️ Decrypting/Safety Check CLEO/SF/ASI/DLL

Here you can send files and they will be decrypted(cleo/lua/ahk) !

CLEO / LUA / AHK files can have their encryption removed
In full / in part

The SF / ASI / DLL file will be mainly tested
It is not possible to extract code in an orderly manner from files programmed in C ++
Here you will find out if a file is safe and what it does.
Last edited:


Jul 14, 2015
Reaction score
please descrpyt
// This file was decompiled using SASCM.ini published by GTAG (http://gtag.gtagaming.com/opcode-database) on 14.6.2013
{$CLEO .cs}
{$USE bitwise}
{$USE file}
{$USE ini}
{$USE newOpcodes}

0000: NOP
thread '.Juli4n{'

   not SAMP.Available
jf @_JULI4N__41
wait 0
jump @_JULI4N__21

0661: NOP "Please No Decrypt"
0661: NOP "Check File Size Anti Keylogger"
alloc 0@ = allocate_memory_size 100
format 0@ = format "CLEO\Camionero.cs"
call @_JULI4N__9523 2 0@ 25000
free 0@
0@ = 0
0661: NOP "Check File Size Anti Keylogger"
0661: NOP "Please No Decrypt"
gosub @_JULI4N__8738
alloc 17@ = allocate_memory_size 260
0BE3: raknet setup_incoming_rpc_hook @_JULI4N__7871
0C6A: $4 = create_custom_thread_at_label @_JULI4N__1293
0C6A: $4 = create_custom_thread_at_label @_JULI4N__9154
0C6A: $4 = create_custom_thread_at_label @_JULI4N__2391
0C6A: $4 = create_custom_thread_at_label -6654
alloc 30@ = allocate_memory_size 260
22@ = Render.CreateFont("Arial", 11, 3)
alloc 23@ = allocate_memory_size 260
0B34: samp register_client_command "Camionero" to_label @_JULI4N__5017

wait 0
jf @_JULI4N__1014
Dialog.SliderGetValue(31@, 2, 5@)
Dialog.SliderGetValue(31@, 4, 6@)
Dialog.SliderGetValue(31@, 6, 7@)
0B67: render a 255 r 5@ g 6@ b 7@ to_argb 8@
0BFC: set_global_var "CamioneroContadorColor" = 8@
0BFD: 28@ = get_global_var "CamioneroContadorRecos"
  28@ == 0
jf @_JULI4N__603
0BFD: 26@ = get_global_var "CamioneroContadorX"
0BFD: 27@ = get_global_var "CamioneroContadorY"
format 23@ = format "Recorridos » 10"
0BFD: 25@ = get_global_var "CamioneroContadorColor"
Render.DrawText(22@, 23@, 26@, 27@, 25@)
0C11: memset destination 30@ value 0 size 260

   Dialog.PopEvent(31@, 9@, 10@)
jf @_JULI4N__1014
  9@ == 1281
jf @_JULI4N__705
  10@ == 2
jf @_JULI4N__705
Dialog.SliderGetValue(31@, 2, 5@)
format 30@ = format "%d" 5@
Dialog.SetControlText(31@, 13, 30@)
0C11: memset destination 30@ value 0 size 260

  10@ == 4
jf @_JULI4N__766
Dialog.SliderGetValue(31@, 4, 6@)
format 30@ = format "%d" 6@
Dialog.SetControlText(31@, 14, 30@)
0C11: memset destination 30@ value 0 size 260

  10@ == 6
jf @_JULI4N__827
Dialog.SliderGetValue(31@, 6, 7@)
format 30@ = format "%d" 7@
Dialog.SetControlText(31@, 15, 30@)
0C11: memset destination 30@ value 0 size 260

  10@ == 11
jf @_JULI4N__1014
018C: play_sound 1083 at 0.0 0.0 0.0
0C11: memset destination 30@ value 0 size 260
Dialog.SetVisible(31@, False)
Dialog.SliderGetValue(31@, 2, 5@)
Dialog.SliderGetValue(31@, 4, 6@)
Dialog.SliderGetValue(31@, 6, 7@)
0B67: render a 255 r 5@ g 6@ b 7@ to_argb 8@
0BFC: set_global_var "CamioneroContadorColor" = 8@
0AF1: write_int 8@ to_ini_file "CLEO\INI\Camionero.ini" section "Contador_Recos" key "Color"

  0@ == 1
jf @_JULI4N__1286
0AF0: 11@ = get_int_from_ini_file "CLEO\INI\Camionero.ini" section "Settings" key "Motor"
0AF0: 12@ = get_int_from_ini_file "CLEO\INI\Camionero.ini" section "Settings" key "Luces"
0AF0: 13@ = get_int_from_ini_file "CLEO\INI\Camionero.ini" section "Settings" key "Cargar"
  11@ == 1
jf @_JULI4N__1208
say "/arrancar"
wait 1500

  12@ == 1
jf @_JULI4N__1242
say "/luces"
wait 1500

  13@ == 1
jf @_JULI4N__1279
say "/cargar camion"

0@ = 0

jump @_JULI4N__327

alloc 3@ = allocate_memory_size 260
0BE3: raknet setup_incoming_rpc_hook @_JULI4N__8542
alloc 30@ = allocate_memory_size 100
alloc 29@ = allocate_memory_size 100

wait 0
  0@ == 1
jf @_JULI4N__2377
call @_JULI4N__7635 0
jf @_JULI4N__2377
0AF0: 4@ = get_int_from_ini_file "CLEO\INI\Camionero.ini" section "Settings" key "Carga"
  4@ == 0
jf @_JULI4N__1462
format 30@ = format "{00CC00}Productos de 24/7"

  4@ == 1
jf @_JULI4N__1500
format 30@ = format "{00CC00}Ropa"

  4@ == 2
jf @_JULI4N__1540
format 30@ = format "{FF0000}Drogas"

  4@ == 3
jf @_JULI4N__1579
format 30@ = format "{FF0000}Armas"

call @_JULI4N__7744 0 5@ 6@ 7@
if and
  5@ == 1338.301
  6@ == -911.3438
  7@ == 35.9948
jf @_JULI4N__1653
format 29@ = format "Temple"

if and
  5@ == 1839.344
  6@ == -1831.47
  7@ == 13.5854
jf @_JULI4N__1710
format 29@ = format "Idlewood"

if and
  5@ == 1000.72
  6@ == -906.0076
  7@ == 42.1918
jf @_JULI4N__1769
format 29@ = format "Mulholland"

if and
  5@ == 458.461
  6@ == -1508.191
  7@ == 30.9899
jf @_JULI4N__1823
format 29@ = format "Rodeo"

if and
  5@ == 1454.262
  6@ == -1144.046
  7@ == 24.0594
jf @_JULI4N__1891
format 29@ = format "Downtown Los Santos"

if and
  5@ == 507.6811
  6@ == -1372.084
  7@ == 16.1252
jf @_JULI4N__1945
format 29@ = format "Rodeo"

if and
  5@ == 2234.916
  6@ == -1689.997
  7@ == 13.9738
jf @_JULI4N__2000
format 29@ = format "Ganton"

if and
  5@ == 2508.385
  6@ == -2116.169
  7@ == 13.5469
jf @_JULI4N__2060
format 29@ = format "Ocean Docks"

if and
  5@ == 2443.595
  6@ == -1425.273
  7@ == 24.0
jf @_JULI4N__2124
format 29@ = format "East Los Santos"

if and
  5@ == 2166.964
  6@ == -2273.219
  7@ == 13.3707
jf @_JULI4N__2184
format 29@ = format "Ocean Docks"

if and
  5@ == 2485.026
  6@ == -2117.204
  7@ == 13.5469
jf @_JULI4N__2244
format 29@ = format "Ocean Docks"

chatmsg "El camión fue {00CC00}cargado con éxito{FFFFFF}. | Contenido: %s {FFFFFF}| Zona de entrega: {00CCFF}%s" color -1 30@ 29@
0C11: memset destination 30@ value 0 size 100
0C11: memset destination 29@ value 0 size 100

0@ = 0
jump @_JULI4N__1322

wait 0
   SAMP.DialogRespond(5613, 1@, 2@, 0)
jf @_JULI4N__4358
  1@ == 1
jf @_JULI4N__2676
  2@ == 0
jf @_JULI4N__2676
0AF0: 3@ = get_int_from_ini_file "CLEO\INI\Camionero.ini" section "Settings" key "Motor"
  3@ == 0
jf @_JULI4N__2601
018C: play_sound 1083 at 0.0 0.0 0.0
0AF1: write_int 1 to_ini_file "CLEO\INI\Camionero.ini" section "Settings" key "Motor"
call @_JULI4N__5029 0
jump @_JULI4N__2676

018C: play_sound 1084 at 0.0 0.0 0.0
0AF1: write_int 0 to_ini_file "CLEO\INI\Camionero.ini" section "Settings" key "Motor"
call @_JULI4N__5029 0

  1@ == 1
jf @_JULI4N__2941
  2@ == 1
jf @_JULI4N__2941
0AF0: 4@ = get_int_from_ini_file "CLEO\INI\Camionero.ini" section "Settings" key "Luces"
  4@ == 0
jf @_JULI4N__2862
018C: play_sound 1083 at 0.0 0.0 0.0
0AF1: write_int 1 to_ini_file "CLEO\INI\Camionero.ini" section "Settings" key "Luces"
call @_JULI4N__5029 0
jump @_JULI4N__2941

018C: play_sound 1084 at 0.0 0.0 0.0
0AF1: write_int 0 to_ini_file "CLEO\INI\Camionero.ini" section "Settings" key "Luces"
call @_JULI4N__5029 0

  1@ == 1
jf @_JULI4N__3209
  2@ == 2
jf @_JULI4N__3209
0AF0: 5@ = get_int_from_ini_file "CLEO\INI\Camionero.ini" section "Settings" key "Cargar"
  5@ == 0
jf @_JULI4N__3129
018C: play_sound 1083 at 0.0 0.0 0.0
0AF1: write_int 1 to_ini_file "CLEO\INI\Camionero.ini" section "Settings" key "Cargar"
call @_JULI4N__5029 0
jump @_JULI4N__3209

018C: play_sound 1084 at 0.0 0.0 0.0
0AF1: write_int 0 to_ini_file "CLEO\INI\Camionero.ini" section "Settings" key "Cargar"
call @_JULI4N__5029 0

  1@ == 1
jf @_JULI4N__3306
  2@ == 3
jf @_JULI4N__3306
0AC6: 31@ = label @_JULI4N__6585 offset
SAMP.ShowDialog(5614, "Seleccionar carga.", 31@, "Seleccionar", "Cerrar", 2)

  1@ == 1
jf @_JULI4N__3735
  2@ == 4
jf @_JULI4N__3735
0AF0: 6@ = get_int_from_ini_file "CLEO\INI\Camionero.ini" section "Contador_Recos" key "Contador"
  6@ == 0
jf @_JULI4N__3619
018C: play_sound 1083 at 0.0 0.0 0.0
0AF1: write_int 1 to_ini_file "CLEO\INI\Camionero.ini" section "Contador_Recos" key "Contador"
0AF0: 7@ = get_int_from_ini_file "CLEO\INI\Camionero.ini" section "Contador_Recos" key "Color"
0BFC: set_global_var "CamioneroContadorColor" = 7@
0BFC: set_global_var "CamioneroContadorRecos" = 1
call @_JULI4N__5029 0
jump @_JULI4N__3735

018C: play_sound 1084 at 0.0 0.0 0.0
0AF1: write_int 0 to_ini_file "CLEO\INI\Camionero.ini" section "Contador_Recos" key "Contador"
0BFC: set_global_var "CamioneroContadorRecos" = 0
call @_JULI4N__5029 0

  1@ == 1
jf @_JULI4N__3911
  2@ == 5
jf @_JULI4N__3911
0BFC: set_global_var "CamioneroContadorRecos" = 0
call @_JULI4N__7286 0
0AF0: 7@ = get_int_from_ini_file "CLEO\INI\Camionero.ini" section "Contador_Recos" key "Contador"
  7@ == 1
jf @_JULI4N__3911
0BFC: set_global_var "CamioneroContadorRecos" = 7@

  1@ == 1
jf @_JULI4N__3976
  2@ == 6
jf @_JULI4N__3976
0BFD: 31@ = get_global_var "CamioneroDialog"
Dialog.SetVisible(31@, True)

  1@ == 1
jf @_JULI4N__4124
  2@ == 7
jf @_JULI4N__4124
018C: play_sound 1083 at 0.0 0.0 0.0
0BFC: set_global_var "CamioneroConteoRecos" = 0
0AF1: write_int 0 to_ini_file "CLEO\INI\Camionero.ini" section "Contador_Recos" key "Conteo"
call @_JULI4N__5029 0

