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  1. G

    CLEO Release Synced Jack | Simple Cleo with EnterVehicle RPC

    Hi, this is a simple Cleo that I made for myself to enter vehicles with it's ID. Some servers have anticheat protection, if you don't send EnterVehicle RPC, you could get kicked. This server avoids this by sending EnterVehicle while teleporting to the car. Usage: /js [veh id] Uses SAMPFuncs...
  2. G

    Help How to apply NetPatches without s0beit?

    I just want to apply s0beit's netPatches but without actually using s0beit. How to? Specifically GiveTakeDamage is the one i want to patch. If someone has its address then please give it to me. Thanks
  3. G

    Dialog/Menu Repeater, Enter for more Info

    Hi. Here's the case. Lets say theres a menu in a RP for selling cars. When I sell the Car by selecting the item on the menu, i want the menu to show up again, like to send the "sell car" item twice or thrice  :dont_care: . Can you do It? I put it in general cuz i dont know if It can be a Cleo...
  4. G

    (Request) Someone to get and login with any nickname (something wiht XXXX_XXXXX)

    Hi. This is a SV of spanish roleplay. They opened a "Private server" in which you have to pay 5$ or 350k ingame (almost 5$ of real life)  :okey:. When you try to join it will talk you in spanish a shit about that you have to pay and register from their web  :youdontsay:, so when you hit the OK...
  5. G

    [Request] Auto disconnect when admin connects

    Where do you saw it: No where Name of the mod: No name What do you want: I want a mod so that when a admin enters it auto-disconnects my SA-MP automaticaly thx
  6. G

    [Request] Force Spawn

    Where do you saw it: Nowhere What do you want: I want a cleo o something that allows me to spawn without servers consentiment. Like before putting a password, i dont want to put it, just force the spawn. thx