️ Decrypting/Safety Check CLEO/SF/ASI/DLL

Here you can send files and they will be decrypted(cleo/lua/ahk) !

CLEO / LUA / AHK files can have their encryption removed
In full / in part

The SF / ASI / DLL file will be mainly tested
It is not possible to extract code in an orderly manner from files programmed in C ++
Here you will find out if a file is safe and what it does.
Last edited:


Active member
Jan 13, 2015
Reaction score
Tell me something I don't know.
But as I told you before, you can download and run files on your computer whenever he wants, he has the highest access available.
I wouldn't use something like that in your place :X
you're right! thanks for warnings


Jul 14, 2015
Reaction score

slot0 = require("lib.samp.events")
slot1 = require("moonloader").font_flag
slot2 = renderCreateFont("Century Gothic", 12, slot1.BOLD + slot1.SHADOW)

function getClosestPlayerId()
    slot1 = -1
    slot2, slot3, slot4 = getCharCoordinates(PLAYER_PED)

    for slot8 = 0, 999 do
        slot9, slot10 = sampGetCharHandleBySampPlayerId(slot8)

        if slot9 and getCharHealth(slot10) > 0 then
            slot11, slot12, slot13 = getCharCoordinates(slot10)

            if math.sqrt((slot11 - slot2)^2 + (slot12 - slot3)^2 + (slot13 - slot4)^2) < 10 then
                slot0 = slot14
                slot1 = slot8

    return slot1

slot3 = false
slot4 = -1

function main()
    while not isSampAvailable() do

    sampRegisterChatCommand("rdm", function ()
        uv0 = not uv0

        sampAddChatMessage("LUA: \\xc4\\xe0\\xec\\xe0\\xe3\\xe5\\xf0 " .. (uv0 and "{00CC00}\\xe0\\xea\\xf2\\xe8\\xe2\\xe8\\xf0\\xee\\xe2\\xe0\\xed" or "{CC0000}\\xe4\\xe5\\xe0\\xea\\xf2\\xe8\\xe2\\xe8\\xf0\\xee\\xe2\\xe0\\xed") .. "{007FFF}.", 32767)

    function uv1.onSendPlayerSync(slot0)
        if not uv0 then

        slot0.keysData = 132
        slot0.animationId = 1137
        slot1, slot2, slot3 = getCharCoordinates(PLAYER_PED)
        slot0.position.x = slot1 + math.random(-10, 10) / 10
        slot0.position.y = slot2 + math.random(-10, 10) / 10

    lua_thread.create(function ()
        while true do
            if uv0 then
                uv1 = getClosestPlayerId()

                if sampIsPlayerConnected(uv1) then
                    sampSendGiveDamage(uv1, 70, 0, 3)

    lua_thread.create(function ()
        while true do
            if uv0 then
                if sampIsPlayerConnected(uv1) then
                    renderFontDrawText(uv2, "\\xcf\\xe0\\xea\\xe5\\xf2 \\xf1 \\xf3\\xf0\\xee\\xed\\xee\\xec \\xee\\xf2\\xef\\xf0\\xe0\\xe2\\xeb\\xe5\\xed: " .. sampGetPlayerNickname(uv1) .. " [ID " .. uv1 .. "]", 8, 300, 4278222847.0)
                    renderFontDrawText(uv2, "\\xcf\\xee\\xe1\\xeb\\xe8\\xe7\\xee\\xf1\\xf2\\xe8 \\xed\\xe5\\xf2 \\xe8\\xe3\\xf0\\xee\\xea\\xee\\xe2", 8, 300, 4278222847.0)



Dec 28, 2022
Reaction score

slot0 = require("lib.samp.events")
slot1 = require("moonloader").font_flag
slot2 = renderCreateFont("Century Gothic", 12, slot1.BOLD + slot1.SHADOW)

function getClosestPlayerId()
    slot1 = -1
    slot2, slot3, slot4 = getCharCoordinates(PLAYER_PED)

    for slot8 = 0, 999 do
        slot9, slot10 = sampGetCharHandleBySampPlayerId(slot8)

        if slot9 and getCharHealth(slot10) > 0 then
            slot11, slot12, slot13 = getCharCoordinates(slot10)

            if math.sqrt((slot11 - slot2)^2 + (slot12 - slot3)^2 + (slot13 - slot4)^2) < 10 then
                slot0 = slot14
                slot1 = slot8

    return slot1

slot3 = false
slot4 = -1

function main()
    while not isSampAvailable() do

    sampRegisterChatCommand("rdm", function ()
        uv0 = not uv0

        sampAddChatMessage("LUA: \\xc4\\xe0\\xec\\xe0\\xe3\\xe5\\xf0 " .. (uv0 and "{00CC00}\\xe0\\xea\\xf2\\xe8\\xe2\\xe8\\xf0\\xee\\xe2\\xe0\\xed" or "{CC0000}\\xe4\\xe5\\xe0\\xea\\xf2\\xe8\\xe2\\xe8\\xf0\\xee\\xe2\\xe0\\xed") .. "{007FFF}.", 32767)

    function uv1.onSendPlayerSync(slot0)
        if not uv0 then

        slot0.keysData = 132
        slot0.animationId = 1137
        slot1, slot2, slot3 = getCharCoordinates(PLAYER_PED)
        slot0.position.x = slot1 + math.random(-10, 10) / 10
        slot0.position.y = slot2 + math.random(-10, 10) / 10