  1@ == 1
jf @_JULI4N__4358
  2@ == 8
jf @_JULI4N__4358
chatmsg "" color -1
chatmsg "Creadores {BAFF00}» {E3E3E3}Juli4n {BAFF00}& {E3E3E3}Jose." color -16730625
chatmsg "Comunidad de Discord {BAFF00}» {E3E3E3}https://discord.gg/kTDxKEaWqk {00B5FF}[ {BAFF00}Samp Mods {00B5FF}]" color -16730625
chatmsg "" color -1

   SAMP.DialogRespond(5614, 1@, 2@, 0)
jf @_JULI4N__5010
  1@ == 1
jf @_JULI4N__4548
  2@ == 0
jf @_JULI4N__4548
018C: play_sound 1083 at 0.0 0.0 0.0
chatmsg "Carga seleccionada {00B5FF}» {00CC00}Productos de 24/7." color -16712158
0AF1: write_int 0 to_ini_file "CLEO\INI\Camionero.ini" section "Settings" key "Carga"

  1@ == 1
jf @_JULI4N__4701
  2@ == 1
jf @_JULI4N__4701
018C: play_sound 1083 at 0.0 0.0 0.0
chatmsg "Carga seleccionada {00B5FF}» {00CC00}Ropa." color -16712158
0AF1: write_int 1 to_ini_file "CLEO\INI\Camionero.ini" section "Settings" key "Carga"

  1@ == 1
jf @_JULI4N__4856
  2@ == 2
jf @_JULI4N__4856
018C: play_sound 1083 at 0.0 0.0 0.0
chatmsg "Carga seleccionada {00B5FF}» {FF0000}Drogas." color -16712158
0AF1: write_int 2 to_ini_file "CLEO\INI\Camionero.ini" section "Settings" key "Carga"

  1@ == 1
jf @_JULI4N__5010
  2@ == 3
jf @_JULI4N__5010
018C: play_sound 1083 at 0.0 0.0 0.0
chatmsg "Carga seleccionada {00B5FF}» {FF0000}Armas." color -16712158
0AF1: write_int 3 to_ini_file "CLEO\INI\Camionero.ini" section "Settings" key "Carga"

jump @_JULI4N__2391

call @_JULI4N__5029 0

alloc 31@ = allocate_memory_size 1000
0AF0: 1@ = get_int_from_ini_file "CLEO\INI\Camionero.ini" section "Settings" key "Motor"
0AF0: 2@ = get_int_from_ini_file "CLEO\INI\Camionero.ini" section "Settings" key "Luces"
0AF0: 3@ = get_int_from_ini_file "CLEO\INI\Camionero.ini" section "Settings" key "Cargar"
0AF0: 4@ = get_int_from_ini_file "CLEO\INI\Camionero.ini" section "Settings" key "Carga"
0AF0: 5@ = get_int_from_ini_file "CLEO\INI\Camionero.ini" section "Contador_Recos" key "Contador"
  1@ == 1
jf @_JULI4N__5357
format 31@ = format "{E3E3E3}Encender motor {00B5FF}» {00CC00}Sí%c" 10
jump @_JULI4N__5412

format 31@ = format "{E3E3E3}Encender motor {00B5FF}» {FF0000}No%c" 10

  2@ == 1
jf @_JULI4N__5497
format 31@ = format "%s{E3E3E3}Encender luces {00B5FF}» {00CC00}Sí%c" 31@ 10
jump @_JULI4N__5557

format 31@ = format "%s{E3E3E3}Encender luces {00B5FF}» {FF0000}No%c" 31@ 10

  3@ == 1
jf @_JULI4N__5641
format 31@ = format "%s{E3E3E3}Cargar camión {00B5FF}» {00CC00}Sí%c" 31@ 10
jump @_JULI4N__5700

format 31@ = format "%s{E3E3E3}Cargar camión {00B5FF}» {FF0000}No%c" 31@ 10

  4@ == 0
jf @_JULI4N__5822
format 31@ = format "%s{E3E3E3}Seleccionar carga. {BAFF00}| {E3E3E3}Actual {00B5FF}» {00CC00}Productos de 24/7%c" 31@ 10

  4@ == 1
jf @_JULI4N__5931
format 31@ = format "%s{E3E3E3}Seleccionar carga. {BAFF00}| {E3E3E3}Actual {00B5FF}» {00CC00}Ropa%c" 31@ 10

  4@ == 2
jf @_JULI4N__6042
format 31@ = format "%s{E3E3E3}Seleccionar carga. {BAFF00}| {E3E3E3}Actual {00B5FF}» {FF0000}Drogas%c" 31@ 10

  4@ == 3
jf @_JULI4N__6152
format 31@ = format "%s{E3E3E3}Seleccionar carga. {BAFF00}| {E3E3E3}Actual {00B5FF}» {FF0000}Armas%c" 31@ 10

  5@ == 1
jf @_JULI4N__6245
format 31@ = format "%s{E3E3E3}Contador de recorridos {00B5FF}» {00CC00}Sí%c" 31@ 10
jump @_JULI4N__6313

format 31@ = format "%s{E3E3E3}Contador de recorridos {00B5FF}» {FF0000}No%c" 31@ 10

format 31@ = format "%s{E3E3E3}Cambiar ubicación del contador%c" 31@ 10
format 31@ = format "%s{E3E3E3}Cambiar color del contador%c" 31@ 10
format 31@ = format "%s{E3E3E3}Reiniciar conteo de recorridos%c" 31@ 10
format 31@ = format "%s{E3E3E3}Acerca del Script%c" 31@ 10
SAMP.ShowDialog(5613, "Configuración Camionero.cs", 31@, "Seleccionar", "Cerrar", 2)
free 31@
ret 0

 7B 30 30 43 43 30 30 7D 50 72 6F 64 75 63 74 6F
 73 20 64 65 20 32 34 2F 37 0A 7B 30 30 43 43 30
 30 7D 52 6F 70 61 0A 7B 46 46 30 30 30 30 7D 44
 72 6F 67 61 73 0A 7B 46 46 30 30 30 30 7D 41 72
 6D 61 73 0A 00 F0 0A 0E 16 43 4C 45 4F 5C 49 4E
 49 5C 43 61 6D 69 6F 6E 65 72 6F 2E 69 6E 69 0E
 0E 43 6F 6E 74 61 64 6F 72 5F 52 65 63 6F 73 0E
 08 43 6F 6E 74 61 64 6F 72 03 01 00
0BFC: set_global_var "CamioneroContadorRecos" = 1@
0AF0: 2@ = get_int_from_ini_file "CLEO\INI\Camionero.ini" section "Contador_Recos" key "Conteo"
0BFC: set_global_var "CamioneroConteoRecos" = 2@
0AF0: 3@ = get_int_from_ini_file "CLEO\INI\Camionero.ini" section "Contador_Recos" key "X"
0BFC: set_global_var "CamioneroContadorX" = 3@
0AF0: 4@ = get_int_from_ini_file "CLEO\INI\Camionero.ini" section "Contador_Recos" key "Y"
0BFC: set_global_var "CamioneroContadorY" = 4@
0AF0: 5@ = get_int_from_ini_file "CLEO\INI\Camionero.ini" section "Contador_Recos" key "Color"
0BFC: set_global_var "CamioneroContadorColor" = 5@
31@ = Render.CreateFont("Arial", 11, 3)
alloc 30@ = allocate_memory_size 260

wait 0
0BFD: 0@ = get_global_var "CamioneroContadorRecos"
  0@ == 1
jf @_JULI4N__7279
0BFD: 2@ = get_global_var "CamioneroConteoRecos"
0BFD: 3@ = get_global_var "CamioneroContadorX"
0BFD: 4@ = get_global_var "CamioneroContadorY"
format 30@ = format "Recorridos » %d" 2@
0BFD: 5@ = get_global_var "CamioneroContadorColor"
Render.DrawText(31@, 30@, 3@, 4@, 5@)
0C11: memset destination 30@ value 0 size 260

jump @_JULI4N__7069

31@ = Render.CreateFont("Arial", 11, 3)
alloc 30@ = allocate_memory_size 260

   not key_down 32
jf @_JULI4N__7455
wait 0
0B5E: get_cursor_pos 1@ 2@
format 30@ = format "Recorridos » 10"
0BFD: 3@ = get_global_var "CamioneroContadorColor"
Render.DrawText(31@, 30@, 1@, 2@, 3@)
print "Pulsa ESPACIO para guardar" time 100
0C11: memset destination 30@ value 0 size 260
jump @_JULI4N__7310

018C: play_sound 1083 at 0.0 0.0 0.0
free 30@
0AF1: write_int 1@ to_ini_file "CLEO\INI\Camionero.ini" section "Contador_Recos" key "X"
0AF1: write_int 2@ to_ini_file "CLEO\INI\Camionero.ini" section "Contador_Recos" key "Y"
0BFC: set_global_var "CamioneroContadorX" = 1@
0BFC: set_global_var "CamioneroContadorY" = 2@
ret 0

0AA2: 0@ = load_library "samp.dll" // IF and SET
jf @_JULI4N__7739
0A8E: 1@ = 0@ + 2203916 // int
0A8D: 1@ = read_memory 1@ size 4 virtual_protect 0
1@ += 36
0A8D: 1@ = read_memory 1@ size 4 virtual_protect 0
  1@ == 1
jf @_JULI4N__7732
jump @_JULI4N__7734


0AA3: free_library 0@

ret 0

0AA2: 0@ = load_library "samp.dll" // IF and SET
jf @_JULI4N__7857
0A8E: 1@ = 0@ + 2203916 // int
0A8D: 1@ = read_memory 1@ size 4 virtual_protect 0
1@ += 12
0A8D: 2@ = read_memory 1@ size 4 virtual_protect 0
1@ += 4
0A8D: 3@ = read_memory 1@ size 4 virtual_protect 0
1@ += 4
0A8D: 4@ = read_memory 1@ size 4 virtual_protect 0
0AA3: free_library 0@

ret 3 2@ 3@ 4@

0BE5: raknet 14@ = get_hook_param 1
  14@ == 93
jf @_JULI4N__8358
0BE5: raknet 14@ = get_hook_param 0
15@ = BitStream.Read(14@, 3)
16@ = BitStream.Read(14@, 3)
0C11: memset destination 17@ value 0 size 260
BitStream.ReadArray(14@, 17@, 16@)
0C1E: array 17@ element 16@ el_size 1 = 0
0C29: $4 = stristr string1 17@ string2 "Selecciona lo que deseas transportar."
jf @_JULI4N__8083
0AF0: 20@ = get_int_from_ini_file "CLEO\INI\Camionero.ini" section "Settings" key "Cargar"
  20@ == 1
jf @_JULI4N__8083
0BE0: raknet hook_ret 0

  15@ == -86
jf @_JULI4N__8155
0C29: $4 = stristr string1 17@ string2 "Usa {DBED15}/cargar camion"
jf @_JULI4N__8155
0@ = 1

  15@ == 865730559
jf @_JULI4N__8358
0C29: $4 = stristr string1 17@ string2 "camionero aumentada +"
jf @_JULI4N__8358
0AF0: 18@ = get_int_from_ini_file "CLEO\INI\Camionero.ini" section "Contador_Recos" key "Conteo"
18@ += 1
0BFC: set_global_var "CamioneroConteoRecos" = 18@
0AF1: write_int 18@ to_ini_file "CLEO\INI\Camionero.ini" section "Contador_Recos" key "Conteo"

  14@ == 61
jf @_JULI4N__8538
0BE5: raknet 14@ = get_hook_param 0
19@ = BitStream.Read(14@, 2)
0AF0: 20@ = get_int_from_ini_file "CLEO\INI\Camionero.ini" section "Settings" key "Cargar"
  19@ == 21
jf @_JULI4N__8538
  20@ == 1
jf @_JULI4N__8538
0AF0: 21@ = get_int_from_ini_file "CLEO\INI\Camionero.ini" section "Settings" key "Carga"
0BC9: samp send_dialog_response dialog 19@ button 1 listitem 21@ input 0
0BE0: raknet hook_ret 0

0BE0: raknet hook_ret 1

0BE5: raknet 31@ = get_hook_param 1
  31@ == 93
jf @_JULI4N__8734
  0@ == 0
jf @_JULI4N__8734
0BE5: raknet 31@ = get_hook_param 0
1@ = BitStream.Read(31@, 3)
2@ = BitStream.Read(31@, 3)
0C11: memset destination 3@ value 0 size 260
BitStream.ReadArray(31@, 3@, 2@)
0C1E: array 3@ element 2@ el_size 1 = 0
  1@ == -86
jf @_JULI4N__8734
0C29: $4 = stristr string1 3@ string2 "El camión fue {00CC00}cargado con éxito"
jf @_JULI4N__8734
0@ = 1
0BE0: raknet hook_ret 0

