CLEO Help Help with this CLEO please it's easy for you

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May 2, 2016
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I know this is a dumb thing but I want to ask you who work with some languages on this website

I want to translate a cleo for personal use but I totally ignore this language, I know it is Russian but at the moment of using the translators they only recognize a few words and it doesn't give me a coherent translation.

I need help to know how to translate this language into English (if it is necessary to transcribe it into Russian and from there to English or things like that):

-Ðâàíêà âûêëþ ÷ åíà âðó ÷ íóþ.
-Âû äîëæíû íàõîäèòüñÿ â òðàíñïîðòå.
-Â çîíå ñòðèìà íèêîãî íåò.

I tried thousands of translators but the one that came closest was Google (sometimes does not recognize any words xd)
I've been researching for several days but I haven't found an answer.
I will be eternally grateful.
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