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  1. KamikazeSripterul

    [LUA] Getting chat line full colours

    Hello people, what I am trying to do is get a literal copy of a line in the chat and it's not working. What I mean by "it's not working" is that it doesn't get all the colour. Let's say you have multiple colours from the server in one chat line, the line will not get copied accordingly. An...
  2. KamikazeSripterul

    [LUA] Perform action on click of player

    Hello dear scripters, I was researching on a function in LUA that can help me detect the click of a player. What I want my mod to do is be able to enable / disable the crosshair through right click and using the click of a player, it would do [/id <id of the player>]. I couldn't find a function...
  3. KamikazeSripterul

    [LUA] Turning lights on car lights

    Hello! I am trying to make a mod in LUA where if you press left arrow, the lights (both front and rear) on the left side of the car turn on. Similarily, if you press right arrow, the lights (both front and rear) on the right side of the car turn on. I've tried the only 2 commands that I found on...
  4. KamikazeSripterul

    [LUA] Getting color of every character in string

    Hello! I am making a mod, and part of it includes the player's name. Players on this server have clans, thus have clan tags. Typing [/id <id>] you get this (click). How can I get just the name of the player from this string? I think I could get the name and clan tag altogether from that string...
  5. KamikazeSripterul

    Help [LUA] Remove last line from chat

    Hello dear scripters, I am new to lua and I am trying to remove the last string from the chat. I don't really know how to do this and looking at lua docs, I can't find a way to do so. Would anyone be able to help me? Thank you in advance
  6. KamikazeSripterul

    CLEO Help Ignore last line containing player's name

    Hello dear scripters, I want to make a script, where if you type command (/block <id>), it will get that user's name by ID and then make disappear any line that contains that player name. My problem is that I am not sure how to do this for multiple players. What I was thinking is to have an...
  7. KamikazeSripterul

    CLEO Help Restart CMD

    I tried making a code in-game so I don't have to keep quiting the game and re-enter and so on so my question is, why doesn't this work? {$CLEO} {$INCLUDE SF} 0000: thread "TestsCMD" repeat wait 0 until SAMP.Available() 0B34: "restart" @restart WHILE TRUE WAIT 0 END :restart...
  8. KamikazeSripterul

    CLEO Help Perform action on TXD

    If you have a txd that you must press on, what is an opcode or a snippet to do this?
  9. KamikazeSripterul

    CLEO Help Automatic Dialog

    Hey guys. I have thought of the idea of making a feature to a dialog that samp doesn't have it. So this is what I thought: If you are on the first item of a dialog, and you press up arrow, it would automatically go to the last item and vice versa. So basically you wouldn't have to press down...
  10. KamikazeSripterul

    AHK - Auto Press '[' and ']'

    Hello, can anyone help me make a script in ahk where if you hold click, it will spam both keys '[' and ']'. Thank you.
  11. KamikazeSripterul

    CLEO Help Get player Phone Number

    Hello! I want to make this as a call function but i am not sure how to use those and how to put them so they actually work. So here is what you have to do. 1. you will have command /teamag <id> <id> <id> <id> 2. for each of those id's you will type /number <id> 3. you will take the phone number...
  12. KamikazeSripterul

    CLEO Help /next & /prev

    {$CLEO} {$INCLUDE SF} 0000: thread "TesterCMD" repeat wait 0 until SAMP.Available() 15@ = 0 0B34: "start" @start 0B34: "stop" @stop 0B34: "next" @next 0B34: "prev" @previous WHILE TRUE WAIT 0 IF 10@ == -1 THEN chatmsg "{cecece}[TesterCMD]: {ff0000}Foloseste /next pentru...
  13. KamikazeSripterul

    CLEO Help Format String

    Hei! So i see in a few cleo's things like this '0AA5: call 0x8220AD num_params 3 pop 3 5@ "%*[^,], %[^,]" 28@'. Now, this is just an example but i am confused about "%*[^,], %[^,]". How do you know which characters you need for what?
  14. KamikazeSripterul

    CLEO Help Confirm Action

    So i tried to make a confirmation system but it doesn't work... So this is how it works. Once you type either /quitgroup or /quitclan, you will be displayed a dialog to ensure you want to quit the clan / group. After that, it will ask again in chat for key confirmation, so you have to press...
  15. KamikazeSripterul

    CLEO Help Edit log-in text

    So on the server i play, you get notified when a friend joins the server. ( ). I have tried to get the name from the string, and edit the string but keeping the same name.. if that makes sense. Also, you can edit your desired sentence from game. So if you're in-game you can type /loginname Hi...
  16. KamikazeSripterul

    CLEO Help Text backwards

    Hei. How can i make a command that will type the string backwards? So if i say /back Hei it will say in chat ieH? Thanks in advance.
  17. KamikazeSripterul

    CLEO Help Drive to race checkpoint

    So the process of this job is the followng: - get into bus, your checkpoint will appear - drive to checkpoint - when you arrive to checkpoint it says 'Please stop in the checkpoint.' - After 2-3 sec the current checkpoint will disappear and another one will appear. This process is repeated again...
  18. KamikazeSripterul

    CLEO Help Checkpoint coords

    If i have an active checkpoint from the server, how would i get the coords of this checkpoint? I need it for a job which keep gives you checkpoints, so i guess it's a race checkpoint. Also, i need something to check if race checkpoint is active, i could only find the ones used for normal...
  19. KamikazeSripterul

    CLEO Help Is Checkpoint active

    So i tried to make a code which allows u to disable the checkpoint by pressing the key K. When you press K it sees if there is an active checkpoint, then types /killcp, however, it crashes. WHILE TRUE WAIT 0 IF AND NOT SAMP.ChatInputOpened() key_down 75 THEN IF 0AB1...
  20. KamikazeSripterul


    Hei. I'm not used to the idea of not using sampfuncs and recently i tried to help as many people as possible w their scripts and noticed a high percentage of these people dont use sampfuncs. Do you have any tips and tricks or anything i should know about working w no sampfuncs? (e.g how to start...
  21. KamikazeSripterul

    CLEO Help Car Job Detector

    Hi! So i thought of this idea to see how many players driver car Y used for job X. Forget the job name, i just need to find out how many players driver a tractor for example, and make a variable to which you can add and substract 1 depending on how many people driver this vehicle. Can anyone help?
  22. KamikazeSripterul

    CLEO Help Job's Cars

    Okay, i might be a little stupid by making a billion posts on the same topic. I want to make a dialog which will show how many people are in certain job vehicles. If someone leaves / enters one of those vehicles, obviously the numbers will change. I am having trouble of figuring out how to...
  23. KamikazeSripterul

    CLEO Help player's car

    On RP servers there are certain jobs. I want to know how many people are in the jobs' vehicles. I have done this so far however it isn't working properly, i get crash as i enter the game. I am not very experienced with this type of dialog.. Anyone help? {$CLEO} {$INCLUDE SF} 0000: thread...
  24. KamikazeSripterul

    CLEO Help 3D Text

    So on the server that i play there is this mission called Wang Cars Dealership. On the wall there are the names of 6 cars (like so ). I have tried both of these ( ) (...
  25. KamikazeSripterul

    CLEO Help Dialog.GetControlPos

    How do you use Dialog.GetControlPos? I am curious of other functions too. Anyone know any topic or forum where i can find the use of these?
  26. KamikazeSripterul

    CLEO Help Allocating Memory

    I want to make an input dialog (style 1) in which a command will be typed. How much memory do i need to allocate in order to store that command in a .ini file?
  27. KamikazeSripterul

    CLEO Help key pressed

    Hey, I've been thinking of a cleo however im not sure how to get the key that has been pressed. So if i press 'F' the key will appear in chat. I don't want to write 'if key_down {key}' for every existing key. Is there any way to make it quicker and cleaner?
  28. KamikazeSripterul

    CLEO Help Turning car lights on

    HI! So I have been testing a few opcodes to see if i could automatically turn on the lights however, i have noticed that they are only turned on for me, not for the server i play on. The point is to set the car lights on while im in the car. The lights shouldnt be turned off at any time unless...
  29. KamikazeSripterul