0BE0: raknet hook_ret 1

Dialog.Create(31@, "Cambiar color.")
0BFC: set_global_var "CamioneroDialog" = 31@
Dialog.SetVisible(31@, False)
Dialog.EnableCaption(31@, True)
SAMP.GetScreenResolution(1@, 2@)
1@ /= 2
2@ /= 2
1@ -= 100
2@ -= 150
Dialog.SetRECT(31@, 1@, 2@, 200, 300)
Dialog.AddStatic(31@, 1, "{FF0000}Rojo", 65, 10, 100, 20)
Dialog.AddStatic(31@, 13, "255", 110, 9, 100, 20)
Dialog.AddSlider(31@, 2, 15, 30, 170, 25, 255)
Dialog.SliderSetValue(31@, 2, 255)
Dialog.AddStatic(31@, 3, "{00FF00}Verde", 65, 58, 100, 20)
Dialog.AddStatic(31@, 14, "255", 110, 59, 100, 20)
Dialog.AddSlider(31@, 4, 15, 80, 170, 25, 255)
Dialog.SliderSetValue(31@, 4, 255)
Dialog.AddStatic(31@, 5, "{0000FF}Azul", 65, 110, 100, 20)
Dialog.AddStatic(31@, 15, "255", 110, 109, 100, 20)
Dialog.AddSlider(31@, 6, 15, 130, 170, 25, 255)
Dialog.SliderSetValue(31@, 6, 255)
Dialog.AddButton(31@, 11, "Guardar", 30, 240, 140, 20)
Dialog.AddStatic(31@, 12, "{00FF87}Dialog By Jose", 5, 263, 150, 20)

0000: NOP

wait 0
1@ = 255
2@ = 0
3@ = 0
3@ = 0

wait 0
gosub @_JULI4N__9474
3@ += 1
  3@ > 255
jf @_JULI4N__9189
3@ = 255
1@ = 255

wait 0
gosub @_JULI4N__9474
1@ -= 1
  0 > 1@
jf @_JULI4N__9238
1@ = 0
2@ = 0

wait 0
gosub @_JULI4N__9474
2@ += 1
  2@ > 255
jf @_JULI4N__9284
2@ = 255
3@ = 255

wait 0
gosub @_JULI4N__9474
3@ -= 1
  0 > 3@
jf @_JULI4N__9333
3@ = 0
1@ = 0

wait 0
gosub @_JULI4N__9474
1@ += 1
  1@ > 255
jf @_JULI4N__9379
1@ = 255
2@ = 255

wait 0
gosub @_JULI4N__9474
2@ -= 1
  0 > 2@
jf @_JULI4N__9428
2@ = 0
jump @_JULI4N__9156

0B67: render a 155 r 1@ g 2@ b 3@ to_argb 4@
0BFD: 31@ = get_global_var "CamioneroDialog"
Dialog.SetBackgroundColor(31@, 4@)

31@ = File.Open(0@, "rt")
30@ = File.Size(31@)
002D:   30@ >= 1@ // (int)
jf @_JULI4N__10000
0BE3: raknet setup_incoming_rpc_hook @_JULI4N__10005

wait 1000
chatmsg "ATENCIÓN!" color -65536
chatmsg "El Mod %s no es el origuinal, este ha sido infectado con keylogger." color -4522240 0@
chatmsg "Por tu seguridad, reinstala tu GTA y elimina los archivos temporales de windows." color -4522240
chatmsg "Luego utiliza esta guia para asegurarte de que ya no tienes keyloggers." color -4522240
chatmsg "Guia: {FFFFFF}https://youtu.be/Qdp-PklosVk" color -4522240
chatmsg "El cleo origuinal esta en este canal: {FFFFFF}https://www.youtube.com/c/Juli4nMods" color -4522240
jump @_JULI4N__9574

ret 0

0BE0: raknet hook_ret 0


Jul 28, 2022
Reaction score
All the code is exhausted in one of your DUMPs, next time I don't help with such things, here they help SAMP
No nonsense from the anime SKINS of emo children
ok thanks, i need the source for my research and knowledge
but seems the script can't be decrypted completely??


Jul 14, 2015
Reaction score
ok thanks, i need the source for my research and knowledge
but seems the script can't be decrypted completely??
As it looks, that's all the code, just clean up all the shit added to it. If you are a cleo programmer you should understand what to do


Oct 2, 2020
Reaction score
// This file was decompiled using SASCM.ini published by GTAG (http://gtag.gtagaming.com/opcode-database) on 14.6.2013
{$CLEO .cs}
{$USE bitwise}
{$USE file}
{$USE ini}
{$USE newOpcodes}

0000: NOP
thread '.Juli4n{'

   not SAMP.Available
jf @_JULI4N__41
wait 0
jump @_JULI4N__21

0661: NOP "Please No Decrypt"
0661: NOP "Check File Size Anti Keylogger"
alloc 0@ = allocate_memory_size 100
format 0@ = format "CLEO\Camionero.cs"
call @_JULI4N__9523 2 0@ 25000
free 0@
0@ = 0
0661: NOP "Check File Size Anti Keylogger"
0661: NOP "Please No Decrypt"
gosub @_JULI4N__8738
alloc 17@ = allocate_memory_size 260
0BE3: raknet setup_incoming_rpc_hook @_JULI4N__7871
0C6A: $4 = create_custom_thread_at_label @_JULI4N__1293
0C6A: $4 = create_custom_thread_at_label @_JULI4N__9154
0C6A: $4 = create_custom_thread_at_label @_JULI4N__2391
0C6A: $4 = create_custom_thread_at_label -6654
alloc 30@ = allocate_memory_size 260
22@ = Render.CreateFont("Arial", 11, 3)
alloc 23@ = allocate_memory_size 260
0B34: samp register_client_command "Camionero" to_label @_JULI4N__5017

wait 0
jf @_JULI4N__1014
Dialog.SliderGetValue(31@, 2, 5@)
Dialog.SliderGetValue(31@, 4, 6@)
Dialog.SliderGetValue(31@, 6, 7@)
0B67: render a 255 r 5@ g 6@ b 7@ to_argb 8@
0BFC: set_global_var "CamioneroContadorColor" = 8@
0BFD: 28@ = get_global_var "CamioneroContadorRecos"
  28@ == 0
jf @_JULI4N__603
0BFD: 26@ = get_global_var "CamioneroContadorX"
0BFD: 27@ = get_global_var "CamioneroContadorY"
format 23@ = format "Recorridos » 10"
0BFD: 25@ = get_global_var "CamioneroContadorColor"
Render.DrawText(22@, 23@, 26@, 27@, 25@)
0C11: memset destination 30@ value 0 size 260

   Dialog.PopEvent(31@, 9@, 10@)
jf @_JULI4N__1014
  9@ == 1281
jf @_JULI4N__705
  10@ == 2
jf @_JULI4N__705
Dialog.SliderGetValue(31@, 2, 5@)
format 30@ = format "%d" 5@
Dialog.SetControlText(31@, 13, 30@)
0C11: memset destination 30@ value 0 size 260

  10@ == 4
jf @_JULI4N__766
Dialog.SliderGetValue(31@, 4, 6@)
format 30@ = format "%d" 6@
Dialog.SetControlText(31@, 14, 30@)
0C11: memset destination 30@ value 0 size 260

  10@ == 6
jf @_JULI4N__827
Dialog.SliderGetValue(31@, 6, 7@)
format 30@ = format "%d" 7@
Dialog.SetControlText(31@, 15, 30@)
0C11: memset destination 30@ value 0 size 260

  10@ == 11
jf @_JULI4N__1014
018C: play_sound 1083 at 0.0 0.0 0.0
0C11: memset destination 30@ value 0 size 260
Dialog.SetVisible(31@, False)
Dialog.SliderGetValue(31@, 2, 5@)
Dialog.SliderGetValue(31@, 4, 6@)
Dialog.SliderGetValue(31@, 6, 7@)
0B67: render a 255 r 5@ g 6@ b 7@ to_argb 8@
0BFC: set_global_var "CamioneroContadorColor" = 8@
0AF1: write_int 8@ to_ini_file "CLEO\INI\Camionero.ini" section "Contador_Recos" key "Color"

  0@ == 1
jf @_JULI4N__1286
0AF0: 11@ = get_int_from_ini_file "CLEO\INI\Camionero.ini" section "Settings" key "Motor"
0AF0: 12@ = get_int_from_ini_file "CLEO\INI\Camionero.ini" section "Settings" key "Luces"
0AF0: 13@ = get_int_from_ini_file "CLEO\INI\Camionero.ini" section "Settings" key "Cargar"
  11@ == 1
jf @_JULI4N__1208
say "/arrancar"
wait 1500

  12@ == 1
jf @_JULI4N__1242
say "/luces"
wait 1500

  13@ == 1
jf @_JULI4N__1279
say "/cargar camion"

0@ = 0

jump @_JULI4N__327

alloc 3@ = allocate_memory_size 260
0BE3: raknet setup_incoming_rpc_hook @_JULI4N__8542
alloc 30@ = allocate_memory_size 100
alloc 29@ = allocate_memory_size 100

wait 0
  0@ == 1
jf @_JULI4N__2377
call @_JULI4N__7635 0
jf @_JULI4N__2377
0AF0: 4@ = get_int_from_ini_file "CLEO\INI\Camionero.ini" section "Settings" key "Carga"
  4@ == 0
jf @_JULI4N__1462
format 30@ = format "{00CC00}Productos de 24/7"

  4@ == 1
jf @_JULI4N__1500
format 30@ = format "{00CC00}Ropa"

  4@ == 2
jf @_JULI4N__1540
format 30@ = format "{FF0000}Drogas"

  4@ == 3
jf @_JULI4N__1579
format 30@ = format "{FF0000}Armas"

call @_JULI4N__7744 0 5@ 6@ 7@
if and
  5@ == 1338.301
  6@ == -911.3438
  7@ == 35.9948
jf @_JULI4N__1653
format 29@ = format "Temple"

if and
  5@ == 1839.344
  6@ == -1831.47
  7@ == 13.5854
jf @_JULI4N__1710
format 29@ = format "Idlewood"

if and
  5@ == 1000.72
  6@ == -906.0076
  7@ == 42.1918
jf @_JULI4N__1769
format 29@ = format "Mulholland"

if and
  5@ == 458.461
  6@ == -1508.191
  7@ == 30.9899
jf @_JULI4N__1823
format 29@ = format "Rodeo"

if and
  5@ == 1454.262
  6@ == -1144.046
  7@ == 24.0594
jf @_JULI4N__1891
format 29@ = format "Downtown Los Santos"

if and
  5@ == 507.6811
  6@ == -1372.084
  7@ == 16.1252
jf @_JULI4N__1945
format 29@ = format "Rodeo"

if and
  5@ == 2234.916
  6@ == -1689.997
  7@ == 13.9738
jf @_JULI4N__2000
format 29@ = format "Ganton"

if and
  5@ == 2508.385
  6@ == -2116.169
  7@ == 13.5469
jf @_JULI4N__2060
format 29@ = format "Ocean Docks"

if and
  5@ == 2443.595
  6@ == -1425.273
  7@ == 24.0
jf @_JULI4N__2124
format 29@ = format "East Los Santos"

if and
  5@ == 2166.964
  6@ == -2273.219
  7@ == 13.3707
jf @_JULI4N__2184
format 29@ = format "Ocean Docks"

if and
  5@ == 2485.026
  6@ == -2117.204
  7@ == 13.5469
jf @_JULI4N__2244
format 29@ = format "Ocean Docks"

chatmsg "El camión fue {00CC00}cargado con éxito{FFFFFF}. | Contenido: %s {FFFFFF}| Zona de entrega: {00CCFF}%s" color -1 30@ 29@
0C11: memset destination 30@ value 0 size 100
0C11: memset destination 29@ value 0 size 100

0@ = 0
jump @_JULI4N__1322

wait 0
   SAMP.DialogRespond(5613, 1@, 2@, 0)
jf @_JULI4N__4358
  1@ == 1
jf @_JULI4N__2676
  2@ == 0
jf @_JULI4N__2676
0AF0: 3@ = get_int_from_ini_file "CLEO\INI\Camionero.ini" section "Settings" key "Motor"
  3@ == 0
jf @_JULI4N__2601
018C: play_sound 1083 at 0.0 0.0 0.0
0AF1: write_int 1 to_ini_file "CLEO\INI\Camionero.ini" section "Settings" key "Motor"
call @_JULI4N__5029 0
jump @_JULI4N__2676

018C: play_sound 1084 at 0.0 0.0 0.0
0AF1: write_int 0 to_ini_file "CLEO\INI\Camionero.ini" section "Settings" key "Motor"
call @_JULI4N__5029 0

