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  1. D

    CLEO Help read ini data with indexed session

    I switched to 20@v, and was resolved, thanks for the help.
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    CLEO Help read ini data with indexed session

    I'm trying to read data from an ini file through an index, but the data is not read correctly, I am doing something wrong, can someone help me? ... :diabo_main wait 0 if  0AAB: file_exists "cleo\test.ini" then     0AF0: 1@ = get_int_from_ini_file "cleo\test.ini" section "maxindex" key "max"    ...
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    Register coords of player and do something about them

    Re: 7)register coords of player and do something about -TUT Thank you very BlackHat, his explanation was exellent, @0 bug translator. Original 0@. Great tutorials, thanks again, sorry my bad english.
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    Register coords of player and do something about them

    Re: 7)register coords of player and do something about -TUT I have a question about local variable @ I create thread "name" : name_main @ 0 = 3 ... : name_command : name_etc end_custom_thread I have 0 on @ name_main, she will have the same value in name_command and name_etc? Or each...
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    Tanks (: