CLEO Help DamageReducer.cs edit

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Nov 22, 2019
Reaction score
Someone could help me identify how I can change the damage values that this cleo changes, It is the damage reducer and is set for the Desert-Eagle to cause 30 damage, how do I increase it? I'm only interested in this weapon, I tried to change values everywhere but it still doesn't work. Beforehand thank you very much.

// This file was decompiled using SASCM.ini published by GTAG ( on 6.14.2013
{CLEO .cs}

0662: printstring "SYSTEMAIN.3DN.RU"

wait 0
0AB0:   key_pressed 113
0@ = 22
0@ += 36
0@ *= 112
0@ += 13150904
0@ += 34
0A8D: 20@ = read_memory 0@ size 2 virtual_protect 0
0A8C: write_memory 0@ size 2 value 15 virtual_protect 0
1@ = 23
1@ += 36
1@ *= 112
1@ += 13150904
1@ += 34
0A8D: 21@ = read_memory 1@ size 2 virtual_protect 0
0A8C: write_memory 1@ size 2 value 20 virtual_protect 0
2@ = 24
2@ += 36
2@ *= 112
2@ += 13150904
2@ += 34
0A8D: 22@ = read_memory 2@ size 2 virtual_protect 0
0A8C: write_memory 2@ size 2 value 90 virtual_protect 0
3@ = 25
3@ += 36
3@ *= 112
3@ += 13150904
3@ += 34
0A8D: 23@ = read_memory 3@ size 2 virtual_protect 0
0A8C: write_memory 3@ size 2 value 5 virtual_protect 0
4@ = 27
4@ += 36
4@ *= 112
4@ += 13150904
4@ += 34
0A8D: 24@ = read_memory 4@ size 2 virtual_protect 0
0A8C: write_memory 4@ size 2 value 7 virtual_protect 0
5@ = 29
5@ *= 112
5@ += 13150904
5@ += 34
0A8D: 25@ = read_memory 5@ size 2 virtual_protect 0
0A8C: write_memory 5@ size 2 value 9 virtual_protect 0
6@ = 30
6@ += 36
6@ *= 112
6@ += 13150904
6@ += 34
0A8D: 26@ = read_memory 6@ size 2 virtual_protect 0
0A8C: write_memory 6@ size 2 value 15 virtual_protect 0
7@ = 31
7@ += 36
7@ *= 112
7@ += 13150904
7@ += 34
0A8D: 27@ = read_memory 7@ size 2 virtual_protect 0
0A8C: write_memory 7@ size 2 value 15 virtual_protect 0
8@ = 33
8@ *= 112
8@ += 13150904
8@ += 34
0A8D: 28@ = read_memory 8@ size 2 virtual_protect 0
0A8C: write_memory 8@ size 2 value 30 virtual_protect 0
9@ = 34
9@ *= 112
9@ += 13150904
9@ += 34
0A8D: 29@ = read_memory 9@ size 2 virtual_protect 0
0A8C: write_memory 9@ size 2 value 50 virtual_protect 0
10@ = 28
10@ += 36
10@ *= 112
10@ += 13150904
10@ += 34
0A8D: 30@ = read_memory 10@ size 2 virtual_protect 0
0A8C: write_memory 10@ size 2 value 10 virtual_protect 0
11@ = 32
11@ += 36
11@ *= 112
11@ += 13150904
11@ += 34
0A8D: 31@ = read_memory 11@ size 2 virtual_protect 0
0A8C: write_memory 11@ size 2 value 10 virtual_protect 0
12@ = 37
12@ *= 112
12@ += 13150904
12@ += 34
0A8D: TIMERA = read_memory 12@ size 2 virtual_protect 0
0A8C: write_memory 12@ size 2 value 25 virtual_protect 0
13@ = 38
13@ += 36
13@ *= 112
13@ += 13150904
13@ += 34
0A8D: TIMERB = read_memory 13@ size 2 virtual_protect 0
0A8C: write_memory 13@ size 2 value 25 virtual_protect 0
14@ = 26
14@ += 36
14@ *= 112
14@ += 13150904
14@ += 34
0A8D: 34@ = read_memory 14@ size 2 virtual_protect 0
0A8C: write_memory 14@ size 2 value 6 virtual_protect 0
018C: play_sound 1085 at 0.0 0.0 0.0
wait 50
018C: play_sound 1085 at 0.0 0.0 0.0
wait 50
018C: play_sound 1085 at 0.0 0.0 0.0
00BC: show_text_highpriority GXT 'CHEAT1' time 1000 flag 1  // Cheat activated

wait 0
8AB0:   not key_pressed 113

wait 0
0AB0:   key_pressed 113
0A8C: write_memory 0@ size 2 value 20@ virtual_protect 0
0A8C: write_memory 1@ size 2 value 21@ virtual_protect 0
0A8C: write_memory 2@ size 2 value 22@ virtual_protect 0
0A8C: write_memory 3@ size 2 value 23@ virtual_protect 0
0A8C: write_memory 4@ size 2 value 24@ virtual_protect 0
0A8C: write_memory 5@ size 2 value 25@ virtual_protect 0
0A8C: write_memory 6@ size 2 value 26@ virtual_protect 0
0A8C: write_memory 7@ size 2 value 27@ virtual_protect 0
0A8C: write_memory 8@ size 2 value 28@ virtual_protect 0
0A8C: write_memory 9@ size 2 value 29@ virtual_protect 0
0A8C: write_memory 10@ size 2 value 30@ virtual_protect 0
0A8C: write_memory 11@ size 2 value 31@ virtual_protect 0
0A8C: write_memory 12@ size 2 value TIMERA virtual_protect 0
0A8C: write_memory 13@ size 2 value TIMERB virtual_protect 0
0A8C: write_memory 14@ size 2 value 34@ virtual_protect 0
018C: play_sound 1084 at 0.0 0.0 0.0
wait 50
018C: play_sound 1084 at 0.0 0.0 0.0
wait 50
018C: play_sound 1084 at 0.0 0.0 0.0
00BC: show_text_highpriority GXT 'CHEAT8' time 1000 flag 1  // Cheat deactivated

wait 0
8AB0:   not key_pressed 113

@Opcode.eXe @springfield @monday @Zin


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Aug 1, 2013
Reaction score
From what I see it's changing weapon.dat memory and if you're interested in just one weapon you might aswell just use this snippet it's much easier to understand and you'll be better off for it if you want to do more weapons and fiddle around with the settings.


Nov 22, 2019
Reaction score
From what I see it's changing weapon.dat memory and if you're interested in just one weapon you might aswell just use this snippet it's much easier to understand and you'll be better off for it if you want to do more weapons and fiddle around with the settings.

unfortunately I can't understand the code very well, I'm something new in this .. Could you give me a base on how to edit the weapon.dat?

#    A:        string weaponType
#    B:        string eFireType
#    C,D:    float targetRange, weaponRange
#    E,F:    int modelId1, modelId2
#    G,H:    int reloadSampleTime1, reloadSampleTime2
#    I:        int weaponslot
#GUN DATA    (use $ identifier)
#    J:        AssocGroupId
#    K:        int ammoClip
#    L:        int damage
#    M,N,O:    float fireOffset x, y, z
#    P:        int skillLevel     0:POOR    1:STD    2:PRO
#    Q:        req stat level to get this weapon skill level
#    R, S:    float accuracy (0.5 - 2.0f), move speed (0.5 - 1.5)
#    T,U,V:    int animLoop start, end, fire
#    W,X,Y:    int animLoop2 start, end, fire
#    Z:        int breakoutTime
#    a:        hex flags
#    b,c:    float speed, radius
#    d,e:    float lifespan, spread
# 1stDigit:    CANAIM:1    AIMWITHARM:2    1STPERSON:4        ONLYFREEAIM:8
# 2ndDigit:    MOVEAIM:1    MOVEFIRE:2
# 3rdDigit:    THROW:1        HEAVY:2            CONTINUOUSFIRE:4    TWIN_PISTOL:8
# 4thDigit:    RELOAD:1    CROUCHFIRE:2    RELOAD2START:4        LONG_RELOAD:8
# 5thDigit:    SLOWSDWN:1    RANDSPEED:2        EXPANDS:4
# MELEE DATA (use £ identifier)
#    J:        string baseCombo
#    K:        int numCombos
#    L:        hex flags
# Melee Weapons
#    A            B        C      D        E    F        I        J            K            L        M
£ UNARMED        MELEE    10.0  1.6    -1    -1        0        UNARMED        4            1        null
£ BRASSKNUCKLE    MELEE    10.0  1.6    331    -1        0        UNARMED        4            1        null
£ GOLFCLUB        MELEE    10.0  1.6    333    -1        1        BBALLBAT    1            1        null
£ NIGHTSTICK    MELEE    10.0  1.6    334    -1        1        BBALLBAT    1            1        null
£ KNIFE            MELEE    10.0  1.6    335    -1        1        KNIFE        1            1        stealth_kn
£ BASEBALLBAT    MELEE    10.0  1.6    336    -1        1        BBALLBAT    1            1        null
£ SHOVEL        MELEE    10.0  1.6    337    -1        1        BBALLBAT    1            1        null
£ POOLCUE        MELEE    10.0  1.6    338    -1        1        BBALLBAT    1            1        null
£ KATANA        MELEE    10.0  1.6    339    -1        1        SWORD        1            1        null
#£ SKATEBOARD    MELEE    10.0  1.6    340    -1        1        SKATEBOARD    1            1        null
£ CHAINSAW        MELEE    10.0  1.6    341    -1        1        CHAINSAW    1            201        null
# gifts ----------------
£ DILDO1        MELEE    10.0  1.6    321    -1        10        DILDO        1            1        null
£ DILDO2        MELEE    10.0  1.6    322    -1        10        KNIFE        1            1        null
£ VIBE1            MELEE    10.0  1.6    323    -1        10        DILDO        1            1        null
£ VIBE2            MELEE    10.0  1.6    324    -1        10        KNIFE        1            1        null
£ FLOWERS        MELEE    10.0  1.6    325    -1        10        FLOWERS        1            1        null
£ CANE            MELEE    10.0  1.6    326    -1        10        SWORD        1            1        null
#- special -------------
£ PARACHUTE        MELEE    10.0  1.6    371    -1        11        UNARMED        1            1        null
# Gun Weapons
#    A                B            C     D        E    F        I    J            K     L        M     N     O        P  Q    R    S         T  U  V       W  X  Y  Z        a            b    c    d      e
$ GRENADE            PROJECTILE    30.0 40.0    342    -1        8    grenade        1     75        0.0   0.0   0.0        1  0    1.0     1.0     0 99  6     0 99  8  99    100            0.25 -1.0 800.0     1.0
$ TEARGAS            PROJECTILE    30.0 40.0    343    -1        8    grenade        1     75        0.0   0.0   0.0        1  0    1.0     1.0      0 99  6       0 99 10  99    100            0.25 -1.0 800.0     1.0
$ MOLOTOV            PROJECTILE    30.0 40.0    344    -1        8    grenade        1     75        0.0   0.0   0.0        1  0    1.0     1.0      0 99  6     0 99  8  99    100            0.25 -1.0 2000.0 5.0
$ ROCKET            PROJECTILE    30.0 40.0    345    -1        8    null        1     75        0.0   0.0   0.0        1  0    1.0     1.0     0 99  6     0 99 10  99    100            0.25 -1.0 800.0     1.0
$ ROCKET_HS            PROJECTILE    30.0 40.0    345    -1        8    null        1     75        0.0   0.0   0.0        1  0    1.0     1.0      0 99  6     0 99 10  99    100            0.25 -1.0 800.0     1.0
$ FREEFALL_BOMB        PROJECTILE    30.0 40.0    345    -1        8    null        1     75        0.0   0.0   0.0        1  0    1.0     1.0      0 99  6     0 99 10  99    100            0.25 -1.0 800.0     1.0
$ PISTOL            INSTANT_HIT    25.0 30.0    346    -1        2    colt45        17     25        0.25  0.05  0.09    0  0    0.75 1.0      6 17  6     6 16  6  99    3033
$ PISTOL            INSTANT_HIT    30.0 35.0    346    -1        2    colt45        17     25        0.25  0.05  0.09    1  40    1.0  1.0      6 15  6     6 15  6  99    3033
$ PISTOL            INSTANT_HIT    35.0 35.0    346    -1        2    colt45pro    34     25        0.25  0.05  0.09    2  999    1.25 1.0      6 18  6     6 17  6  99    3833
$ PISTOL            INSTANT_HIT    30.0 35.0    346    -1        2    colt_cop    17     25        0.25  0.05  0.09    3  5000    1.0  1.0      6 15  6     6 15  6  99    7031

$ PISTOL_SILENCED    INSTANT_HIT    25.0 30.0    347    -1        2    silenced    17     40        0.40  0.05  0.15    0  0    1.0  1.0      6 20  6     6 20  6  40    7001
$ PISTOL_SILENCED    INSTANT_HIT    30.0 35.0    347    -1        2    silenced    17     40        0.40  0.05  0.15    1  500    1.25 1.2      6 18  6     6 18  6  40    7011
$ PISTOL_SILENCED    INSTANT_HIT    35.0 35.0    347    -1        2    silenced    17     40        0.40  0.05  0.15    2  999    1.5  1.5      6 17  6     6 17  6  40    7031

$ DESERT_EAGLE        INSTANT_HIT    20.0 20.0    348    -1        2    pythonbad    7     70        0.41  0.03  0.12    0  0    0.75 1.0      7 36  8     6 30  7  40    7001
$ DESERT_EAGLE        INSTANT_HIT    20.0 20.0    348    -1        2    python        7     140    0.41  0.03  0.12    1  200    1.0     1.2      6 30  7     6 28  7  40    7011
$ DESERT_EAGLE        INSTANT_HIT    20.0 20.0    348    -1        2    python        7     140    0.41  0.03  0.12    2  999    1.25 1.5      6 28  7     6 28  7  40    7031
$ SHOTGUN            INSTANT_HIT    30.0 40.0    349    -1        3    shotgunbad    1     10        0.82 -0.02  0.23    0  0    1.0  1.0      6 40  7     6 40  7  28    2001
$ SHOTGUN            INSTANT_HIT    35.0 40.0    349    -1        3    shotgun        1     10        0.82 -0.02  0.25    1  200    1.2     1.1      6 38  7     6 40  7  20    2011
$ SHOTGUN            INSTANT_HIT    40.0 40.0    349    -1        3    shotgun        1     10        0.82 -0.02  0.25    2  999    1.4  1.3      6 38  7     6 40  7  25    2031

$ SAWNOFF            INSTANT_HIT    25.0 30.0    350    -1        3    sawnoff        2     10        0.56  0.0   0.15    0  0    0.7  1.0      6 15  6     6 15  6  30    3033
$ SAWNOFF            INSTANT_HIT    30.0 35.0    350    -1        3    sawnoff        2     10        0.56  0.0   0.15    1  200    0.8     1.1      6 15  6     6 15  6  30    3033
$ SAWNOFF            INSTANT_HIT    35.0 35.0    350    -1        3    sawnoffpro    4     10        0.56  0.0   0.15    2  999    0.9  1.3      6 15  6     6 15  6  30    3833

$ SPAS12            INSTANT_HIT    35.0 40.0    351    -1        3    buddy        7     15        0.75 -0.06  0.22    0  0    1.4  1.0      6 18  7     6 18  7  35    7001
$ SPAS12            INSTANT_HIT    40.0 40.0    351    -1        3    buddy        7     15        0.75 -0.06  0.22    1  200    1.8     1.0      6 16  7     6 16  7  35    7011
$ SPAS12            INSTANT_HIT    40.0 40.0    351    -1        3    buddy        7     15        0.75 -0.06  0.22    2  999    2.0  1.2      6 16  7     6 16  7  35    7031
$ MICRO_UZI            INSTANT_HIT    25.0 30.0    352    -1        4    colt45        50     20        0.25  0.0   0.11    0  0    0.75 1.0      6 10  6     6 10  6  99    3013
$ MICRO_UZI            INSTANT_HIT    30.0 35.0    352    -1        4    colt45        50     20        0.25  0.0   0.11    1  50    1.05 1.0      6 10  6     6 10  6  99    3033
$ MICRO_UZI            INSTANT_HIT    35.0 35.0    352    -1        4    colt45pro    100     20        0.25  0.0   0.11    2  999    1.1  1.0      6 10  6     6 10  6  99    3833

$ TEC9                INSTANT_HIT    25.0 30.0    372    -1        4    colt45        50     20        0.45 -0.05  0.11    0  0    0.75 1.0     11 15 12     6 11  7  99    3013
$ TEC9                INSTANT_HIT    30.0 35.0    372    -1        4    colt45        50     20        0.45 -0.05  0.11    1  50    1.05 1.0     11 15 12     6 11  7  99    3033
$ TEC9                INSTANT_HIT    35.0 35.0    372    -1        4    colt45pro    100     20        0.45 -0.05  0.11    2  999    1.1  1.0     11 15 12     6 11  7  99    3833

$ MP5                INSTANT_HIT    35.0 40.0    353    -1        4    uzibad        30     25        0.51 -0.01  0.20    0  0    0.75 1.1      6  9  7     6  9  6  30    7001
$ MP5                INSTANT_HIT    40.0 45.0    353    -1        4    uzi            30     25        0.51 -0.01  0.20    1  250    1.0     1.3      6  9  7     6  9  6  30    7011
$ MP5                INSTANT_HIT    45.0 45.0    353    -1        4    uzi            30     25        0.51 -0.01  0.20    2  999    1.2  1.5      6  9  7     6  9  6  30    7031
$ AK47                INSTANT_HIT    40.0 70.0    355    -1        5    riflebad    30     30        0.78 -0.06  0.13    0  0    0.40 0.9      6 10  7     6 10  7  99    7001
$ AK47                INSTANT_HIT    45.0 70.0    355    -1        5    rifle        30     30        0.78 -0.06  0.13    1  200    0.50 1.0      6 10  7     6 10  7  99    7011
$ AK47                INSTANT_HIT    50.0 70.0    355    -1        5    rifle        30     30        0.78 -0.06  0.13    2  999    0.60 1.1      6 10  7     6 10  7  99    7031

$ M4                INSTANT_HIT    40.0 90.0    356    -1        5    riflebad    50     30        0.74 -0.04  0.13    0  0    0.45 0.9      6 10  7     6 10  7  99    7001
$ M4                INSTANT_HIT    45.0 90.0    356    -1        5    rifle        50     30        0.74 -0.04  0.13    1  200    0.65 1.0      6 10  7     6 10  7  99    7011
$ M4                INSTANT_HIT    50.0 90.0    356    -1        5    rifle        50     30        0.74 -0.04  0.13    2  999    0.80 1.1      6 10  7     6 10  7  99    7031
#$ COUNTRYRIFLE        INSTANT_HIT    50.0 100.0    357    -1        6    sniper        1     75        0.7  -0.05  0.2        0  0    0.75 1.0      6 17  7     6 17  7  99    A018
$ COUNTRYRIFLE        INSTANT_HIT    55.0 100.0    357    -1        6    sniper        1     75        0.7  -0.05  0.2        1  300    1.0     1.2      6 17  7     6 17  7  99    A008
#$ COUNTRYRIFLE        INSTANT_HIT    60.0 100.0    357    -1        6    sniper        1     75        0.7  -0.05  0.2        2  999    1.25 1.3      6 17  7     6 17  7  99    A038