  1@ == 1
jf @_JULI4N__2941
  2@ == 1
jf @_JULI4N__2941
0AF0: 4@ = get_int_from_ini_file "CLEO\INI\Camionero.ini" section "Settings" key "Luces"
  4@ == 0
jf @_JULI4N__2862
018C: play_sound 1083 at 0.0 0.0 0.0
0AF1: write_int 1 to_ini_file "CLEO\INI\Camionero.ini" section "Settings" key "Luces"
call @_JULI4N__5029 0
jump @_JULI4N__2941

018C: play_sound 1084 at 0.0 0.0 0.0
0AF1: write_int 0 to_ini_file "CLEO\INI\Camionero.ini" section "Settings" key "Luces"
call @_JULI4N__5029 0

  1@ == 1
jf @_JULI4N__3209
  2@ == 2
jf @_JULI4N__3209
0AF0: 5@ = get_int_from_ini_file "CLEO\INI\Camionero.ini" section "Settings" key "Cargar"
  5@ == 0
jf @_JULI4N__3129
018C: play_sound 1083 at 0.0 0.0 0.0
0AF1: write_int 1 to_ini_file "CLEO\INI\Camionero.ini" section "Settings" key "Cargar"
call @_JULI4N__5029 0
jump @_JULI4N__3209

018C: play_sound 1084 at 0.0 0.0 0.0
0AF1: write_int 0 to_ini_file "CLEO\INI\Camionero.ini" section "Settings" key "Cargar"
call @_JULI4N__5029 0

  1@ == 1
jf @_JULI4N__3306
  2@ == 3
jf @_JULI4N__3306
0AC6: 31@ = label @_JULI4N__6585 offset
SAMP.ShowDialog(5614, "Seleccionar carga.", 31@, "Seleccionar", "Cerrar", 2)

  1@ == 1
jf @_JULI4N__3735
  2@ == 4
jf @_JULI4N__3735
0AF0: 6@ = get_int_from_ini_file "CLEO\INI\Camionero.ini" section "Contador_Recos" key "Contador"
  6@ == 0
jf @_JULI4N__3619
018C: play_sound 1083 at 0.0 0.0 0.0
0AF1: write_int 1 to_ini_file "CLEO\INI\Camionero.ini" section "Contador_Recos" key "Contador"
0AF0: 7@ = get_int_from_ini_file "CLEO\INI\Camionero.ini" section "Contador_Recos" key "Color"
0BFC: set_global_var "CamioneroContadorColor" = 7@
0BFC: set_global_var "CamioneroContadorRecos" = 1
call @_JULI4N__5029 0
jump @_JULI4N__3735

018C: play_sound 1084 at 0.0 0.0 0.0
0AF1: write_int 0 to_ini_file "CLEO\INI\Camionero.ini" section "Contador_Recos" key "Contador"
0BFC: set_global_var "CamioneroContadorRecos" = 0
call @_JULI4N__5029 0

  1@ == 1
jf @_JULI4N__3911
  2@ == 5
jf @_JULI4N__3911
0BFC: set_global_var "CamioneroContadorRecos" = 0
call @_JULI4N__7286 0
0AF0: 7@ = get_int_from_ini_file "CLEO\INI\Camionero.ini" section "Contador_Recos" key "Contador"
  7@ == 1
jf @_JULI4N__3911
0BFC: set_global_var "CamioneroContadorRecos" = 7@

  1@ == 1
jf @_JULI4N__3976
  2@ == 6
jf @_JULI4N__3976
0BFD: 31@ = get_global_var "CamioneroDialog"
Dialog.SetVisible(31@, True)

  1@ == 1
jf @_JULI4N__4124
  2@ == 7
jf @_JULI4N__4124
018C: play_sound 1083 at 0.0 0.0 0.0
0BFC: set_global_var "CamioneroConteoRecos" = 0
0AF1: write_int 0 to_ini_file "CLEO\INI\Camionero.ini" section "Contador_Recos" key "Conteo"
call @_JULI4N__5029 0

  1@ == 1
jf @_JULI4N__4358
  2@ == 8
jf @_JULI4N__4358
chatmsg "" color -1
chatmsg "Creadores {BAFF00}» {E3E3E3}Juli4n {BAFF00}& {E3E3E3}Jose." color -16730625
chatmsg "Comunidad de Discord {BAFF00}» {E3E3E3}https://discord.gg/kTDxKEaWqk {00B5FF}[ {BAFF00}Samp Mods {00B5FF}]" color -16730625
chatmsg "" color -1

   SAMP.DialogRespond(5614, 1@, 2@, 0)
jf @_JULI4N__5010
  1@ == 1
jf @_JULI4N__4548
  2@ == 0
jf @_JULI4N__4548
018C: play_sound 1083 at 0.0 0.0 0.0
chatmsg "Carga seleccionada {00B5FF}» {00CC00}Productos de 24/7." color -16712158
0AF1: write_int 0 to_ini_file "CLEO\INI\Camionero.ini" section "Settings" key "Carga"

  1@ == 1
jf @_JULI4N__4701
  2@ == 1
jf @_JULI4N__4701
018C: play_sound 1083 at 0.0 0.0 0.0
chatmsg "Carga seleccionada {00B5FF}» {00CC00}Ropa." color -16712158
0AF1: write_int 1 to_ini_file "CLEO\INI\Camionero.ini" section "Settings" key "Carga"

  1@ == 1
jf @_JULI4N__4856
  2@ == 2
jf @_JULI4N__4856
018C: play_sound 1083 at 0.0 0.0 0.0
chatmsg "Carga seleccionada {00B5FF}» {FF0000}Drogas." color -16712158
0AF1: write_int 2 to_ini_file "CLEO\INI\Camionero.ini" section "Settings" key "Carga"

  1@ == 1
jf @_JULI4N__5010
  2@ == 3
jf @_JULI4N__5010
018C: play_sound 1083 at 0.0 0.0 0.0
chatmsg "Carga seleccionada {00B5FF}» {FF0000}Armas." color -16712158
0AF1: write_int 3 to_ini_file "CLEO\INI\Camionero.ini" section "Settings" key "Carga"

jump @_JULI4N__2391

call @_JULI4N__5029 0

alloc 31@ = allocate_memory_size 1000
0AF0: 1@ = get_int_from_ini_file "CLEO\INI\Camionero.ini" section "Settings" key "Motor"
0AF0: 2@ = get_int_from_ini_file "CLEO\INI\Camionero.ini" section "Settings" key "Luces"
0AF0: 3@ = get_int_from_ini_file "CLEO\INI\Camionero.ini" section "Settings" key "Cargar"
0AF0: 4@ = get_int_from_ini_file "CLEO\INI\Camionero.ini" section "Settings" key "Carga"
0AF0: 5@ = get_int_from_ini_file "CLEO\INI\Camionero.ini" section "Contador_Recos" key "Contador"
  1@ == 1
jf @_JULI4N__5357
format 31@ = format "{E3E3E3}Encender motor {00B5FF}» {00CC00}Sí%c" 10
jump @_JULI4N__5412

format 31@ = format "{E3E3E3}Encender motor {00B5FF}» {FF0000}No%c" 10

  2@ == 1
jf @_JULI4N__5497
format 31@ = format "%s{E3E3E3}Encender luces {00B5FF}» {00CC00}Sí%c" 31@ 10
jump @_JULI4N__5557

format 31@ = format "%s{E3E3E3}Encender luces {00B5FF}» {FF0000}No%c" 31@ 10

  3@ == 1
jf @_JULI4N__5641
format 31@ = format "%s{E3E3E3}Cargar camión {00B5FF}» {00CC00}Sí%c" 31@ 10
jump @_JULI4N__5700

format 31@ = format "%s{E3E3E3}Cargar camión {00B5FF}» {FF0000}No%c" 31@ 10

  4@ == 0
jf @_JULI4N__5822
format 31@ = format "%s{E3E3E3}Seleccionar carga. {BAFF00}| {E3E3E3}Actual {00B5FF}» {00CC00}Productos de 24/7%c" 31@ 10

  4@ == 1
jf @_JULI4N__5931
format 31@ = format "%s{E3E3E3}Seleccionar carga. {BAFF00}| {E3E3E3}Actual {00B5FF}» {00CC00}Ropa%c" 31@ 10

  4@ == 2
jf @_JULI4N__6042
format 31@ = format "%s{E3E3E3}Seleccionar carga. {BAFF00}| {E3E3E3}Actual {00B5FF}» {FF0000}Drogas%c" 31@ 10

  4@ == 3
jf @_JULI4N__6152
format 31@ = format "%s{E3E3E3}Seleccionar carga. {BAFF00}| {E3E3E3}Actual {00B5FF}» {FF0000}Armas%c" 31@ 10

  5@ == 1
jf @_JULI4N__6245
format 31@ = format "%s{E3E3E3}Contador de recorridos {00B5FF}» {00CC00}Sí%c" 31@ 10
jump @_JULI4N__6313

format 31@ = format "%s{E3E3E3}Contador de recorridos {00B5FF}» {FF0000}No%c" 31@ 10

format 31@ = format "%s{E3E3E3}Cambiar ubicación del contador%c" 31@ 10
format 31@ = format "%s{E3E3E3}Cambiar color del contador%c" 31@ 10
format 31@ = format "%s{E3E3E3}Reiniciar conteo de recorridos%c" 31@ 10
format 31@ = format "%s{E3E3E3}Acerca del Script%c" 31@ 10
SAMP.ShowDialog(5613, "Configuración Camionero.cs", 31@, "Seleccionar", "Cerrar", 2)
free 31@
ret 0

 7B 30 30 43 43 30 30 7D 50 72 6F 64 75 63 74 6F
 73 20 64 65 20 32 34 2F 37 0A 7B 30 30 43 43 30
 30 7D 52 6F 70 61 0A 7B 46 46 30 30 30 30 7D 44
 72 6F 67 61 73 0A 7B 46 46 30 30 30 30 7D 41 72
 6D 61 73 0A 00 F0 0A 0E 16 43 4C 45 4F 5C 49 4E
 49 5C 43 61 6D 69 6F 6E 65 72 6F 2E 69 6E 69 0E
 0E 43 6F 6E 74 61 64 6F 72 5F 52 65 63 6F 73 0E
 08 43 6F 6E 74 61 64 6F 72 03 01 00
0BFC: set_global_var "CamioneroContadorRecos" = 1@
0AF0: 2@ = get_int_from_ini_file "CLEO\INI\Camionero.ini" section "Contador_Recos" key "Conteo"
0BFC: set_global_var "CamioneroConteoRecos" = 2@
0AF0: 3@ = get_int_from_ini_file "CLEO\INI\Camionero.ini" section "Contador_Recos" key "X"
0BFC: set_global_var "CamioneroContadorX" = 3@
0AF0: 4@ = get_int_from_ini_file "CLEO\INI\Camionero.ini" section "Contador_Recos" key "Y"
0BFC: set_global_var "CamioneroContadorY" = 4@
0AF0: 5@ = get_int_from_ini_file "CLEO\INI\Camionero.ini" section "Contador_Recos" key "Color"
0BFC: set_global_var "CamioneroContadorColor" = 5@
31@ = Render.CreateFont("Arial", 11, 3)
alloc 30@ = allocate_memory_size 260

wait 0
0BFD: 0@ = get_global_var "CamioneroContadorRecos"
  0@ == 1
jf @_JULI4N__7279
0BFD: 2@ = get_global_var "CamioneroConteoRecos"
0BFD: 3@ = get_global_var "CamioneroContadorX"
0BFD: 4@ = get_global_var "CamioneroContadorY"
format 30@ = format "Recorridos » %d" 2@
0BFD: 5@ = get_global_var "CamioneroContadorColor"
Render.DrawText(31@, 30@, 3@, 4@, 5@)
0C11: memset destination 30@ value 0 size 260

jump @_JULI4N__7069

31@ = Render.CreateFont("Arial", 11, 3)
alloc 30@ = allocate_memory_size 260

   not key_down 32
jf @_JULI4N__7455
wait 0
0B5E: get_cursor_pos 1@ 2@
format 30@ = format "Recorridos » 10"
0BFD: 3@ = get_global_var "CamioneroContadorColor"
Render.DrawText(31@, 30@, 1@, 2@, 3@)
print "Pulsa ESPACIO para guardar" time 100
0C11: memset destination 30@ value 0 size 260
jump @_JULI4N__7310

018C: play_sound 1083 at 0.0 0.0 0.0
free 30@
0AF1: write_int 1@ to_ini_file "CLEO\INI\Camionero.ini" section "Contador_Recos" key "X"
0AF1: write_int 2@ to_ini_file "CLEO\INI\Camionero.ini" section "Contador_Recos" key "Y"
0BFC: set_global_var "CamioneroContadorX" = 1@
0BFC: set_global_var "CamioneroContadorY" = 2@
ret 0