    lua_thread.create(function ()
        while true do
            if uv0 then
                uv1 = getClosestPlayerId()

                if sampIsPlayerConnected(uv1) then
                    sampSendGiveDamage(uv1, 70, 0, 3)

    lua_thread.create(function ()
        while true do
            if uv0 then
                if sampIsPlayerConnected(uv1) then
                    renderFontDrawText(uv2, "\\xcf\\xe0\\xea\\xe5\\xf2 \\xf1 \\xf3\\xf0\\xee\\xed\\xee\\xec \\xee\\xf2\\xef\\xf0\\xe0\\xe2\\xeb\\xe5\\xed: " .. sampGetPlayerNickname(uv1) .. " [ID " .. uv1 .. "]", 8, 300, 4278222847.0)
                    renderFontDrawText(uv2, "\\xcf\\xee\\xe1\\xeb\\xe8\\xe7\\xee\\xf1\\xf2\\xe8 \\xed\\xe5\\xf2 \\xe8\\xe3\\xf0\\xee\\xea\\xee\\xe2", 8, 300, 4278222847.0)

This code doesn't work in game :((


Jul 14, 2015
Reaction score
can u decrypt it :v
// This file was decompiled using SASCM.ini published by GTAG (http://gtag.gtagaming.com/opcode-database) on 14.6.2013
{$CLEO .cs}

0000: NOP

wait 0
if and
   Actor.DrivingVehicleType($PLAYER_ACTOR, #SEASPAR)
   not key_down 88
else_jump @NONAME_2
jump @NONAME_2
0000: NOP
 00 5F 5F 53 42 46 54 52 00 B9 28 F9 B7 61 6E F4
 FB E5 A2


Jul 14, 2015
Reaction score
Can u decrypt it
// This file was decompiled using SASCM.ini published by GTAG (http://gtag.gtagaming.com/opcode-database) on 14.6.2013
{$CLEO .cs}

0000: NOP
wait 0
0661: NOP " ============================= "
0661: NOP "| OF V8 BY .CS TEAM |"
0661: NOP " ============================= "

wait 0
jf @NONAME_101
31@ = Render.CreateFont("Arial Black", 10, 5)
0BFC: set_global_var "font" = 31@
0B34: samp register_client_command "cs" to_label @NONAME_2426
0B34: samp register_client_command "csdodaci" to_label @NONAME_2546
0B34: samp register_client_command "csauto" to_label @NONAME_2762
0B34: samp register_client_command "csh" to_label @NONAME_1740
0B34: samp register_client_command "cstoggle" to_label @NONAME_2296
0AA8: call_function_method 6946896 struct 12694336 num_params 1 pop 0 'CRED445' 10@
0AA5: call 7439872 num_params 2 pop 2 10@ "POKUPI ME"
0390: load_txd_dictionary "RaiD"
038F: load_texture "RaiD_YT" as 1 // Load dictionary with 0390 first
wait 1000
call @NONAME_2970 0
chatmsg "{f58142}[ OFV8 ]{FFFFFF} /csh za info!" -1
call @NONAME_4710 1 -3048446
call @NONAME_3477 6 245 164 66 236 245 66

wait 0
  TIMERA >= 3500
jf @NONAME_440
$23 = 0
goto @NONAME_447

$23 = 1

  30@ == 0
jf @NONAME_1223
jf @NONAME_491
call @NONAME_3566 0

0BB9: samp 1@ = get_pickup_pool_ptr
0A8D: 2@ = read_memory 1@ size 4 virtual_protect 0
  2@ > 0
jf @NONAME_1223
0A8E: 2@ = 1@ + 4 // int
0A8E: 3@ = 1@ + 61444 // int
4@ = 0

0A90: 5@ = 4@ * 4 // int
005A: 5@ += 2@ // (int)
0A8D: 5@ = read_memory 5@ size 4 virtual_protect 0
   not 5@ == 0
jf @NONAME_1201
0A90: 5@ = 4@ * 20 // int
005A: 5@ += 3@ // (int)
0A8D: 5@ = read_memory 5@ size 4 virtual_protect 0
if or
  5@ == 19054
  5@ == 19055
  5@ == 19056
  5@ == 19057
  5@ == 19058
jf @NONAME_1201
6@ = SAMP.PickupHandleByID(4@)
jf @NONAME_1201
065B: store_pickup 6@ position_to 7@ 8@ 9@
02CE: 16@ = ground_z_at 7@ 8@ 9@
  16@ > 1.0
jf @NONAME_1201
call @NONAME_4811 3 7@ 8@ 9@ 28@
  28@ == 0
jf @NONAME_1201
Actor.StorePos($PLAYER_ACTOR, 12@, 13@, 14@)
  $28 == 1
jf @NONAME_872
Actor.StorePos($PLAYER_ACTOR, $30, $36, $37)
0362: remove_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR from_car_and_place_at 7@ 8@ 9@
0BD1: samp send_picked_up_pickup 4@
Actor.PutAt($PLAYER_ACTOR, $30, $36, $37)

call @NONAME_3157 3 6@ -3048446 250.0
018C: play_sound 1139 at 0.0 0.0 0.0
call @NONAME_4118 4 7@ 8@ 9@ -3048446
050A: 22@ = distance_between_XYZ 7@ 8@ 9@ and_XYZ 12@ 13@ 14@
0092: 22@ = float 22@ to_integer
printf "~Y~Paketic ~W~Je ~W~U ~Y~Blizini~n~ ~W~%d ~Y~metara" 100 22@
call @NONAME_3063 3 7@ 8@ 9@ 7@ 8@
call @NONAME_3063 3 12@ 13@ 14@ 9@ 10@
  $38 == 0
jf @NONAME_1201
call @NONAME_3825 9 7@ 8@ 9@ 10@ 2.0 208 98 2 255
0342: set_text_draw_centered 1
03E0: draw_text_behind_textures 0
033F: set_text_draw_letter_size 0.17 0.77
081C: draw_text_outline 1 RGBA 0 0 0 255
0340: set_text_draw_RGBA 208 98 2 255
045A: draw_text_1number 7@ 8@ GXT 'CRED445' number 0@  // Tara K. Spencer, Taron Benson,

4@ += 1
  4@ > 4095
jf @NONAME_556

  $23 == 1
jf @NONAME_1285
03F0: enable_text_draw 1
03E3: set_texture_to_be_drawn_antialiased 1
038D: draw_texture 1 position 320.0 240.0 size 512.0 180.0 RGBA 255 255 255 255

if and
   not SAMP.ChatInputOpened
0ADC:   test_cheat "CSA"
jf @NONAME_1507
  30@ == 0
jf @NONAME_1454
0B12: $28 = $28 XOR 1
  $28 == 1
jf @NONAME_1403
chatmsg "{f58142}[ CS AUTO ]{f54542} Iskljucen!" -1
goto @NONAME_1447

chatmsg "{f58142}[ CS AUTO ]{48f542} Ukljucen!" -1

goto @NONAME_1507

chatmsg "{FF0000}[ GRESKA ] {D17C02}Prvo upali OF (/cs)" -1

if and
   not SAMP.ChatInputOpened
0ADC:   test_cheat "CSD"
jf @NONAME_1733
  30@ == 0
jf @NONAME_1680
0B12: $38 = $38 XOR 1
  $38 == 1
jf @NONAME_1627
chatmsg "{f58142}[ CS DODACI ]{D17C02} Iskljucen!" -1
goto @NONAME_1673

chatmsg "{f58142}[ CS DODACI ]{D17C02} Ukljucen!" -1

goto @NONAME_1733

chatmsg "{FF0000}[ GRESKA ] {D17C02}Prvo upali OF (/cs)" -1

goto @NONAME_403

wait 333
call @NONAME_2970 0
chatmsg "{f58142}____________________________________________________________________" -1
chatmsg "{f58142}[ OFV8 ]{FFFFFF} made by Fr0{f58142}z3n {FFFFFF}[.CS TEAM]" -1
chatmsg "{f5d442}Pomocne komande:{FFFFFF} ukljucivanje(/cs)!" -1
chatmsg "{f5d442}Pomocne komande:{FFFFFF} dodaci(/csdodaci)!" -1
chatmsg "{f5d442}Pomocne komande:{FFFFFF} automatsko kupljenje(/csauto)!" -1
chatmsg "{f5d442}Pomocni bindovi:{FFFFFF} dodaci(C+S+D)!" -1
chatmsg "{f5d442}Pomocni bindovi:{FFFFFF} automatsko kupljenje(C+S+A)!" -1
chatmsg "____________________________________________________________________" -1

0B12: $41 = $41 XOR 1
  $41 == 0
jf @NONAME_2378
chatmsg "{f58142}[ BUILDINGS ]{f54542} Iskljucen!" -1
goto @NONAME_2424

chatmsg "{f58142}[ BUILDINGS ]{48f542} Ukljucen!" -1


0B12: 30@ = 30@ XOR 1
  30@ == 1
jf @NONAME_2503
chatmsg "{f58142}[ OFV8 ]{f54542} Iskljucen!" -1
goto @NONAME_2544

chatmsg "{f58142}[ OFV8 ]{48f542} Ukljucen!" -1


  30@ == 0
jf @NONAME_2699
0B12: $38 = $38 XOR 1
  $38 == 1
jf @NONAME_2646
chatmsg "{f58142}[ CS DODACI ]{D17C02} Iskljucen!" -1
goto @NONAME_2692

chatmsg "{f58142}[ CS DODACI ]{D17C02} Ukljucen!" -1

goto @NONAME_2760

chatmsg "{FF0000}[ GRESKA ] {D17C02}Prvo upali OF (/cs) ili C+S" -1


  30@ == 0
jf @NONAME_2909
0B12: $28 = $28 XOR 1
  $28 == 1
jf @NONAME_2858
chatmsg "{f58142}[ CS AUTO ] {48f542}Ukljucen" -1
goto @NONAME_2902

chatmsg "{f58142}[ CS AUTO ] {f54542}Iskljucen" -1

goto @NONAME_2968

chatmsg "{FF0000}[GRESKA] {D17C02}Prvo upali OF (/cs) ili C+S" -1


chatmsg " " -1
chatmsg " " -1
chatmsg " " -1
chatmsg " " -1
chatmsg " " -1
chatmsg " " -1
chatmsg " " -1
chatmsg " " -1
chatmsg " " -1
chatmsg " " -1
chatmsg " " -1
ret 0

0AA7: call_function 7392816 num_params 6 pop 6 1 1 7@s 6@s 2@s 0@s 29@
0073: 2@ /= 6@ // (float)
0073: 2@ /= 4@ // (float)
0073: 3@ /= 7@ // (float)
0073: 3@ /= 4@ // (float)
2@ *= 640.0
3@ *= 448.0
ret 2 2@ 3@

065B: store_pickup 0@ position_to 11@ 12@ 13@
068D: get_camera_position_to 21@ 22@ 23@
050A: 24@ = distance_between_XYZ 11@ 12@ 13@ and_XYZ 21@ 22@ 23@
  24@ > 150.0
jf @NONAME_3236
24@ = 150.0

25@ = 2500.0
26@ = 2500.0
0073: 25@ /= 24@ // (float)
0073: 26@ /= 24@ // (float)
0073: 2@ /= 24@ // (float)
call @NONAME_3711 3 11@ 12@ 13@ 14@ 15@
0092: 14@ = float 14@ to_integer
0092: 15@ = float 15@ to_integer
0092: 25@ = float 25@ to_integer
0092: 26@ = float 26@ to_integer
0092: 2@ = float 2@ to_integer
if and
  14@ > 0
  15@ > 0
jf @NONAME_3398
call @NONAME_3977 6 14@ 15@ 25@ 26@ 1@ 2@

ret 0
3@ = SAMP.GetSAMPPlayerIDByActorHandle($PLAYER_ACTOR)
alloc 4@ 68
0BBA: samp store_player 3@ onfoot_data 4@
0C0D: struct 4@ offset 6 size 4 = 0@
0C0D: struct 4@ offset 10 size 4 = 1@
0C0D: struct 4@ offset 14 size 4 = 2@
0BC0: samp send_onfoot_data 4@
free 4@
ret 0

0A8C: write_memory 7214432 size 1 value 0@ virtual_protect 0
0A8C: write_memory 7214430 size 1 value 1@ virtual_protect 0
0A8C: write_memory 7214422 size 1 value 2@ virtual_protect 0
0A8C: write_memory 7214729 size 1 value 3@ virtual_protect 0
0A8C: write_memory 7214727 size 1 value 4@ virtual_protect 0
0A8C: write_memory 7214725 size 1 value 5@ virtual_protect 0
ret 0

jf @NONAME_3706
0@ = Actor.CurrentCar($PLAYER_ACTOR)
0407: store_coords_to 1@ 2@ 3@ from_car 0@ with_offset 0.0 0.0 0.0
0BFD: 31@ = get_global_var "font"
SAMP.Convert3DCoordsToScreen(1@, 2@, 3@, 4@, 5@)
6@ = Render.FontDrawLength(31@, ".CS TEAM")
6@ /= 2
0062: 4@ -= 6@ // (int)
Render.DrawText(31@, ".CS TEAM", 4@, 5@, -3048446)

ret 0

0AA7: call_function 7392816 num_params 6 pop 6 1 1 7@s 6@s 2@s 0@s 29@
0073: 2@ /= 6@ // (float)
0073: 2@ /= 4@ // (float)
0073: 3@ /= 7@ // (float)
0073: 3@ /= 4@ // (float)
SAMP.GetScreenResolution(30@, 31@)
0093: 30@ = integer 30@ to_float
0093: 31@ = integer 31@ to_float
006B: 2@ *= 30@ // (float)
006B: 3@ *= 31@ // (float)
ret 2 2@ 3@

0390: load_txd_dictionary 'LD_DUAL'
038F: load_texture "white" as 300 // Load dictionary with 0390 first
0509: 9@ = distance_between_XY 0@ 1@ and_XY 2@ 3@
0063: 2@ -= 0@ // (float)
0063: 3@ -= 1@ // (float)
0604: get_Z_angle_for_point 2@ 3@ store_to 10@
10@ += 90.0
2@ /= 2.0
3@ /= 2.0
005B: 0@ += 2@ // (float)
005B: 1@ += 3@ // (float)
074B: draw_texture 300 position 0@ 1@ scale 9@ 4@ angle 10@ color_RGBA 5@ 6@ 7@ 8@
0391: release_textures
ret 0

0085: 30@ = 0@ // (int)
0085: 31@ = 1@ // (int)
0062: 0@ -= 2@ // (int)
005A: 30@ += 2@ // (int)
0062: 1@ -= 3@ // (int)
005A: 31@ += 3@ // (int)
Render.DrawLine(0@, 1@, 30@, 1@, 5@, 4@)
Render.DrawLine(0@, 31@, 30@, 31@, 5@, 4@)
Render.DrawLine(30@, 1@, 30@, 31@, 5@, 4@)
005A: 31@ += 5@ // (int)
Render.DrawLine(0@, 1@, 0@, 31@, 5@, 4@)
ret 0

06AC: 21@ = actor $PLAYER_ACTOR movement_speed
  21@ > 50.0
jf @NONAME_4157
21@ = 50.0

006B: 21@ *= 21@ // (float)
17@ = -0.514
17@ /= 2500.0
006B: 17@ *= 21@ // (float)
17@ += 1.0
0B60: convert_game_screen_coords 86.0 383.0 to_window_screen_coords 6@ 7@
call @NONAME_4284 7 0@ 1@ 2@ 6@ 7@ 17@ 130.0 0@ 1@
Render.DrawPolygon(0@, 1@, 20, 20, 50, 0, 3@)
ret 0

