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  1. DickInferno

    LSPD Chopper Camera mod

    This is awesome! Can u make it possible to hide the crosshair when the target is locked? Would be good.
  2. DickInferno

    CLEO Help NickChanger with ip and port

    Yes. All files from "SB data" to "C:\Program Files (x86)\Sanny Builder 3\data\sa" Maybe I get the wrong sf files.. can u give me the right files?
  3. DickInferno

    CLEO Help NickChanger with ip and port

    ok... same code and it works... something wrong with my compiler.. what could it be?
  4. DickInferno

    CLEO Help NickChanger with ip and port

    :bawww: THIS is exactly that what i did! like i said, it returns only the first charaker from Name and ip... I can't understand it... Typed this(C&P): This was returned:
  5. DickInferno

    CLEO Help NickChanger with ip and port

    :forever_opcode_alone: sry... {$CLEO} if not 29@ = samp.Base() then end_thread else     while not samp.Available()     wait 0     end end 0B34: samp register_client_command "nickip" to_label @nick while true     wait 0 end :nick wait 0 if 0B35: samp 1@ = get_last_command_params     then  ...
  6. DickInferno

    CLEO Help NickChanger with ip and port

    ok got it. 0AD4: 2@ = scan_string 1@ format "%s %s %d" 5@v 10@v 4@ 5@v is returning the first char from my entry (Typed "User123" and it returns "U") and 10@v returns also the first char too(Typed "" and it returns "1") Ok. this is a lil confusing.. Can anyone explain?
  7. DickInferno

    CLEO Help NickChanger with ip and port

    Got this Opcode.exe thanks! Thanks spring. but i want to know and understand what's wrong with my code now: I typed "/nickip User123 5678" it returns this: Aaaand this is my code so far: if 0B35: samp 1@ = get_last_command_params     then     0AC8...
  8. DickInferno

    CLEO Help NickChanger with ip and port

    Hey Igotthiscleofromhere: I want to make it possible to change the ip... Example: /nick NICKNAME IP PORT How can I do that? Script so far(not from me) {$CLEO} if not 29@ = samp.Base() then end_thread else     while not samp.Available()    ...