0AA2: 0@ = load_library "samp.dll" // IF and SET
jf @_JULI4N__7739
0A8E: 1@ = 0@ + 2203916 // int
0A8D: 1@ = read_memory 1@ size 4 virtual_protect 0
1@ += 36
0A8D: 1@ = read_memory 1@ size 4 virtual_protect 0
  1@ == 1
jf @_JULI4N__7732
jump @_JULI4N__7734


0AA3: free_library 0@

ret 0

0AA2: 0@ = load_library "samp.dll" // IF and SET
jf @_JULI4N__7857
0A8E: 1@ = 0@ + 2203916 // int
0A8D: 1@ = read_memory 1@ size 4 virtual_protect 0
1@ += 12
0A8D: 2@ = read_memory 1@ size 4 virtual_protect 0
1@ += 4
0A8D: 3@ = read_memory 1@ size 4 virtual_protect 0
1@ += 4
0A8D: 4@ = read_memory 1@ size 4 virtual_protect 0
0AA3: free_library 0@

ret 3 2@ 3@ 4@

0BE5: raknet 14@ = get_hook_param 1
  14@ == 93
jf @_JULI4N__8358
0BE5: raknet 14@ = get_hook_param 0
15@ = BitStream.Read(14@, 3)
16@ = BitStream.Read(14@, 3)
0C11: memset destination 17@ value 0 size 260
BitStream.ReadArray(14@, 17@, 16@)
0C1E: array 17@ element 16@ el_size 1 = 0
0C29: $4 = stristr string1 17@ string2 "Selecciona lo que deseas transportar."
jf @_JULI4N__8083
0AF0: 20@ = get_int_from_ini_file "CLEO\INI\Camionero.ini" section "Settings" key "Cargar"
  20@ == 1
jf @_JULI4N__8083
0BE0: raknet hook_ret 0

  15@ == -86
jf @_JULI4N__8155
0C29: $4 = stristr string1 17@ string2 "Usa {DBED15}/cargar camion"
jf @_JULI4N__8155
0@ = 1

  15@ == 865730559
jf @_JULI4N__8358
0C29: $4 = stristr string1 17@ string2 "camionero aumentada +"
jf @_JULI4N__8358
0AF0: 18@ = get_int_from_ini_file "CLEO\INI\Camionero.ini" section "Contador_Recos" key "Conteo"
18@ += 1
0BFC: set_global_var "CamioneroConteoRecos" = 18@
0AF1: write_int 18@ to_ini_file "CLEO\INI\Camionero.ini" section "Contador_Recos" key "Conteo"

  14@ == 61
jf @_JULI4N__8538
0BE5: raknet 14@ = get_hook_param 0
19@ = BitStream.Read(14@, 2)
0AF0: 20@ = get_int_from_ini_file "CLEO\INI\Camionero.ini" section "Settings" key "Cargar"
  19@ == 21
jf @_JULI4N__8538
  20@ == 1
jf @_JULI4N__8538
0AF0: 21@ = get_int_from_ini_file "CLEO\INI\Camionero.ini" section "Settings" key "Carga"
0BC9: samp send_dialog_response dialog 19@ button 1 listitem 21@ input 0
0BE0: raknet hook_ret 0

0BE0: raknet hook_ret 1

0BE5: raknet 31@ = get_hook_param 1
  31@ == 93
jf @_JULI4N__8734
  0@ == 0
jf @_JULI4N__8734
0BE5: raknet 31@ = get_hook_param 0
1@ = BitStream.Read(31@, 3)
2@ = BitStream.Read(31@, 3)
0C11: memset destination 3@ value 0 size 260
BitStream.ReadArray(31@, 3@, 2@)
0C1E: array 3@ element 2@ el_size 1 = 0
  1@ == -86
jf @_JULI4N__8734
0C29: $4 = stristr string1 3@ string2 "El camión fue {00CC00}cargado con éxito"
jf @_JULI4N__8734
0@ = 1
0BE0: raknet hook_ret 0

0BE0: raknet hook_ret 1

Dialog.Create(31@, "Cambiar color.")
0BFC: set_global_var "CamioneroDialog" = 31@
Dialog.SetVisible(31@, False)
Dialog.EnableCaption(31@, True)
SAMP.GetScreenResolution(1@, 2@)
1@ /= 2
2@ /= 2
1@ -= 100
2@ -= 150
Dialog.SetRECT(31@, 1@, 2@, 200, 300)
Dialog.AddStatic(31@, 1, "{FF0000}Rojo", 65, 10, 100, 20)
Dialog.AddStatic(31@, 13, "255", 110, 9, 100, 20)
Dialog.AddSlider(31@, 2, 15, 30, 170, 25, 255)
Dialog.SliderSetValue(31@, 2, 255)
Dialog.AddStatic(31@, 3, "{00FF00}Verde", 65, 58, 100, 20)
Dialog.AddStatic(31@, 14, "255", 110, 59, 100, 20)
Dialog.AddSlider(31@, 4, 15, 80, 170, 25, 255)
Dialog.SliderSetValue(31@, 4, 255)
Dialog.AddStatic(31@, 5, "{0000FF}Azul", 65, 110, 100, 20)
Dialog.AddStatic(31@, 15, "255", 110, 109, 100, 20)
Dialog.AddSlider(31@, 6, 15, 130, 170, 25, 255)
Dialog.SliderSetValue(31@, 6, 255)
Dialog.AddButton(31@, 11, "Guardar", 30, 240, 140, 20)
Dialog.AddStatic(31@, 12, "{00FF87}Dialog By Jose", 5, 263, 150, 20)

0000: NOP

wait 0
1@ = 255
2@ = 0
3@ = 0
3@ = 0

wait 0
gosub @_JULI4N__9474
3@ += 1
  3@ > 255
jf @_JULI4N__9189
3@ = 255
1@ = 255

wait 0
gosub @_JULI4N__9474
1@ -= 1
  0 > 1@
jf @_JULI4N__9238
1@ = 0
2@ = 0

wait 0
gosub @_JULI4N__9474
2@ += 1
  2@ > 255
jf @_JULI4N__9284
2@ = 255
3@ = 255

wait 0
gosub @_JULI4N__9474
3@ -= 1
  0 > 3@
jf @_JULI4N__9333
3@ = 0
1@ = 0

wait 0
gosub @_JULI4N__9474
1@ += 1
  1@ > 255
jf @_JULI4N__9379
1@ = 255
2@ = 255

wait 0
gosub @_JULI4N__9474
2@ -= 1
  0 > 2@
jf @_JULI4N__9428
2@ = 0
jump @_JULI4N__9156

0B67: render a 155 r 1@ g 2@ b 3@ to_argb 4@
0BFD: 31@ = get_global_var "CamioneroDialog"
Dialog.SetBackgroundColor(31@, 4@)

31@ = File.Open(0@, "rt")
30@ = File.Size(31@)
002D:   30@ >= 1@ // (int)
jf @_JULI4N__10000
0BE3: raknet setup_incoming_rpc_hook @_JULI4N__10005

wait 1000
chatmsg "ATENCIÓN!" color -65536
chatmsg "El Mod %s no es el origuinal, este ha sido infectado con keylogger." color -4522240 0@
chatmsg "Por tu seguridad, reinstala tu GTA y elimina los archivos temporales de windows." color -4522240
chatmsg "Luego utiliza esta guia para asegurarte de que ya no tienes keyloggers." color -4522240
chatmsg "Guia: {FFFFFF}https://youtu.be/Qdp-PklosVk" color -4522240
chatmsg "El cleo origuinal esta en este canal: {FFFFFF}https://www.youtube.com/c/Juli4nMods" color -4522240
jump @_JULI4N__9574

ret 0

0BE0: raknet hook_ret 0
chatmsg "El Mod %s no es el origuinal, este ha sido infectado con keylogger." color -4522240 0@
chatmsg "Por tu seguridad, reinstala tu GTA y elimina los archivos temporales de windows." color -4522240
chatmsg "Luego utiliza esta guia para asegurarte de que ya no tienes keyloggers." color -4522240
chatmsg "Guia: {FFFFFF}
" color -4522240
chatmsg "El cleo origuinal esta en este canal: {FFFFFF}https://www.youtube.com/c/Juli4nMods" color -4522240


Jul 14, 2015
Reaction score
chatmsg "El Mod %s no es el origuinal, este ha sido infectado con keylogger." color -4522240 0@
chatmsg "Por tu seguridad, reinstala tu GTA y elimina los archivos temporales de windows." color -4522240
chatmsg "Luego utiliza esta guia para asegurarte de que ya no tienes keyloggers." color -4522240
chatmsg "Guia: {FFFFFF}
" color -4522240
chatmsg "El cleo origuinal esta en este canal: {FFFFFF}https://www.youtube.com/c/Juli4nMods" color -4522240
All these methods can be bypassed :D skidsboys


Active member
Sep 19, 2017
Reaction score
can you decrypt the .asi and pack it back undecrypted?


  • imbrowser-3.9-alpha.zip
    457.9 KB · Views: 7


Well-known member
Jun 20, 2021
Reaction score
Sahara Desert
Could you show the evidence that it is a keylogger? I am the creator, and it only has weight control TO AVOID being contaminated with keyloggers
Are you that mad because your shit ass cheat has virus and people found out? sendd nudes to ugbase to get best free encrypters bitch


Mar 4, 2013
Reaction score
can you stick to the topic and stop arguing like little kids over mods for a 2004 game in an almost dead forum, i'm sure you both are more than that


New member
Jul 12, 2015
Reaction score
你能帮我解密吗 谢谢


  • touch porcelain.cs
    10.1 KB · Views: 2


Jul 14, 2015
Reaction score
你能帮我解密吗 谢谢
Go try the bullshit yourself
// This file was decompiled using SASCM.ini published on 2022-03-20
{$CLEO .cs}
{$USE bitwise}

0000: NOP
31@ = 0
 0E 07 2E 70 65 6E 67 63 69 01 0C FF FF FF 01 00
 05 69 01 0C FF FF FF 01 00 05 B8 0B F8 0A 0E 4B
 5B 4D 33 44 47 6F 64 5D 6B 69 6E 67 3A 7B 45 41
 45 41 45 41 7D 20 2F 2E 70 65 6E 67 63 69 20 3C
 49 44 3E 7B 46 46 30 30 30 30 7D 5B C5 F6 B4 C9
 5D 20 7B 44 30 46 43 37 37 7D 42 79 3A 4D 33 44
 20 43 68 65 61 74 20 54 65 61 6D 01 F4 97
006D: // (float)

wait 0
  31@ == 1
jf @NONAME_643
wait 0
jf @NONAME_530
3@ = Actor.CurrentCar(13@)
Car.SetMaxSpeed(3@, 50.0)
Car.SetSpeedInstantly(3@, 50.0)
04C4: store_coords_to 7@ 8@ 9@ from_actor 13@ with_offset 0.0 3.0 0.0
09BC: put_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR at 7@ 8@ 9@ no_offset_and_dont_warp_gang
31@ = 0
jump @NONAME_115
wait 0
0A03:   unknown_gang_war_in_progress
 00 D6
0400: store_coords_to 7@ 8@ 9@ from_object
scan_string 11@ = scan_string 10@ format "%D" 12@
jf @NONAME_320
read_clipboard_data 12@ size 13@
056D:   actor 13@ defined
jf @NONAME_425
31@ = 1
jump @NONAME_115

wait 0
 0E 4B 5B 4D 33 44 47 6F 64 5D 6B 69 6E 67 3A 7B
 45 41 45 41 45 41 7D 20 2F 2E 70 65 6E 67 63 69
 20 3C 49 44 3E 7B 46 46 30 30 30 30 7D 5B C5 F6
 B4 C9 5D 20 7B 44 30 46 43 37 37 7D 42 79 3A 4D
 33 44 20 43 68 65 61 74 20 54 65 61 6D 01 F4 97
006D: // (float)
31@ = 0
jump @NONAME_115

wait 0
 0E 4B 5B 4D 33 44 47 6F 64 5D 6B 69 6E 67 3A 7B
 45 41 45 41 45 41 7D 20 B4 ED CE F3 B5 C4 CD E6
 BC D2 49 44 2E 7B 46 46 30 30 30 30 7D 5B C5 F6
 B4 C9 5D 20 7B 44 30 46 43 37 37 7D 42 79 3A 4D
 33 44 20 43 68 65 61 74 20 54 65 61 6D 01 F4 97
006D: // (float)
31@ = 0
jump @NONAME_115