04C4: store_coords_to 10@ 11@ 12@ from_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR with_offset 0.0 0.0 0.0
050A: 13@ = distance_between_XYZ 0@ 1@ 2@ and_XYZ 10@ 11@ 12@
0025:   13@ > 6@ // (float)
jf @NONAME_4363
0087: 13@ = 6@ // (float)

006B: 13@ *= 5@ // (float)
call @NONAME_4675 4 10@ 11@ 0@ 1@ 14@
14@ *= -1.0
call @NONAME_4587 0 15@
005B: 14@ += 15@ // (float)
0093: 3@ = integer 3@ to_float
0093: 4@ = integer 4@ to_float
call @NONAME_4498 4 3@ 4@ 14@ 13@ 16@ 17@
0092: 16@ = float 16@ to_integer
0092: 17@ = float 17@ to_integer
ret 2 16@ 17@

2@ *= -1.0
02F6: 10@ = sine 2@ // (float)
006B: 10@ *= 3@ // (float)
005B: 0@ += 10@ // (float)
02F7: 10@ = cosine 2@ // (float)
006B: 10@ *= 3@ // (float)
10@ /= 640.0
10@ *= 480.0
005B: 1@ += 10@ // (float)
ret 2 0@ 1@

Actor.StorePos($PLAYER_ACTOR, 1@, 2@, 3@)
0AA6: call_method 5327216 struct 11989032 num_params 6 pop 0 10787220 10787232 3@ 2@ 1@ 20.0
call @NONAME_4675 4 $13 $DEFAULT_WAIT_TIME 1@ 2@ 4@
ret 1 4@

0063: 0@ -= 2@ // (float)
0063: 1@ -= 3@ // (float)
0604: get_Z_angle_for_point 0@ 1@ store_to 4@
ret 1 4@

0AA2: 2@ = load_library "samp.dll" // IF and SET
jf @NONAME_4806
0A8E: 3@ = 2@ + 2203880 // int
0A8D: 3@ = read_memory 3@ size 4 virtual_protect 0
0A8E: 4@ = 3@ + 8 // int
0A8D: 4@ = read_memory 4@ size 4 virtual_protect 0
0A8E: 4@ = 4@ + 295 // int
0A8C: write_memory 4@ size 4 value 0@ virtual_protect 0

ret 0

6@ = 0
if and
  0@ >= 524.0
   not 0@ > 544.0
  1@ >= -1311.0
   not 1@ > -1291.0
  2@ >= -500.0
   not 2@ > 500.0
  6@ == 0
jf @NONAME_4903
6@ = 1

if and
  0@ >= 1303.0
   not 0@ > 1323.0
  1@ >= -894.0
   not 1@ > -874.0
  2@ >= -500.0
   not 2@ > 500.0
  6@ == 0
jf @NONAME_4988
6@ = 1

if and
  0@ >= 1753.0
   not 0@ > 1773.0
  1@ >= -2299.0
   not 1@ > -2279.0
  2@ >= -500.0
   not 2@ > 500.0
  6@ == 0
jf @NONAME_5073
6@ = 1

if and
  0@ >= 1615.0
   not 0@ > 1635.0
  1@ >= -2233.0
   not 1@ > 2213.0
  2@ >= -500.0
   not 2@ > 500.0
  6@ == 0
jf @NONAME_5158
6@ = 1

if and
  0@ >= 1511.0
   not 0@ > 1531.0
  1@ >= -1581.0
   not 1@ > -1561.0
  2@ >= -500.0
   not 2@ > 500.0
  6@ == 0
jf @NONAME_5243
6@ = 1

if and
  0@ >= 1124.0
   not 0@ > 1144.0
  1@ >= -1821.0
   not 1@ > -1801.0
  2@ >= -500.0
   not 2@ > 500.0
  6@ == 0
jf @NONAME_5328
6@ = 1

if and
  0@ >= 2165.0
   not 0@ > 2185.0
  1@ >= -1884.0
   not 1@ > -1864.0
  2@ >= -500.0
   not 2@ > 500.0
  6@ == 0
jf @NONAME_5413
6@ = 1

if and
  0@ >= 2164.0
   not 0@ > 2184.0
  1@ >= -1884.0
   not 1@ > -1864.0
  2@ >= -500.0
   not 2@ > 500.0
  6@ == 0
jf @NONAME_5498
6@ = 1

if and
  0@ >= 1873.0
   not 0@ > 1893.0
  1@ >= -1296.0
   not 1@ > -1276.0
  2@ >= -500.0
   not 2@ > 500.0
  6@ == 0
jf @NONAME_5583
6@ = 1

if and
  0@ >= 1836.0
   not 0@ > 1856.0
  1@ >= -1105.0
   not 1@ > -1085.0
  2@ >= -500.0
   not 2@ > 500.0
  6@ == 0
jf @NONAME_5668
6@ = 1

if and
  0@ >= 1862.0
   not 0@ > 1882.0
  1@ >= -1659.0
   not 1@ > -1639.0
  2@ >= -500.0
   not 2@ > 500.0
  6@ == 0
jf @NONAME_5753
6@ = 1

if and
  0@ >= 1423.0
   not 0@ > 1443.0
  1@ >= -1800.0
   not 1@ > -1780.0
  2@ >= -500.0
   not 2@ > 500.0
  6@ == 0
jf @NONAME_5838
6@ = 1