    CLEO Help Command with multiple parameters

    So I need a command that can take multiple parameters. I'm not 100% sure how to make this but im certain that what i've tried isn't working. Imagine you have a command [/test <string> <integer>]. String beind either 'info' showing a dialog or 'start' which then requiers you to also enter an...
  30. KamikazeSripterul

    CLEO Help Car health warning

    Hi! I've made this car warning kind of thing for taxi drivers. Once it is lower than 500, it will put a warning in chat (chatmsg "warning" -1) however when i get in the car, i get lots of errors in chat then crash. May someone help? // repair warning IF AND 25@ == 1 0602: actor...
  31. KamikazeSripterul

    CLEO Help Active checkpoint

    Hi. How can I check for active checkpoint? I have only found a few opcodes that only create and other few things but not what i need. Can someone help me please?
  32. KamikazeSripterul

    CLEO Help Selecting Dialog Item

    So my aim is to select the 1st/2nd/3rd/4rd item of the dialog '/clan' which is a server dialog. The problem is that none of the commands dont work... which im not sure why.. Can anyone help please? {$CLEO} {$INCLUDE SF} 0000: thread "ClanCMD" repeat wait 0 until SAMP.Available() chatmsg...
  33. KamikazeSripterul

    Linking Scripts

    So I have a script with multiple ideas but to be neater, i wish to make 2 .cs files that could link to a common dialog. For example in 1.cs i have /servercmd (example) and if it will choose the 2nd item it will activate 2.cs continuing with the script from the 2nd .cs file. Is that possible?
  34. KamikazeSripterul

    Writing String To Dialog From Game

    So I've thought of this idea of writing a specific message from the game. What i need exactly is the dialog box with the list of strings added throughout the game. The proccess is: > Type command [/list] (example) > Show the empty dialog with 2 buttons ADD and CLOSE > When press CLOSE, close...
  35. KamikazeSripterul

    CLEO Help Writing Strings

    Hello again. I've tried to make this fancy way of writing a string into a .ini file instead of just making a boring command however it doesnt work very well. 0B34: "acommand" @acommand WHILE TRUE WAIT 0 IF SAMP.DialogRespond(1000, 2@, 0, 3@) THEN IF 2@ == 0 THEN...
  36. KamikazeSripterul

    CLEO Help AutoClicker

    So I've tried to make this cool autoclicker however it doesn't respond when i type the text in the chat... anyone knows why? Also, how would i test for the colour of the text too? {$CLEO} {$INCLUDE SF} 0000: thread "AutoClicker" repeat wait 0 until SAMP.Available() 0B34: "autoclicker"...
  37. KamikazeSripterul


    So I've tried to make a textbox once the whole script has been running but when i test it in game, nothing happens. alloc 2@ 260 0B75: samp get_chat_string 99 text_to 2@ prefix_to 3@ color_to 4@ prefix_color_to 5@ if or 4@ == 0xffffd700 4@ == 0xff4dad2b then...
  38. KamikazeSripterul

    CLEO Help Different "Titles"

    Hi! So I know there are more types of "Titles" for example chatmsg, printstring, etc. Does anyone know how many there are and how they look like? Or if there is a link to such a thing? Thanks a lot!
  39. KamikazeSripterul

    CLEO Help writing string value to .ini

    So I've done this code, with the help of one of the members of this community, BUT it doesn't work rlly well and it crashes. I'm not sure if i need to allocate any memory or anything. Can someone help? --> Here's some videos to show the problem - /balance (it writes the right value in .ini file...
  40. KamikazeSripterul

    CLEO Help Getting value from chat string

    So what I've tried to do is to get the value from the chat and write it in .ini file. This is the string : Your account balance is now $25.255.525. It doesn't work. It just gives a lot of errors then crashes. alloc 2@ 260 0B75: samp get_chat_string 99 text_to 2@ prefix_to 3@ color_to 4@...
  41. KamikazeSripterul