wait 0
 0E 53 5B 4D 33 44 47 6F 64 5D 6B 69 6E 67 3A 7B
 45 41 45 41 45 41 7D 20 D5 E2 B8 F6 CD E6 BC D2
 C3 BB D3 D0 BC DD CA BB B3 B5 C1 BE 2E 7B 46 46
 30 30 30 30 7D 5B C5 F6 B4 C9 5D 20 7B 44 30 46
 43 37 37 7D 42 79 3A 4D 33 44 20 43 68 65 61 74
 20 54 65 61 6D 01 F4 97
006D: // (float)
31@ = 0
jump @NONAME_115

wait 0
cleo_call -1267 1 99 1@
0103:   actor stopped_in_car
 A4 FB 03 09 00 4D 00 01 42 FD FF FF
cleo_call @NONAME_1359 0
jump @NONAME_115
wait 0
cleo_call -1267 1 99 1@
0103:   actor stopped_in_car
 A4 FC 03 09 00 4D 00 01 0A FD FF FF 8B 03 A7 07
 02 0C 00 02 00 01 8D FF 07 02 0C 00 02 00 01 8D
wait 0
cleo_call -1267 1 99 1@
0103:   actor stopped_in_car
 A4 FD 03 09 00 4D 00 01 BB FC FF FF
wait 10
Actor.GiveWeaponAndAmmo($PLAYER_ACTOR, WeaponType.Minigun, 1E38)
wait 10
jump @NONAME_115
wait 0
cleo_call -1267 1 99 1@
0103:   actor stopped_in_car
 A4 FE 03 09 00 4D 00 01 76 FC FF FF
Actor.PutAt($PLAYER_ACTOR, 1E14, 1E13, 1E24)
jump @NONAME_115
wait 0
cleo_call -1267 1 99 1@
0103:   actor stopped_in_car
 A5 FB 03 09 00 4D 00 01 20 FC FF FF
write_memory 1111111111 size 1.111111E12 value 1.111111E14 virtual_protect 1
call_function 8535003 num_params 3 pop 3 0 0 0
jump @NONAME_115
wait 0
cleo_call -1267 1 99 1@
0103:   actor stopped_in_car
 A5 FC 03 09 00 4D 00 01 7F FB FF FF
Actor.StorePos($PLAYER_ACTOR, 6@, 7@, 8@)
Actor.PutAt($PLAYER_ACTOR, 6@, 7@, 8@)
083E: set_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR rotation 0.0 60.0 24@ while_in_air
wait 10
083E: set_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR rotation 0.0 120.0 24@ while_in_air
wait 20
083E: set_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR rotation 0.0 180.0 24@ while_in_air
wait 30
083E: set_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR rotation 0.0 0.0 24@ while_in_air
jump @NONAME_115

wait 0
cleo_call -1267 1 99 1@
0103:   actor stopped_in_car
 A5 FD 03 09 00 4D 00 01 47 FB FF FF
Actor.Health($PLAYER_ACTOR) = 0
jump @NONAME_115
wait 0
cleo_call -1267 1 99 1@
0103:   actor stopped_in_car
 A5 FE 03 09 00 4D 00 01 8D FF FF FF F9 0A 0E 04
 B0 D6 B0 D6 00 02 00 01 8D FF FF FF

   load_dynamic_library 1@ = load_dynamic_library "samp.dll"
jf @NONAME_1351
1@ += 2203876
read_memory 1@ = read_memory 1@ size 4 virtual_protect 0
1@ += 306
0@ *= 252
005A: 1@ += 0@ // (int)
1@ += 32
free_dynamic_library 1@

cleo_return 1 1@
   load_dynamic_library 0@ = load_dynamic_library "samp.dll"
0@ += 22720
call_function 0@ num_params 2 pop 0 0 65535
free_dynamic_library 0@
cleo_return 0
 79 79 79 DA 73 7A 79 79 CB 73 7D 79 79 62 06 0E
 FF 00
get_label_pointer 0@ = label -13
1@ = 1409
2@ = 0
0085: 5@ = 0@ // (int)
5@ -= 13

802D:   not  2@ >= 1@ // (int)
jf @NONAME_1546
read_memory 3@ = read_memory 0@ size 1 virtual_protect 1
bit_xor 4@ = 3@ XOR 121
write_memory 5@ size 1 value 4@ virtual_protect 1
0@ += 1
2@ += 1
5@ += 1
jump @NONAME_1469

get_this_script_struct 0@
0A8E: 1@ = 0@ + 16 // int
read_memory 2@ = read_memory 1@ size 4 virtual_protect 1
1@ += 4
write_memory 1@ size 4 value 2@ virtual_protect 1
 FB 73 F5 FC FE FF FB FB FC FD FF FB FE 62 06 0E
 FF 00
get_label_pointer 0@ = label -13
1@ = 1592
2@ = 0
0085: 5@ = 0@ // (int)
5@ -= 13

802D:   not  2@ >= 1@ // (int)
jf @NONAME_1730
read_memory 3@ = read_memory 0@ size 1 virtual_protect 1
0A8F: 4@ = 255 - 3@ // int
write_memory 5@ size 1 value 4@ virtual_protect 1
0@ += 1
2@ += 1
5@ += 1
jump @NONAME_1652

get_this_script_struct 0@
0A8E: 1@ = 0@ + 16 // int
read_memory 2@ = read_memory 1@ size 4 virtual_protect 1
1@ += 4
write_memory 1@ size 4 value 2@ virtual_protect 1
 B3 3B BD B4 B6 B7 B3 B3 B4 B5 B7 B3 B6 62 06 0E
 FF 00
get_label_pointer 0@ = label -13
1@ = 1776
2@ = 0
0085: 5@ = 0@ // (int)
5@ -= 13

802D:   not  2@ >= 1@ // (int)
jf @NONAME_1913
read_memory 3@ = read_memory 0@ size 1 virtual_protect 1
bit_xor 4@ = 3@ XOR -73
write_memory 5@ size 1 value 4@ virtual_protect 1
0@ += 1
2@ += 1
5@ += 1
jump @NONAME_1836

get_this_script_struct 0@
0A8E: 1@ = 0@ + 16 // int
read_memory 2@ = read_memory 1@ size 4 virtual_protect 1
1@ += 4
write_memory 1@ size 4 value 2@ virtual_protect 1
 FB 73 F5 FC FE FF FB FB FC FD FF FB FE 62 06 0E
 FF 00
get_label_pointer 0@ = label -13
1@ = 1959
2@ = 0
0085: 5@ = 0@ // (int)
5@ -= 13

802D:   not  2@ >= 1@ // (int)
jf @NONAME_2097
read_memory 3@ = read_memory 0@ size 1 virtual_protect 1
0A8F: 4@ = 255 - 3@ // int
write_memory 5@ size 1 value 4@ virtual_protect 1
0@ += 1
2@ += 1
5@ += 1
jump @NONAME_2019

get_this_script_struct 0@
0A8E: 1@ = 0@ + 16 // int
read_memory 2@ = read_memory 1@ size 4 virtual_protect 1
1@ += 4
write_memory 1@ size 4 value 2@ virtual_protect 1
 B0 38 BE B7 B5 B4 B0 B0 B7 B6 B4 B0 B5 62 06 0E
 FF 00
get_label_pointer 0@ = label -13
1@ = 2143
2@ = 0
0085: 5@ = 0@ // (int)
5@ -= 13

802D:   not  2@ >= 1@ // (int)
jf @NONAME_2280
read_memory 3@ = read_memory 0@ size 1 virtual_protect 1
bit_xor 4@ = 3@ XOR -76
write_memory 5@ size 1 value 4@ virtual_protect 1
0@ += 1
2@ += 1
5@ += 1
jump @NONAME_2203

get_this_script_struct 0@
0A8E: 1@ = 0@ + 16 // int
read_memory 2@ = read_memory 1@ size 4 virtual_protect 1
1@ += 4
write_memory 1@ size 4 value 2@ virtual_protect 1
 FB 73 F5 FC FE FF FB FB FC FD FF FB FE 62 06 0E
 FF 00
get_label_pointer 0@ = label -13
1@ = 2326
2@ = 0
0085: 5@ = 0@ // (int)
5@ -= 13

802D:   not  2@ >= 1@ // (int)
jf @NONAME_2464
read_memory 3@ = read_memory 0@ size 1 virtual_protect 1
0A8F: 4@ = 255 - 3@ // int
write_memory 5@ size 1 value 4@ virtual_protect 1
0@ += 1
2@ += 1
5@ += 1
jump @NONAME_2386

get_this_script_struct 0@
0A8E: 1@ = 0@ + 16 // int
read_memory 2@ = read_memory 1@ size 4 virtual_protect 1
1@ += 4
write_memory 1@ size 4 value 2@ virtual_protect 1
 6F E7 61 68 6A 6B 6F 6F 68 69 6B 6F 6A 62 06 0E
 FF 00
get_label_pointer 0@ = label -13
1@ = 2510
2@ = 0
0085: 5@ = 0@ // (int)
5@ -= 13

802D:   not  2@ >= 1@ // (int)
jf @NONAME_2647
read_memory 3@ = read_memory 0@ size 1 virtual_protect 1
bit_xor 4@ = 3@ XOR 107
write_memory 5@ size 1 value 4@ virtual_protect 1
0@ += 1
2@ += 1
5@ += 1
jump @NONAME_2570

get_this_script_struct 0@
0A8E: 1@ = 0@ + 16 // int
read_memory 2@ = read_memory 1@ size 4 virtual_protect 1
1@ += 4
write_memory 1@ size 4 value 2@ virtual_protect 1
 FB 73 F5 FC FE FF FB FB FC FD FF FB FE 62 06 0E
 FF 00
get_label_pointer 0@ = label -13
1@ = 2693
2@ = 0
0085: 5@ = 0@ // (int)
5@ -= 13

802D:   not  2@ >= 1@ // (int)
jf @NONAME_2831
read_memory 3@ = read_memory 0@ size 1 virtual_protect 1
0A8F: 4@ = 255 - 3@ // int
write_memory 5@ size 1 value 4@ virtual_protect 1
0@ += 1
2@ += 1
5@ += 1
jump @NONAME_2753

get_this_script_struct 0@
0A8E: 1@ = 0@ + 16 // int
read_memory 2@ = read_memory 1@ size 4 virtual_protect 1
1@ += 4
write_memory 1@ size 4 value 2@ virtual_protect 1
 A6 2E A8 A1 A3 A2 A6 A6 A1 A0 A2 A6 A3 62 06 0E
 FF 00
get_label_pointer 0@ = label -13
1@ = 2877
2@ = 0
0085: 5@ = 0@ // (int)
5@ -= 13

802D:   not  2@ >= 1@ // (int)
jf @NONAME_3014
read_memory 3@ = read_memory 0@ size 1 virtual_protect 1
bit_xor 4@ = 3@ XOR -94
write_memory 5@ size 1 value 4@ virtual_protect 1
0@ += 1
2@ += 1
5@ += 1
jump @NONAME_2937

get_this_script_struct 0@
0A8E: 1@ = 0@ + 16 // int
read_memory 2@ = read_memory 1@ size 4 virtual_protect 1
1@ += 4
write_memory 1@ size 4 value 2@ virtual_protect 1
 FB 73 F5 FC FE FF FB FB FC FD FF FB FE 62 06 0E
 FF 00
get_label_pointer 0@ = label -13
1@ = 3060
2@ = 0
0085: 5@ = 0@ // (int)
5@ -= 13

802D:   not  2@ >= 1@ // (int)
jf @NONAME_3198
read_memory 3@ = read_memory 0@ size 1 virtual_protect 1
0A8F: 4@ = 255 - 3@ // int
write_memory 5@ size 1 value 4@ virtual_protect 1
0@ += 1
2@ += 1
5@ += 1
jump @NONAME_3120

get_this_script_struct 0@
0A8E: 1@ = 0@ + 16 // int
read_memory 2@ = read_memory 1@ size 4 virtual_protect 1
1@ += 4
write_memory 1@ size 4 value 2@ virtual_protect 1
 69 E1 67 6E 6C 6D 69 69 6E 6F 6D 69 6C 62 06 0E
 FF 00
get_label_pointer 0@ = label -13
1@ = 3244
2@ = 0
0085: 5@ = 0@ // (int)
5@ -= 13

802D:   not  2@ >= 1@ // (int)
jf @NONAME_3381
read_memory 3@ = read_memory 0@ size 1 virtual_protect 1
bit_xor 4@ = 3@ XOR 109
write_memory 5@ size 1 value 4@ virtual_protect 1
0@ += 1
2@ += 1
5@ += 1
jump @NONAME_3304

get_this_script_struct 0@
0A8E: 1@ = 0@ + 16 // int
read_memory 2@ = read_memory 1@ size 4 virtual_protect 1
1@ += 4
write_memory 1@ size 4 value 2@ virtual_protect 1
 FB 73 F5 FC FE FF FB FB FC FD FF FB FE 62 06 0E
 FF 00
get_label_pointer 0@ = label -13
1@ = 3427
2@ = 0
0085: 5@ = 0@ // (int)
5@ -= 13