if and
  0@ >= 1424.0
   not 0@ > 1444.0
  1@ >= -1799.0
   not 1@ > -1779.0
  2@ >= -500.0
   not 2@ > 500.0
  6@ == 0
jf @NONAME_5923
6@ = 1

if and
  0@ >= 1133.0
   not 0@ > 1153.0
  1@ >= -1186.0
   not 1@ > -1166.0
  2@ >= -500.0
   not 2@ > 500.0
  6@ == 0
jf @NONAME_6008
6@ = 1

if and
  0@ >= 1110.0
   not 0@ > 1130.0
  1@ >= -1314.0
   not 1@ > -1294.0
  2@ >= -500.0
   not 2@ > 500.0
  6@ == 0
jf @NONAME_6093
6@ = 1

if and
  0@ >= 1100.0
   not 0@ > 1120.0
  1@ >= -1366.0
   not 1@ > -1346.0
  2@ >= -500.0
   not 2@ > 500.0
  6@ == 0
jf @NONAME_6178
6@ = 1

if and
  0@ >= 654.0
   not 0@ > 674.0
  1@ >= -1369.0
   not 1@ > -1349.0
  2@ >= -500.0
   not 2@ > 500.0
  6@ == 0
jf @NONAME_6263
6@ = 1

if and
  0@ >= 715.0
   not 0@ > 735.0
  1@ >= -1470.0
   not 1@ > -1450.0
  2@ >= -500.0
   not 2@ > 500.0
  6@ == 0
jf @NONAME_6348
6@ = 1

if and
  0@ >= 1726.0
   not 0@ > 1746.0
  1@ >= -2238.0
   not 1@ > -2218.0
  2@ >= -500.0
   not 2@ > 500.0
  6@ == 0
jf @NONAME_6433
6@ = 1

if and
  0@ >= 2119.0
   not 0@ > 2139.0
  1@ >= -1192.0
   not 1@ > -1172.0
  2@ >= -500.0
   not 2@ > 500.0
  6@ == 0
jf @NONAME_6518
6@ = 1

if and
  0@ >= 2345.0
   not 0@ > 2365.0
  1@ >= -2088.0
   not 1@ > -2068.0
  2@ >= -500.0
   not 2@ > 500.0
  6@ == 0
jf @NONAME_6603
6@ = 1

if and
  0@ >= 1509.0
   not 0@ > 1529.0
  1@ >= -1816.0
   not 1@ > -1796.0
  2@ >= -500.0
   not 2@ > 500.0
  6@ == 0
jf @NONAME_6688
6@ = 1

if and
  0@ >= -2753.0
   not 0@ > -2723.0
  1@ >= 247.0
   not 1@ > 267.0
  2@ >= -500.0
   not 2@ > 500.0
  6@ == 0
jf @NONAME_6773
6@ = 1

if and
  0@ >= -2479.0
   not 0@ > -2459.0
  1@ >= 514.0
   not 1@ > 534.0
  2@ >= -500.0
   not 2@ > 500.0
  6@ == 0
jf @NONAME_6858
6@ = 1

if and
  0@ >= -2349.0
   not 0@ > -2329.0
  1@ >= -166.0
   not 1@ > -146.0
  2@ >= -500.0
   not 2@ > 500.0
  6@ == 0
jf @NONAME_6943
6@ = 1

if and
  0@ >= -2493.0
   not 0@ > -2473.0
  1@ >= -113.0
   not 1@ > -93.0
  2@ >= -500.0
   not 2@ > 500.0
  6@ == 0
jf @NONAME_7028
6@ = 1

if and
  0@ >= -2068.0
   not 0@ > -2048.0
  1@ >= -24.0
   not 1@ > -4.0
  2@ >= -500.0
   not 2@ > 500.0
  6@ == 0
jf @NONAME_7113
6@ = 1

if and
  0@ >= -2213.0
   not 0@ > -2193.0
  1@ >= -166.0
   not 1@ > -146.0
  2@ >= -500.0
   not 2@ > 500.0
  6@ == 0
jf @NONAME_7198
6@ = 1

if and
  0@ >= -1857.0
   not 0@ > -1837.0
  1@ >= 51.0
   not 1@ > 71.0
  2@ >= -500.0
   not 2@ > 500.0
  6@ == 0
jf @NONAME_7283
6@ = 1

if and
  0@ >= -2191.0
   not 0@ > -2171.0
  1@ >= 396.0
   not 1@ > 416.0
  2@ >= -500.0
   not 2@ > 500.0
  6@ == 0
jf @NONAME_7368
6@ = 1

if and
  0@ >= -2347.0
   not 0@ > -2327.0
  1@ >= 1250.0
   not 1@ > 1270.0
  2@ >= -500.0
   not 2@ > 500.0
  6@ == 0
jf @NONAME_7453
6@ = 1

if and
  0@ >= 1881.0
   not 0@ > 1901.0
  1@ >= 741.0
   not 1@ > 761.0
  2@ >= -500.0
   not 2@ > 500.0
  6@ == 0
jf @NONAME_7538
6@ = 1

if and
  0@ >= 1596.0
   not 0@ > 1616.0
  1@ >= 1025.0
   not 1@ > 1045.0
  2@ >= -500.0
   not 2@ > 500.0
  6@ == 0
jf @NONAME_7623
6@ = 1

