Hello so this is a continuation of this post
... long story short this script works but you have to re-apply it manually everytime you die,
I tried fixing it so that it sets itself but I was unsuccesful to say the least...
Could anybody help and add that part of the code so that the custom skin would stay
applied even after dying?
Thanks in advance
I'll attach the compiled cleo too with the .ini that is required
... long story short this script works but you have to re-apply it manually everytime you die,
I tried fixing it so that it sets itself but I was unsuccesful to say the least...
Could anybody help and add that part of the code so that the custom skin would stay
applied even after dying?
Thanks in advance
// This file was decompiled using SASCM.ini published by GTAG (http://gtag.gtagaming.com/opcode-database) on 14.6.2013
{$CLEO .cs}
thread 'SCHAN'
jf @SCHAN_198
0@ = File.Open("CLEO\SKINCHANGE.INI", 25202)
jf @SCHAN_41
File.Read(0@, 1, 2@)
2@ == 34
jf @SCHAN_77
File.Read(0@, 1, 2@)
not 2@ == 34
jf @SCHAN_200
if and
2@ > 47
not 2@ > 57
jf @SCHAN_193
3@ *= 10
2@ -= 48
005A: 3@ += 2@ // (int)
not 3@ > 35
jf @SCHAN_193
jump @SCHAN_101
0A93: end_custom_thread
3@ > 9
jf @SCHAN_233
3@ += 55
jump @SCHAN_240
3@ += 48
wait 0
jf @SCHAN_240
2@ = 48
if and
044B: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR on_foot
8597: not actor $PLAYER_ACTOR crouching
key_down 34
key_down 2@
jf @SCHAN_1233
not 2@ == 48
jf @SCHAN_356
0085: 7@ = 2@ // (int)
2@ > 57
jf @SCHAN_336
7@ -= 7
7@ *= -21
7@ -= -611
jump 7@
6@ == 1
jf @SCHAN_1233
wait 0
jf @SCHAN_375
09C7: change_player $PLAYER_CHAR model_to 5@
6@ = 0
jump @SCHAN_1209
05A9: 0@s = 'PERSN1' // s$
jump @SCHAN_1146
05A9: 0@s = 'PERSN2' // s$
jump @SCHAN_1146
05A9: 0@s = 'PERSN3' // s$
jump @SCHAN_1146
05A9: 0@s = 'PERSN4' // s$
jump @SCHAN_1146
05A9: 0@s = 'PERSN5' // s$
jump @SCHAN_1146
05A9: 0@s = 'PERSN6' // s$
jump @SCHAN_1146
05A9: 0@s = 'PERSN7' // s$
jump @SCHAN_1146
05A9: 0@s = 'PERSN8' // s$
jump @SCHAN_1146
05A9: 0@s = 'PERSN9' // s$
jump @SCHAN_1146
05A9: 0@s = 'PERSN10' // s$
jump @SCHAN_1146
05A9: 0@s = 'PERSN11' // s$
jump @SCHAN_1146
05A9: 0@s = 'PERSN12' // s$
jump @SCHAN_1146
05A9: 0@s = 'PERSN13' // s$
jump @SCHAN_1146
05A9: 0@s = 'PERSN14' // s$
jump @SCHAN_1146
05A9: 0@s = 'PERSN15' // s$
jump @SCHAN_1146
05A9: 0@s = 'PERSN16' // s$
jump @SCHAN_1146
05A9: 0@s = 'PERSN17' // s$
jump @SCHAN_1146
05A9: 0@s = 'PERSN18' // s$
jump @SCHAN_1146
05A9: 0@s = 'PERSN19' // s$
jump @SCHAN_1146
05A9: 0@s = 'PERSN20' // s$
jump @SCHAN_1146
05A9: 0@s = 'PERSN21' // s$
jump @SCHAN_1146
05A9: 0@s = 'PERSN22' // s$
jump @SCHAN_1146
05A9: 0@s = 'PERSN23' // s$
jump @SCHAN_1146
05A9: 0@s = 'PERSN24' // s$
jump @SCHAN_1146
05A9: 0@s = 'PERSN25' // s$
jump @SCHAN_1146
05A9: 0@s = 'PERSN26' // s$
jump @SCHAN_1146
05A9: 0@s = 'PERSN27' // s$
jump @SCHAN_1146
05A9: 0@s = 'PERSN28' // s$
jump @SCHAN_1146
05A9: 0@s = 'PERSN29' // s$
jump @SCHAN_1146
05A9: 0@s = 'PERSN30' // s$
jump @SCHAN_1146
05A9: 0@s = 'PERSN31' // s$
jump @SCHAN_1146
05A9: 0@s = 'PERSN32' // s$
jump @SCHAN_1146
05A9: 0@s = 'PERSN33' // s$
jump @SCHAN_1146
05A9: 0@s = 'PERSN34' // s$
jump @SCHAN_1146
05A9: 0@s = 'PERSN35' // s$
6@ == 0
jf @SCHAN_1175
0665: get_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR model_to 5@
6@ = 1
023C: load_special_actor 0@s as 9 // models 290-299
wait 0
023D: special_actor 9 loaded
jf @SCHAN_1182
09C7: change_player $PLAYER_CHAR model_to #SPECIAL09
0296: unload_special_actor 9
097A: play_audio_at 0.0 0.0 0.0 event 1056
wait 125
2@ += 1
2@ == 58
jf @SCHAN_1261
2@ += 7
001D: 2@ > 3@ // (int)
jf @SCHAN_263
jump @SCHAN_240
0662: printstring "PERSONAL SKIN CHANGER 1.21 BY SILENT"
52 63 04 03
to test you have to add a skin in your gta3.img named "persn1"
activation is PG-DOWN + number of the skin in this case 1