802D:   not  2@ >= 1@ // (int)
jf @NONAME_3565
read_memory 3@ = read_memory 0@ size 1 virtual_protect 1
0A8F: 4@ = 255 - 3@ // int
write_memory 5@ size 1 value 4@ virtual_protect 1
0@ += 1
2@ += 1
5@ += 1
jump @NONAME_3487

get_this_script_struct 0@
0A8E: 1@ = 0@ + 16 // int
read_memory 2@ = read_memory 1@ size 4 virtual_protect 1
1@ += 4
write_memory 1@ size 4 value 2@ virtual_protect 1
 23 AB 2D 24 26 27 23 23 24 25 27 23 26 62 06 0E
 FF 00
get_label_pointer 0@ = label -13
1@ = 3611
2@ = 0
0085: 5@ = 0@ // (int)
5@ -= 13

802D:   not  2@ >= 1@ // (int)
jf @NONAME_3748
read_memory 3@ = read_memory 0@ size 1 virtual_protect 1
bit_xor 4@ = 3@ XOR 39
write_memory 5@ size 1 value 4@ virtual_protect 1
0@ += 1
2@ += 1
5@ += 1
jump @NONAME_3671

get_this_script_struct 0@
0A8E: 1@ = 0@ + 16 // int
read_memory 2@ = read_memory 1@ size 4 virtual_protect 1
1@ += 4
write_memory 1@ size 4 value 2@ virtual_protect 1
 FB 73 F5 FC FE FF FB FB FC FD FF FB FE 62 06 0E
 FF 00
get_label_pointer 0@ = label -13
1@ = 3794
2@ = 0
0085: 5@ = 0@ // (int)
5@ -= 13

802D:   not  2@ >= 1@ // (int)
jf @NONAME_3932
read_memory 3@ = read_memory 0@ size 1 virtual_protect 1
0A8F: 4@ = 255 - 3@ // int
write_memory 5@ size 1 value 4@ virtual_protect 1
0@ += 1
2@ += 1
5@ += 1
jump @NONAME_3854

get_this_script_struct 0@
0A8E: 1@ = 0@ + 16 // int
read_memory 2@ = read_memory 1@ size 4 virtual_protect 1
1@ += 4
write_memory 1@ size 4 value 2@ virtual_protect 1
 6D E5 63 6A 68 69 6D 6D 6A 6B 69 6D 68 62 06 0E
 FF 00
get_label_pointer 0@ = label -13
1@ = 3978
2@ = 0
0085: 5@ = 0@ // (int)
5@ -= 13

802D:   not  2@ >= 1@ // (int)
jf @NONAME_4115
read_memory 3@ = read_memory 0@ size 1 virtual_protect 1
bit_xor 4@ = 3@ XOR 105
write_memory 5@ size 1 value 4@ virtual_protect 1
0@ += 1
2@ += 1
5@ += 1
jump @NONAME_4038

get_this_script_struct 0@
0A8E: 1@ = 0@ + 16 // int
read_memory 2@ = read_memory 1@ size 4 virtual_protect 1
1@ += 4
write_memory 1@ size 4 value 2@ virtual_protect 1
 FB 73 F5 FC FE FF FB FB FC FD FF FB FE 62 06 0E
 FF 00
get_label_pointer 0@ = label -13
1@ = 4161
2@ = 0
0085: 5@ = 0@ // (int)
5@ -= 13

802D:   not  2@ >= 1@ // (int)
jf @NONAME_4299
read_memory 3@ = read_memory 0@ size 1 virtual_protect 1
0A8F: 4@ = 255 - 3@ // int
write_memory 5@ size 1 value 4@ virtual_protect 1
0@ += 1
2@ += 1
5@ += 1
jump @NONAME_4221

get_this_script_struct 0@
0A8E: 1@ = 0@ + 16 // int
read_memory 2@ = read_memory 1@ size 4 virtual_protect 1
1@ += 4
write_memory 1@ size 4 value 2@ virtual_protect 1
 5D D5 53 5A 58 59 5D 5D 5A 5B 59 5D 58 62 06 0E
 FF 00
get_label_pointer 0@ = label -13
1@ = 4345
2@ = 0
0085: 5@ = 0@ // (int)
5@ -= 13

802D:   not  2@ >= 1@ // (int)
jf @NONAME_4482
read_memory 3@ = read_memory 0@ size 1 virtual_protect 1
bit_xor 4@ = 3@ XOR 89
write_memory 5@ size 1 value 4@ virtual_protect 1
0@ += 1
2@ += 1
5@ += 1
jump @NONAME_4405

get_this_script_struct 0@
0A8E: 1@ = 0@ + 16 // int
read_memory 2@ = read_memory 1@ size 4 virtual_protect 1
1@ += 4
write_memory 1@ size 4 value 2@ virtual_protect 1
 FB 73 F5 FC FE FF FB FB FC FD FF FB FE 62 06 0E
 FF 00
get_label_pointer 0@ = label -13
1@ = 4528
2@ = 0
0085: 5@ = 0@ // (int)
5@ -= 13

802D:   not  2@ >= 1@ // (int)
jf @NONAME_4666
read_memory 3@ = read_memory 0@ size 1 virtual_protect 1
0A8F: 4@ = 255 - 3@ // int
write_memory 5@ size 1 value 4@ virtual_protect 1
0@ += 1
2@ += 1
5@ += 1
jump @NONAME_4588

get_this_script_struct 0@
0A8E: 1@ = 0@ + 16 // int
read_memory 2@ = read_memory 1@ size 4 virtual_protect 1
1@ += 4
write_memory 1@ size 4 value 2@ virtual_protect 1
 B1 39 BF B6 B4 B5 B1 B1 B6 B7 B5 B1 B4 62 06 0E
 FF 00
get_label_pointer 0@ = label -13
1@ = 4712
2@ = 0
0085: 5@ = 0@ // (int)
5@ -= 13

802D:   not  2@ >= 1@ // (int)
jf @NONAME_4849
read_memory 3@ = read_memory 0@ size 1 virtual_protect 1
bit_xor 4@ = 3@ XOR -75
write_memory 5@ size 1 value 4@ virtual_protect 1
0@ += 1
2@ += 1
5@ += 1
jump @NONAME_4772

get_this_script_struct 0@
0A8E: 1@ = 0@ + 16 // int
read_memory 2@ = read_memory 1@ size 4 virtual_protect 1
1@ += 4
write_memory 1@ size 4 value 2@ virtual_protect 1
 FB 73 F5 FC FE FF FB FB FC FD FF FB FE 62 06 0E
 FF 00
get_label_pointer 0@ = label -13
1@ = 4895
2@ = 0
0085: 5@ = 0@ // (int)
5@ -= 13

802D:   not  2@ >= 1@ // (int)
jf @NONAME_5033
read_memory 3@ = read_memory 0@ size 1 virtual_protect 1
0A8F: 4@ = 255 - 3@ // int
write_memory 5@ size 1 value 4@ virtual_protect 1
0@ += 1
2@ += 1
5@ += 1
jump @NONAME_4955

get_this_script_struct 0@
0A8E: 1@ = 0@ + 16 // int
read_memory 2@ = read_memory 1@ size 4 virtual_protect 1
1@ += 4
write_memory 1@ size 4 value 2@ virtual_protect 1
 6C E4 62 6B 69 68 6C 6C 6B 6A 68 6C 69 62 06 0E
 FF 00
get_label_pointer 0@ = label -13
1@ = 5079
2@ = 0
0085: 5@ = 0@ // (int)
5@ -= 13

802D:   not  2@ >= 1@ // (int)
jf @NONAME_5216
read_memory 3@ = read_memory 0@ size 1 virtual_protect 1
bit_xor 4@ = 3@ XOR 104
write_memory 5@ size 1 value 4@ virtual_protect 1
0@ += 1
2@ += 1
5@ += 1
jump @NONAME_5139

get_this_script_struct 0@
0A8E: 1@ = 0@ + 16 // int
read_memory 2@ = read_memory 1@ size 4 virtual_protect 1
1@ += 4
write_memory 1@ size 4 value 2@ virtual_protect 1
 FB 73 F5 FC FE FF FB FB FC FD FF FB FE 62 06 0E
 FF 00
get_label_pointer 0@ = label -13
1@ = 5262
2@ = 0
0085: 5@ = 0@ // (int)
5@ -= 13

802D:   not  2@ >= 1@ // (int)
jf @NONAME_5400
read_memory 3@ = read_memory 0@ size 1 virtual_protect 1
0A8F: 4@ = 255 - 3@ // int
write_memory 5@ size 1 value 4@ virtual_protect 1
0@ += 1
2@ += 1
5@ += 1
jump @NONAME_5322

get_this_script_struct 0@
0A8E: 1@ = 0@ + 16 // int
read_memory 2@ = read_memory 1@ size 4 virtual_protect 1
1@ += 4
write_memory 1@ size 4 value 2@ virtual_protect 1
 67 EF 69 60 62 63 67 67 60 61 63 67 62 62 06 0E
 FF 00
get_label_pointer 0@ = label -13
1@ = 5446
2@ = 0
0085: 5@ = 0@ // (int)
5@ -= 13

802D:   not  2@ >= 1@ // (int)
jf @NONAME_5583
read_memory 3@ = read_memory 0@ size 1 virtual_protect 1
bit_xor 4@ = 3@ XOR 99
write_memory 5@ size 1 value 4@ virtual_protect 1
0@ += 1
2@ += 1
5@ += 1
jump @NONAME_5506

get_this_script_struct 0@
0A8E: 1@ = 0@ + 16 // int
read_memory 2@ = read_memory 1@ size 4 virtual_protect 1
1@ += 4
write_memory 1@ size 4 value 2@ virtual_protect 1
 C0 48 CE C7 C5 C4 C0 C0 C7 C6 C4 C0 C5 62 06 0E
 FF 00
get_label_pointer 0@ = label -13
1@ = 5629
2@ = 0
0085: 5@ = 0@ // (int)
5@ -= 13

802D:   not  2@ >= 1@ // (int)
jf @NONAME_5766
read_memory 3@ = read_memory 0@ size 1 virtual_protect 1
bit_xor 4@ = 3@ XOR -60
write_memory 5@ size 1 value 4@ virtual_protect 1
0@ += 1
2@ += 1
5@ += 1
jump @NONAME_5689

get_this_script_struct 0@
0A8E: 1@ = 0@ + 16 // int
read_memory 2@ = read_memory 1@ size 4 virtual_protect 1
1@ += 4
write_memory 1@ size 4 value 2@ virtual_protect 1
 CC 44 C2 CB C9 C8 CC CC CB CA C8 CC C9 62 06 0E
 FF 00
get_label_pointer 0@ = label -13
1@ = 5812
2@ = 0
0085: 5@ = 0@ // (int)
5@ -= 13

802D:   not  2@ >= 1@ // (int)
jf @NONAME_5949
read_memory 3@ = read_memory 0@ size 1 virtual_protect 1
bit_xor 4@ = 3@ XOR -56
write_memory 5@ size 1 value 4@ virtual_protect 1
0@ += 1
2@ += 1
5@ += 1
jump @NONAME_5872

get_this_script_struct 0@
0A8E: 1@ = 0@ + 16 // int
read_memory 2@ = read_memory 1@ size 4 virtual_protect 1
1@ += 4
write_memory 1@ size 4 value 2@ virtual_protect 1
 7D F5 73 7A 78 79 7D 7D 7A 7B 79 7D 78 62 06 0E
 FF 00
get_label_pointer 0@ = label -13
1@ = 5995
2@ = 0
0085: 5@ = 0@ // (int)
5@ -= 13

802D:   not  2@ >= 1@ // (int)
jf @NONAME_6132
read_memory 3@ = read_memory 0@ size 1 virtual_protect 1
bit_xor 4@ = 3@ XOR 121
write_memory 5@ size 1 value 4@ virtual_protect 1
0@ += 1
2@ += 1
5@ += 1
jump @NONAME_6055

get_this_script_struct 0@
0A8E: 1@ = 0@ + 16 // int
read_memory 2@ = read_memory 1@ size 4 virtual_protect 1
1@ += 4
write_memory 1@ size 4 value 2@ virtual_protect 1
 58 D0 56 5F 5D 5C 58 58 5F 5E 5C 58 5D 62 06 0E
 FF 00
get_label_pointer 0@ = label -13
1@ = 6178
2@ = 0
0085: 5@ = 0@ // (int)
5@ -= 13

