WHILE and WHILE TRUE statements

Hello, today i will explain "WHILE" statement

for "WHILE TRUE" i think it means while everything is = 1 = true ( we learned 1 means true , 0 means false)then run the script.

here is our simple script:
wait 0
WHILE TRUE  // in capital or small letters (it doesn't matter)
    wait 0 // after every "WHILE" we need "wait 0" to avoid crashing
  0AB0:   key_pressed 49 //1
    then  //every "then" needs "end" remember?
        0AD1: show_formatted_text_highpriority "YOU PRESSED 1" time 1000
    end  //this end is for "then" statement
END //this big "END" is for "WHILE" , so "while" get closed,, every while needs closer which is "end" 
// we don't need to use big END because end = END , so capitals doesn't matter but we use END with capital so we can read the script better (so we can notice that this end belongs to WHILE)
jump @start

for me i don't see a very big use for while true , but it may be handful with commands (http://ugbase.eu/tutorials/)read-commands-and-do-something-about-tut-open-source-codes/) so if we used while true means (and for example) if 31@ == 1 but even with that we don't really need it we can always replace it by if statement

but while true is useful in loops while like 21@ = 1
wait 0  
if and
056D:   actor $PLAYER_ACTOR defined
//0AB0:   key_pressed 71  //g 
//0AB0:   key_pressed 72  //h
0B12: 21@ = 21@ XOR 1 //this will disable and enable with the same key
21@ == 1 // ENABLE IT   
WHILE TRUE //here under while true will loop until 21@ = 0 
wait 0
//do codes here 


but now for the big thing and the best use of while statement

the following script is new for you , the idea of it , is recovering health while you are holding key 1

so this is our script:


0000: NOP

:START //our label
wait 0  
if  // we need this to run when we are alive only 
0184:   actor $PLAYER_ACTOR health <> 0  // "<>" means not equal , 0 means actor health and 0 = dead , the normal full health is 100 in most of servers
jf  [member=5120]Error[/member] // if actor is dead then jump at ERROR label
   WHILE 0AB0: key_pressed 49 // key 1 // will be explained below don't worry
   wait 0  //we add this to avoid crashing
 0851: set_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR decrease_health_by -2 affect_armour 0 // decrease by -2 = increase by 2 , it is math , decrease means negative , and negative negative 2 means positive 2
 0ACD: show_text_highpriority "Recovering 2H/ONHOLD" time 1500  
 END // to close WHILE statement
jump @START //jump to the label to loop again

:ERROR //our error label
wait 0
 0ACD: show_text_highpriority "You're DEAD ...!" time 1500 // this will get printed when you die
jump @START  // after display "You're DEAD" massage it will go to start label to loop again

so now "while" means while key 1 pressed run the  script

we use while in our life , and it is same here

so while key  1 pressed = while we are holding key 1 run the script

this is what while means.
so while this condition is true  do the following

and after every while we need wait 0

and we need the closer end just like then

this is  while code:

wait 0
//do something here to get run while the condition is true


one thing more is if we want while not this condition is true
we use :

WHILE NOT 0184:   actor $PLAYER_ACTOR health = 0 //this means  actor health <> 0
wait 0
//do something here 


and congratulations you just made a health generator hack :)

thanks for following my tutorials.
if i helped you please hit the thanks button and the little heart(rep.) under my name so you can make me more trusted for users so they can reach me easily.


Active member
Jul 26, 2014
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Re: 9) WHILE and WHILE TRUE statement -TUT

but what if i want it to add 2 hp every 2seconds while im holding it? what should i do , and btw , we could just use key_down , instead of while


Jul 28, 2013
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Re: 9) WHILE and WHILE TRUE statement -TUT

NoJustNo link said:
but what if i want it to add 2 hp every 2seconds while im holding it? what should i do , and btw , we could just use key_down , instead of while

WHILE 0AB0: key_pressed 49 // key 1 
wait 2000 // means 2 seconds
 0851: set_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR decrease_health_by -2 affect_armour 0 
 0ACD: show_text_highpriority "Recovering 2H/ONHOLD" time 1500  

key_down 49 = 0AB0: key_pressed 49

key_down doesn't mean while , but in some cases it means if you hold the key down , but you need while with it,but generally depends on how u  use it ,you can put key_down in repeat and say until not key_down(until key_up)
So this means while you are holding the key down then repeat , but if u are not holding the key the loop will end