if and
  0@ >= 1718.0
   not 0@ > 1738.0
  1@ >= 938.0
   not 1@ > 958.0
  2@ >= -500.0
   not 2@ > 500.0
  6@ == 0
jf @NONAME_7708
6@ = 1

if and
  0@ >= 2098.0
   not 0@ > 2118.0
  1@ >= 945.0
   not 1@ > 965.0
  2@ >= -500.0
   not 2@ > 500.0
  6@ == 0
jf @NONAME_7793
6@ = 1

if and
  0@ >= 2166.0
   not 0@ > 2186.0
  1@ >= 934.0
   not 1@ > 954.0
  2@ >= -500.0
   not 2@ > 500.0
  6@ == 0
jf @NONAME_7878
6@ = 1

if and
  0@ >= 1930.0
   not 0@ > 1950.0
  1@ >= 1036.0
   not 1@ > 1056.0
  2@ >= -500.0
   not 2@ > 500.0
  6@ == 0
jf @NONAME_7963
6@ = 1

if and
  0@ >= 1968.0
   not 0@ > 1988.0
  1@ >= 2120.0
   not 1@ > 2140.0
  2@ >= -500.0
   not 2@ > 500.0
  6@ == 0
jf @NONAME_8048
6@ = 1

if and
  0@ >= 2253.0
   not 0@ > 2273.0
  1@ >= 1713.0
   not 1@ > 1733.0
  2@ >= -500.0
   not 2@ > 500.0
  6@ == 0
jf @NONAME_8133
6@ = 1

if and
  0@ >= 2106.0
   not 0@ > 2126.0
  1@ >= 2523.0
   not 1@ > 2543.0
  2@ >= -500.0
   not 2@ > 500.0
  6@ == 0
jf @NONAME_8218
6@ = 1

if and
  0@ >= 2147.0
   not 0@ > 2167.0
  1@ >= 2531.0
   not 1@ > 2551.0
  2@ >= -500.0
   not 2@ > 500.0
  6@ == 0
jf @NONAME_8303
6@ = 1

if and
  0@ >= 2377.0
   not 0@ > 2397.0
  1@ >= 2368.0
   not 1@ > 2388.0
  2@ >= -500.0
   not 2@ > 500.0
  6@ == 0
jf @NONAME_8388
6@ = 1

if and
  0@ >= 2549.0
   not 0@ > 2569.0
  1@ >= 2070.0
   not 1@ > 2090.0
  2@ >= -500.0
   not 2@ > 500.0
  6@ == 0
jf @NONAME_8473
6@ = 1

if and
  0@ >= 2462.0
   not 0@ > 2482.0
  1@ >= 2009.0
   not 1@ > 2029.0
  2@ >= -500.0
   not 2@ > 500.0
  6@ == 0
jf @NONAME_8558
6@ = 1

if and
  0@ >= 1027.0
   not 0@ > 1047.0
  1@ >= 1252.0
   not 1@ > 1272.0
  2@ >= -500.0
   not 2@ > 500.0
  6@ == 0
jf @NONAME_8643
6@ = 1

if and
  0@ >= 480.0
   not 0@ > 490.0
  1@ >= 804.0
   not 1@ > 813.0
  2@ >= -500.0
   not 2@ > 500.0
  6@ == 0
jf @NONAME_8728
6@ = 1

if and
  0@ >= 241.0
   not 0@ > 511.0
  1@ >= 1357.0
   not 1@ > 1366.0
  2@ >= -500.0
   not 2@ > 500.0
  6@ == 0
jf @NONAME_8813
6@ = 1

if and
  0@ >= -2784.0
   not 0@ > -2774.0
  1@ >= 785.0
   not 1@ > 778.0
  2@ >= -500.0
   not 2@ > 500.0
  6@ == 0
jf @NONAME_8898
6@ = 1

if and
  0@ >= -2349.0
   not 0@ > -2339.0
  1@ >= 1003.0
   not 1@ > 1013.0
  2@ >= -500.0
   not 2@ > 500.0
  6@ == 0
jf @NONAME_8983
6@ = 1

if and
  0@ >= -2053.0
   not 0@ > -2063.0
  1@ >= 2726.0
   not 1@ > 2711.0
  2@ >= -500.0
   not 2@ > 500.0
  6@ == 0
jf @NONAME_9068
6@ = 1

if and
  0@ >= -2581.0
   not 0@ > -2571.0
  1@ >= -173.0
   not 1@ > -163.0
  2@ >= -500.0
   not 2@ > 500.0
  6@ == 0
jf @NONAME_9153
6@ = 1

if and
  0@ >= 1034.0
   not 0@ > 1043.0
  1@ >= 2254.0
   not 1@ > 2264.0
  2@ >= -500.0
   not 2@ > 500.0
  6@ == 0
jf @NONAME_9238
6@ = 1

if and
  0@ >= 1047.0
   not 0@ > 1057.0
  1@ >= 2360.0
   not 1@ > 2370.0
  2@ >= -500.0
   not 2@ > 500.0
  6@ == 0
jf @NONAME_9323
6@ = 1

if and
  0@ >= 936.0
   not 0@ > 946.0
  1@ >= 1785.0
   not 1@ > 1795.0
  2@ >= -500.0
   not 2@ > 500.0
  6@ == 0
jf @NONAME_9408
6@ = 1

