Search results

  1. Z


    when a person puts on Night vision, every one around him gets caught in it and the NV appears in their screen also...(stupid SA:MP bug) so with this mod you won't get bugged... no hot keys.. its automatic..
  2. Z

    Any wifi hacker for android?
  3. Z

    [Req]handling drift working samp 0.3x

    HANDLING.TWO in s0beit doesn't work with 0.3x?
  4. Z

    Only Ping Shower Trollbeit

    why don't you get pingpoint.cs mod?(cleo)
  5. Z

    Effective crosshair.

    Crosshair+pingpoint = Crash after death
  6. Z

    Ping Increaser

    and if you get the wrong ip address(banned) then they'll ban you for ban evading thinking that you are some hacker trying to ban evading with the similar ip address which is already banned.. get net limiter and set a upload limit to something like 600kbps i got my ping from 200 to 700-800 with...
  7. Z

    CLEO Help Editing HitBox marker

    after changing it to 038E: draw_box_position 6@ 7@ size 20.0 20.0 RGBA 0 50 155 200 038E: draw_box_position 6@ 7@ size 6.0 6.0 RGBA 255 0 0 200 and compiled the cleo stopped working.
  8. Z

    Super lag creator that is undetected?

    that can be done with just s0beit.. undetectable? depends on the server..
  9. Z

    Ping Increaser

    or... just download and install Net limiter from here: (Best and trusted warez) ... highlight= DL link(if you have not registered there): ... 0.0.11.rar After installing it search for gta_sa.exe in the list and...
  10. Z

    CLEO Help Error when opening SAMP

    delete Gta San andreas User File in Documents and check again if you get the error.
  11. Z

    CLEO Help Editing HitBox marker

    which part of the script should i change to make the box bigger? // This file was decompiled using sascm.ini published by Seemann ( on 13.10.2007 {$VERSION 3.1.0027} {$CLEO .cs} //-------------MAIN--------------- thread "PingPoint" 0662: NOP "Made by...
  12. Z

    CLEO Release 1

    hmm.. looks nice!! in which SA:MP server do you want me to come and pay you for this mod? :) :):)
  13. Z

    SA:MP live for 0.3x?

    can anybody update SA:MP live to 0.3x? or is it not possible without the source code? i really liked the in-game browsing feature..
  14. Z

    Untagged Release [ANY SAMP] Autobullet.eXe

    with this mod u can shoot some1 without even aiming at him.. aim and shoot at the wall and the enemy near you takes the bullet...
  15. Z

    Help Edit cars default handling or max speed?

    yes u can.. install s0beit then goto models/HANDLING.TWO(open with notepad) copy the sultan handling line and replace premier handling line with sultans then open m0d_sa.ini search for this line patch[] = "Custom handling.cfg (data/handling.two)" &0 0 "" 0x0086A96D "434647" "74776F" replace...
  16. Z

    CLEO Help Sobeit Help.

    check if you have installed 2 gta san andreas... you must have installed s0beit in the other gta san game... open SA:MP goto settings and make sure s0beit is installed in the right game.
  17. Z


    get RakSA:MP and edit the XML put the ip:port of the server and then run the client. u can also record route/steps(jobs/missions?) with a s0beit which has the record func and then play it with RAkSA:MP never tried tho.. but it is possible.
  18. Z

    Want Money Hack or Any other Hack or Bot of Big Servers :-

    Re: Want Money Hack or Any other Hack or Bot of Big Servers does the server allow gambling? if yes then u can make millions to billions of money..
  19. Z

    Untagged Release PingPoint.cs [Hitbox marker]

    antivirus(avira) was blocking SAMPFUNCS by FYP so i disabled it and then tried and it WORKED!
  20. Z


    Re: PREMIUM LINK GENERATOR - BYPASS THOSE SECONDS! WAIT NO M its a transloading server... it downloads the file you request with its premium account to its hard drive and offers the file to you at HIGH speed and resumable. here is another example.. this 1 is for downloading torrent files at...
  21. Z

    Caption This

    i don't think its just 1 guy who did this.. its a company just like any other antivirus company.
  22. Z

    What is the best bot crator

    1.RakSA:MP - u can find this on this forum.. 2.Wobot - not many ppl have it.[only 2 to 3 ppl have it including me]
  23. Z

    CLEO Release 1

    when a person puts on Night vision, every one around him gets caught in it and the NV appears in their screen also...(stupid SA:MP bug) so with this mod you won't get bugged... no hot keys.. its automatic..
  24. Z

    CLEO Release CarChanger.cs - Ram to change car

    really nice! it looks just like MTA car changer script which most of the racing servers use.
  25. Z

