provide you more info on the script itself. To be more...
  3. FinestSamp


    I know I will get some hate for this for further due, but my question is why does my game keep crashing with silentaim? I don't think it's the file it's self. I can delete the SilentAim.cs from the gta CLEO folder, and yes If you ask Sampfun.cs is installed and the problem is I think that is...