if and
  0@ >= 615.0
   not 0@ > 625.0
  1@ >= -577.0
   not 1@ > -567.0
  2@ >= -500.0
   not 2@ > 500.0
  6@ == 0
jf @NONAME_9493
6@ = 1

if and
  0@ >= 1926.0
   not 0@ > 1936.0
  1@ >= 1875.0
   not 1@ > 1865.0
  2@ >= -500.0
   not 2@ > 500.0
  6@ == 0
jf @NONAME_9578
6@ = 1

if and
  0@ >= 1865.0
   not 0@ > 1875.0
  1@ >= 2564.0
   not 1@ > 2574.0
  2@ >= -500.0
   not 2@ > 500.0
  6@ == 0
jf @NONAME_9663
6@ = 1

if and
  0@ >= 2487.0
   not 0@ > 2497.0
  1@ >= 1328.0
   not 1@ > 1338.0
  2@ >= -500.0
   not 2@ > 500.0
  6@ == 0
jf @NONAME_9748
6@ = 1

if and
  0@ >= 203.0
   not 0@ > 213.0
  1@ >= -51.0
   not 1@ > -41.0
  2@ >= -500.0
   not 2@ > 500.0
  6@ == 0
jf @NONAME_9833
6@ = 1

if and
  0@ >= 1934.0
   not 0@ > 1944.0
  1@ >= 1868.0
   not 1@ > 1878.0
  2@ >= -500.0
   not 2@ > 500.0
  6@ == 0
jf @NONAME_9918
6@ = 1

if and
  0@ >= 1052.0
   not 0@ > 1062.0
  1@ >= 2361.0
   not 1@ > 2371.0
  2@ >= -500.0
   not 2@ > 500.0
  6@ == 0
jf @NONAME_10003
6@ = 1

if and
  0@ >= 1661.0
   not 0@ > 1651.0
  1@ >= 2232.0
   not 1@ > 2243.0
  2@ >= -500.0
   not 2@ > 500.0
  6@ == 0
jf @NONAME_10088
6@ = 1

if and
  0@ >= 1874.0
   not 0@ > 1884.0
  1@ >= 2567.0
   not 1@ > 2577.0
  2@ >= -500.0
   not 2@ > 500.0
  6@ == 0
jf @NONAME_10173
6@ = 1

if and
  0@ >= 2491.0
   not 0@ > 2501.0
  1@ >= 1335.0
   not 1@ > 1345.0
  2@ >= -500.0
   not 2@ > 500.0
  6@ == 0
jf @NONAME_10258
6@ = 1

if and
  0@ >= 207.0
   not 0@ > 217.0
  1@ >= -51.0
   not 1@ > -41.0
  2@ >= -500.0
   not 2@ > 500.0
  6@ == 0
jf @NONAME_10343
6@ = 1

if and
  0@ >= -561.0
   not 0@ > -551.0
  1@ >= -516.0
   not 1@ > -507.0
  2@ >= -500.0
   not 2@ > 500.0
  6@ == 0
jf @NONAME_10428
6@ = 1

if and
  0@ >= 2016.0
   not 0@ > 2026.0
  1@ >= 2065.0
   not 1@ > 2075.0
  2@ >= -500.0
   not 2@ > 500.0
  6@ == 0
jf @NONAME_10513
6@ = 1

if and
  0@ >= 1654.0
   not 0@ > 1674.0
  1@ >= 2230.0
   not 1@ > 2240.0
  2@ >= -500.0
   not 2@ > 500.0
  6@ == 0
jf @NONAME_10598
6@ = 1

if and
  0@ >= 2023.0
   not 0@ > 2033.0
  1@ >= 2064.0
   not 1@ > 2074.0
  2@ >= -500.0
   not 2@ > 500.0
  6@ == 0
jf @NONAME_10683
6@ = 1

if and
  0@ >= 2023.0
   not 0@ > 2033.0
  1@ >= 2064.0
   not 1@ > 2074.0
  2@ >= -500.0
   not 2@ > 500.0
  6@ == 0
jf @NONAME_10768
6@ = 1

if and
  0@ >= 2023.0
   not 0@ > 2033.0
  1@ >= 2064.0
   not 1@ > 2074.0
  2@ >= -500.0
   not 2@ > 500.0
  6@ == 0
jf @NONAME_10853
6@ = 1

if and
  0@ >= 2022.0
   not 0@ > 2032.0
  1@ >= 2069.0
   not 1@ > 2079.0
  2@ >= -500.0
   not 2@ > 500.0
  6@ == 0
jf @NONAME_10938
6@ = 1

if and
  0@ >= 1647.0
   not 0@ > 1657.0
  1@ >= 2230.0
   not 1@ > 2240.0
  2@ >= -500.0
   not 2@ > 500.0
  6@ == 0
jf @NONAME_11023
6@ = 1

if and
  0@ >= 1928.0
   not 0@ > 1938.0
  1@ >= 1870.0
   not 1@ > 1880.0
  2@ >= -500.0
   not 2@ > 500.0
  6@ == 0
jf @NONAME_11108
6@ = 1

ret 1 6@


Aug 5, 2022
Reaction score
this d3d9.dll folder has conflict with bandicam in game mode i cant record please help me fix it


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    697.3 KB · Views: 8