    CLEO Help s% d% c% x%

    So I've seen a post that had a link towards the s% d% c% and x% but i cant find it anymore. Cand someone put up the link please? Thx
  42. KamikazeSripterul

    CLEO Help Getting Car Speed

    So I've been trying to get the car's speed in order to make a limiter, if that makes sense, although it doesn't work and i dont really find the mistake.. Can someone help please? 0AF0: 5@ = get_int_from_ini_file "cleo\ServerCMD.ini" section "AntiTicket" key "states" 0AF0: 7@ =...
  43. KamikazeSripterul

    CLEO Help read_from_ini_file doesn't give information

    So in .ini file I put the value $2.500.512 and i made a dialog in which it would show the value. Here's the code if and 20@ == 1 21@ == 2 then 0AC8: 29@ = allocate_memory_size 75 0AF4: 29@ = read_string_from_ini_file "cleo\ServerCMD.ini" section...
  44. KamikazeSripterul

    CLEO Help GetPlayerColor

    So I've tried to make a code in order to see player's color, for example, if a player is in a faction and has a different name color, i could see what that color is. Here's the code: {$CLEO .cs} thread "PlayerColor" 0000: repeat wait 0 until SAMP.Available() 0B34: "playercolor"...
  45. KamikazeSripterul

    CLEO Help Getting Chat String

    So I tried to make a script in which when the following is been said, it would say the next things in "" but it doesn't work... Can anyone help me please? {$CLEO .cs} thread "Auto-Clicker" 0000: repeat wait 0 until SAMP.Available() while true wait 0 SAMP.GetChatString(1@...
  46. KamikazeSripterul

    CLEO Help Getting TXD ID

    Hi! So I've been questioning this to myself for a long time and looked at some examples of codes which used TXD ID. I can't figure it out how to get the TXD ID from the screen... if you know what i mean.. The server I currently play on has a HUD when you enter the car, which tell you the speed...
  47. KamikazeSripterul

    CLEO Help Getting Chat String

    So I tried to make a script in which when the following is been said, it would say the next things in "" but it doesn't work... Can anyone help me please? {$CLEO .cs} thread "Auto-Clicker" 0000: repeat wait 0 until SAMP.Available() while true wait 0 SAMP.GetChatString(1@...
  48. KamikazeSripterul

    CLEO Help Dialog not giving right value

    So... I've tried this piece of code out and see if it works... It certainly doesn't work as I would expect it to.. Code: if SAMP.DialogRespond(830, 20@, 0, 25@) then if 20@ == 1 then 0C1A: 26@ = atoi 25@ if SAMP.IsPlayerConnected(26@) then...
  49. KamikazeSripterul

    CLEO Help %s & %d in a dialog

    Hey. So ive tried to make a new script or something that i'd be able to use in a project i'm working on even though i'm not sure how to solve this. So here's the script: if SAMP.DialogRespond(830, 20@, 0, 25@) then if 20@ == 1 then 0C1A: 26@ = atoi 25@...
  50. KamikazeSripterul

    CLEO Help [Cleo] Automatic Frequency Set

    Hi! So I've tried to make this automatic ish thing that would eventually set a frequency you've input by using /freqno or if you type /freq off it'd turn it off but when i type /freq on or /freq off it crashes. Can this be solved??
  51. KamikazeSripterul

    CLEO Help [CLEO] Automatic [/puthelmet] on bikes

    Hi! I've tried to make a script in which when I enter a vehicle of type "Bike" it types /puthelmet automatic BUT if I go from a NRG-500 to a normal Bike, it says an error, as i'd be in a car. Anyone knows how to improve this script? Thanks 0AF0: 2@ = get_int_from_ini_file "cleo\ServerCMD.ini"...
  52. KamikazeSripterul

    CLEO Help Cleo Sripting ( Sanny Builder )

    I tried to make a long dialog in which you can have several choices but certain this script is right because as I try to join the game, it shows a lot of errors in chat and then it crashes. What's wrong with the script? {$CLEO .cs} thread "CivilCMD" 0000: repeat wait 0 until...