#$ SNIPERRIFLE        INSTANT_HIT    40.0 100.0    358    -1        6    sniper        1     125    0.7  -0.05  0.2     0  0    0.75 1.0      6 17  7    6  17  7  99    A014
$ SNIPERRIFLE        INSTANT_HIT    50.0 100.0    358    -1        6    sniper        1     125    0.7  -0.05  0.2     1  300    1.0     1.0      6 17  7    6  17  7  99    A014
#$ SNIPERRIFLE        INSTANT_HIT    60.0 100.0    358    -1        6    sniper        1     125    0.7  -0.05  0.2     2  999    1.25 1.0      6 17  7    6  17  7  99    A014
$ RLAUNCHER            PROJECTILE    50.0 55.0    359    -1        7    rocket        1     75        0.42  0.0   0.05    1  0    1.0     1.0     11 19 12    14 99 15  99    48214
$ RLAUNCHER_HS        PROJECTILE    50.0 55.0    360    -1        7    rocket        1     75        0.42  0.0   0.05    1  0    1.0     1.0     11 19 12    14 99 15  99    48214
$ FTHROWER            AREA_EFFECT    4.0  5.1    361    -1        7    flame        500     25        0.98  0.0   0.40    1  0    1.0     1.0     11 12 11    11 12 11  35    30238        0.5  0.0075 1000.0     2.0
$ MINIGUN            INSTANT_HIT    65.0 75.0    362    -1        7    flame        500     140    1.15  0.0   0.40    1  0    1.0     1.0     11 12 11    11 12 11  35    238
$ SATCHEL_CHARGE    PROJECTILE    30.0 40.0    363    364        8    grenade        1     75        0.0   0.0   0.0        1  0    1.0     1.0      0 99  6     0 99  9  99    100            0.25 -1.0 800.0     1.0
$ DETONATOR            USE            25.0 25.0    364    -1        12    null        1     0        0.0   0.0   0.13    1  0    1.0     1.0      0 10  3       0 10  3  99    0
$ SPRAYCAN            AREA_EFFECT    4.0  6.1    365    -1        9    spraycan    500     1        0.20  0.0   -0.1    1  0    1.0     1.0     12 58 13    11 58 13  99    0431        0.05  0.5    1000.0     0.01
$ EXTINGUISHER        AREA_EFFECT    10.0 10.1    366    -1        9    flame        500     1        0.45  0.10  0.15    1  0    1.0     1.0     11 12 11    11 12 11  35    0038        0.1   0.5    1000.0     0.01
$ CAMERA            CAMERA        70.0 100.0    367    -1        9    rifle        36     0        0.0   -0.0  -0.0    1  0    1.0     1.0     10 99 11    14 99 15   0    4
$ NIGHTVISION        USE            70.0 100.0    368    -1        11    goggles        0     0        0.0   -0.0  -0.0    1  0    1.0     1.0     10 99 11    14 99 15   0    0
$ INFRARED            USE            70.0 100.0    369    -1        11    goggles        0     0        0.0   -0.0  -0.0    1  0    1.0     1.0     10 99 11    14 99 15   0    0
#$ JETPACK            USE            25.0 25.0    370    -1        9    null        1     0        0.0   0.0   0.13    1  0    1.0     1.0      0 10  3       0 10  3  99    0
# Gun Aiming Offsets
#    A                B        C            D        E        F    G        H    I
% python            0.1        0.5            0.0        0.0        254    633        254    633
% pythonbad            0.1        0.55        0.05    0.0        254    633        254    633
% colt45            0.2        0.6            0.1        0.1        254    633        254    633
% colt_cop            0.2        0.6            0.1        0.0        254    633        254    633
% colt45pro            0.2        0.6            0.1        0.0        254    633        254    633
% sawnoff            0.2        0.6            0.1        0.1        189    815        254    633
% sawnoffpro        0.2        0.6            0.1        0.0        189    815        254    633
% silenced            0.1     0.55        0.1        0.0        254    633        254    633
% shotgun            0.18    0.44        0.0        0.0        0    726        0    726
% shotgunbad        0.15    0.15        0.0        0.0        0    726        0    726
% buddy                0.22    0.1            0.0        0.0        383 689        271    619
% buddybad            0.05    0.15        0.1        0.0        383 689        271    619
% uzi                0.19    0.45        0.1        0.0        382 933        382    933
% uzibad            0.18    0.25        0.1        0.0        382 933        382    933
% rifle                0.20    0.48        0.10    0.0        380    897        380    897
% riflebad            0.16    0.2            0.1        0.0        380    897        380    897
% sniper            0.20    0.48        0.10    0.0        429    633        429    633
% grenade            0.0        0.0            0.0        0.0        0    0        0    0   
% flame                0.2        0.0            0.0        0.0        0    0        0    0
% rocket            0.1        0.7            0.0        0.0        254    633        254    633
% spraycan            0.0        0.44        0.0        0.0        0    0        0    0



Aug 1, 2013
Reaction score
SAMP has it's own weapon.dat so the one you edit inside gta folder won't make any changes, theres lots of ways to get around this but you probably just want a CLEO.
Done this for you, take it as a good learning opportunity, check the snippet I sent you for more info as theres lots of options for this script.
{$CLEO .cs}


    WAIT 0

        KEY_DOWN 113 // F2 KEY
        0B12: 0@ = 0@ XOR 1 // SWITCHES VAR 0@ BETWEEN 1 AND 0 OR TRUE/FALSE
            0@ == TRUE // CHECKS IF VAR 0@ IS TRUE
            0AD1: "~y~DMG REDUCER ~g~ON" 500
            0AB1: @WEAPON_DAT 4 | -> Change Weapon 24 DAT 0x22 VALUE_TO 70 SIZE_OF_DAT 4 // WEAPON 24 = DEAGLE, DAT 0x22 is "Damage", VALUE is the damage, SIZE relates to the 0x22 they can change depending on the DAT.
        WAIT 500

0@ += 0x24 //+0x0 - no skill +0x19 - 50% skill +0x24 - 100% skill
0@ *= 0x70 // BLOCK SIZE
0@ += 0xC8AAB8 // BASE
005A: 0@ += 1@  // (int)
0A8C: write_memory 0@ size 3@ value 2@ virtual_protect 0
0AB2: ret 0


Nov 22, 2019
Reaction score
I was seeing everything that has left me about it and I think I have understood this much more, what happens to me now is that I put all this in SannyBuilder and several errors appear when compiling, what will it be?

On the other hand eliminating that line that throws me error also throws me another in the "THEN".

The cleo that I left at the beginning was already configured with all the armament of the game, but I was also modifying the damage of the desert-eagle which is the only thing that interests me to eliminate from that cleo, I think it is more complicated to make another cleo by modifying Each weapon, won't it be possible to modify the first one I attached?



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