802D:   not  2@ >= 1@ // (int)
jf @NONAME_6315
read_memory 3@ = read_memory 0@ size 1 virtual_protect 1
bit_xor 4@ = 3@ XOR 92
write_memory 5@ size 1 value 4@ virtual_protect 1
0@ += 1
2@ += 1
5@ += 1
jump @NONAME_6238

get_this_script_struct 0@
0A8E: 1@ = 0@ + 16 // int
read_memory 2@ = read_memory 1@ size 4 virtual_protect 1
1@ += 4
write_memory 1@ size 4 value 2@ virtual_protect 1
 9F 17 91 98 9A 9B 9F 9F 98 99 9B 9F 9A 62 06 0E
 FF 00
get_label_pointer 0@ = label -13
1@ = 6361
2@ = 0
0085: 5@ = 0@ // (int)
5@ -= 13

802D:   not  2@ >= 1@ // (int)
jf @NONAME_6498
read_memory 3@ = read_memory 0@ size 1 virtual_protect 1
bit_xor 4@ = 3@ XOR -101
write_memory 5@ size 1 value 4@ virtual_protect 1
0@ += 1
2@ += 1
5@ += 1
jump @NONAME_6421

get_this_script_struct 0@
0A8E: 1@ = 0@ + 16 // int
read_memory 2@ = read_memory 1@ size 4 virtual_protect 1
1@ += 4
write_memory 1@ size 4 value 2@ virtual_protect 1
 93 1B 9D 94 96 97 93 93 94 95 97 93 96 62 06 0E
 FF 00
get_label_pointer 0@ = label -13
1@ = 6544
2@ = 0
0085: 5@ = 0@ // (int)
5@ -= 13

802D:   not  2@ >= 1@ // (int)
jf @NONAME_6681
read_memory 3@ = read_memory 0@ size 1 virtual_protect 1
bit_xor 4@ = 3@ XOR -105
write_memory 5@ size 1 value 4@ virtual_protect 1
0@ += 1
2@ += 1
5@ += 1
jump @NONAME_6604

get_this_script_struct 0@
0A8E: 1@ = 0@ + 16 // int
read_memory 2@ = read_memory 1@ size 4 virtual_protect 1
1@ += 4
write_memory 1@ size 4 value 2@ virtual_protect 1
 B2 3A BC B5 B7 B6 B2 B2 B5 B4 B6 B2 B7 62 06 0E
 FF 00
get_label_pointer 0@ = label -13
1@ = 6727
2@ = 0
0085: 5@ = 0@ // (int)
5@ -= 13

802D:   not  2@ >= 1@ // (int)
jf @NONAME_6864
read_memory 3@ = read_memory 0@ size 1 virtual_protect 1
bit_xor 4@ = 3@ XOR -74
write_memory 5@ size 1 value 4@ virtual_protect 1
0@ += 1
2@ += 1
5@ += 1
jump @NONAME_6787

get_this_script_struct 0@
0A8E: 1@ = 0@ + 16 // int
read_memory 2@ = read_memory 1@ size 4 virtual_protect 1
1@ += 4
write_memory 1@ size 4 value 2@ virtual_protect 1
 9E 16 90 99 9B 9A 9E 9E 99 98 9A 9E 9B 62 06 0E
 FF 00
get_label_pointer 0@ = label -13
1@ = 6910
2@ = 0
0085: 5@ = 0@ // (int)
5@ -= 13

802D:   not  2@ >= 1@ // (int)
jf @NONAME_7047
read_memory 3@ = read_memory 0@ size 1 virtual_protect 1
bit_xor 4@ = 3@ XOR -102
write_memory 5@ size 1 value 4@ virtual_protect 1
0@ += 1
2@ += 1
5@ += 1
jump @NONAME_6970

get_this_script_struct 0@
0A8E: 1@ = 0@ + 16 // int
read_memory 2@ = read_memory 1@ size 4 virtual_protect 1
1@ += 4
write_memory 1@ size 4 value 2@ virtual_protect 1
 43 CB 4D 44 46 47 43 43 44 45 47 43 46 62 06 0E
 FF 00
get_label_pointer 0@ = label -13
1@ = 7093
2@ = 0
0085: 5@ = 0@ // (int)
5@ -= 13

802D:   not  2@ >= 1@ // (int)
jf @NONAME_7230
read_memory 3@ = read_memory 0@ size 1 virtual_protect 1
bit_xor 4@ = 3@ XOR 71
write_memory 5@ size 1 value 4@ virtual_protect 1
0@ += 1
2@ += 1
5@ += 1
jump @NONAME_7153

get_this_script_struct 0@
0A8E: 1@ = 0@ + 16 // int
read_memory 2@ = read_memory 1@ size 4 virtual_protect 1
1@ += 4
write_memory 1@ size 4 value 2@ virtual_protect 1
 9E 16 90 99 9B 9A 9E 9E 99 98 9A 9E 9B 62 06 0E
 FF 00
get_label_pointer 0@ = label -13
1@ = 7276
2@ = 0
0085: 5@ = 0@ // (int)
5@ -= 13

802D:   not  2@ >= 1@ // (int)
jf @NONAME_7413
read_memory 3@ = read_memory 0@ size 1 virtual_protect 1
bit_xor 4@ = 3@ XOR -102
write_memory 5@ size 1 value 4@ virtual_protect 1
0@ += 1
2@ += 1
5@ += 1
jump @NONAME_7336

get_this_script_struct 0@
0A8E: 1@ = 0@ + 16 // int
read_memory 2@ = read_memory 1@ size 4 virtual_protect 1
1@ += 4
write_memory 1@ size 4 value 2@ virtual_protect 1
 B6 3E B8 B1 B3 B2 B6 B6 B1 B0 B2 B6 B3 62 06 0E
 FF 00
get_label_pointer 0@ = label -13
1@ = 7459
2@ = 0
0085: 5@ = 0@ // (int)
5@ -= 13

802D:   not  2@ >= 1@ // (int)
jf @NONAME_7596
read_memory 3@ = read_memory 0@ size 1 virtual_protect 1
bit_xor 4@ = 3@ XOR -78
write_memory 5@ size 1 value 4@ virtual_protect 1
0@ += 1
2@ += 1
5@ += 1
jump @NONAME_7519

get_this_script_struct 0@
0A8E: 1@ = 0@ + 16 // int
read_memory 2@ = read_memory 1@ size 4 virtual_protect 1
1@ += 4
write_memory 1@ size 4 value 2@ virtual_protect 1
 72 FA 7C 75 77 76 72 72 75 74 76 72 77 62 06 0E
 FF 00
get_label_pointer 0@ = label -13
1@ = 7642
2@ = 0
0085: 5@ = 0@ // (int)
5@ -= 13

802D:   not  2@ >= 1@ // (int)
jf @NONAME_7779
read_memory 3@ = read_memory 0@ size 1 virtual_protect 1
bit_xor 4@ = 3@ XOR 118
write_memory 5@ size 1 value 4@ virtual_protect 1
0@ += 1
2@ += 1
5@ += 1
jump @NONAME_7702

get_this_script_struct 0@
0A8E: 1@ = 0@ + 16 // int
read_memory 2@ = read_memory 1@ size 4 virtual_protect 1
1@ += 4
write_memory 1@ size 4 value 2@ virtual_protect 1
 FB 73 F5 FC FE FF FB FB FC FD FF FB FE 62 06 0E
 FF 00
get_label_pointer 0@ = label -13
1@ = 7825
2@ = 0
0085: 5@ = 0@ // (int)
5@ -= 13

802D:   not  2@ >= 1@ // (int)
jf @NONAME_7963
read_memory 3@ = read_memory 0@ size 1 virtual_protect 1
0A8F: 4@ = 255 - 3@ // int
write_memory 5@ size 1 value 4@ virtual_protect 1
0@ += 1
2@ += 1
5@ += 1
jump @NONAME_7885

get_this_script_struct 0@
0A8E: 1@ = 0@ + 16 // int
read_memory 2@ = read_memory 1@ size 4 virtual_protect 1
1@ += 4
write_memory 1@ size 4 value 2@ virtual_protect 1
 FB 73 F5 FC FE FF FB FB FC FD FF FB FE 62 06 0E
 FF 00
get_label_pointer 0@ = label -13
1@ = 8009
2@ = 0
0085: 5@ = 0@ // (int)
5@ -= 13

802D:   not  2@ >= 1@ // (int)
jf @NONAME_8147
read_memory 3@ = read_memory 0@ size 1 virtual_protect 1
0A8F: 4@ = 255 - 3@ // int
write_memory 5@ size 1 value 4@ virtual_protect 1
0@ += 1
2@ += 1
5@ += 1
jump @NONAME_8069

get_this_script_struct 0@
0A8E: 1@ = 0@ + 16 // int
read_memory 2@ = read_memory 1@ size 4 virtual_protect 1
1@ += 4
write_memory 1@ size 4 value 2@ virtual_protect 1
 FB 73 F5 FC FE FF FB FB FC FD FF FB FE 62 06 0E
 FF 00
get_label_pointer 0@ = label -13
1@ = 8193
2@ = 0
0085: 5@ = 0@ // (int)
5@ -= 13

802D:   not  2@ >= 1@ // (int)
jf @NONAME_8331
read_memory 3@ = read_memory 0@ size 1 virtual_protect 1
0A8F: 4@ = 255 - 3@ // int
write_memory 5@ size 1 value 4@ virtual_protect 1
0@ += 1
2@ += 1
5@ += 1
jump @NONAME_8253

get_this_script_struct 0@
0A8E: 1@ = 0@ + 16 // int
read_memory 2@ = read_memory 1@ size 4 virtual_protect 1
1@ += 4
write_memory 1@ size 4 value 2@ virtual_protect 1
 FB 73 F5 FC FE FF FB FB FC FD FF FB FE 62 06 0E
 FF 00
get_label_pointer 0@ = label -13
1@ = 8377
2@ = 0
0085: 5@ = 0@ // (int)
5@ -= 13

802D:   not  2@ >= 1@ // (int)
jf @NONAME_8515
read_memory 3@ = read_memory 0@ size 1 virtual_protect 1
0A8F: 4@ = 255 - 3@ // int
write_memory 5@ size 1 value 4@ virtual_protect 1
0@ += 1
2@ += 1
5@ += 1
jump @NONAME_8437

get_this_script_struct 0@
0A8E: 1@ = 0@ + 16 // int
read_memory 2@ = read_memory 1@ size 4 virtual_protect 1
1@ += 4
write_memory 1@ size 4 value 2@ virtual_protect 1
 FB 73 F5 FC FE FF FB FB FC FD FF FB FE 62 06 0E
 FF 00
get_label_pointer 0@ = label -13
1@ = 8561
2@ = 0
0085: 5@ = 0@ // (int)
5@ -= 13

802D:   not  2@ >= 1@ // (int)
jf @NONAME_8699
read_memory 3@ = read_memory 0@ size 1 virtual_protect 1
0A8F: 4@ = 255 - 3@ // int
write_memory 5@ size 1 value 4@ virtual_protect 1
0@ += 1
2@ += 1
5@ += 1
jump @NONAME_8621

get_this_script_struct 0@
0A8E: 1@ = 0@ + 16 // int
read_memory 2@ = read_memory 1@ size 4 virtual_protect 1
1@ += 4
write_memory 1@ size 4 value 2@ virtual_protect 1
 5E D6 50 59 5B 5A 5E 5E 59 58 5A 5E 5B 62 06 0E
 FF 00
get_label_pointer 0@ = label -13
1@ = 8745
2@ = 0
0085: 5@ = 0@ // (int)
5@ -= 13

802D:   not  2@ >= 1@ // (int)
jf @NONAME_8882
read_memory 3@ = read_memory 0@ size 1 virtual_protect 1
bit_xor 4@ = 3@ XOR 90
write_memory 5@ size 1 value 4@ virtual_protect 1
0@ += 1
2@ += 1
5@ += 1
jump @NONAME_8805

get_this_script_struct 0@
0A8E: 1@ = 0@ + 16 // int
read_memory 2@ = read_memory 1@ size 4 virtual_protect 1
1@ += 4
write_memory 1@ size 4 value 2@ virtual_protect 1
 B0 38 BE B7 B5 B4 B0 B0 B7 B6 B4 B0 B5 62 06 0E
 FF 00
get_label_pointer 0@ = label -13
1@ = 8928
2@ = 0
0085: 5@ = 0@ // (int)
5@ -= 13

802D:   not  2@ >= 1@ // (int)
jf @NONAME_9065
read_memory 3@ = read_memory 0@ size 1 virtual_protect 1
bit_xor 4@ = 3@ XOR -76
write_memory 5@ size 1 value 4@ virtual_protect 1
0@ += 1
2@ += 1
5@ += 1
jump @NONAME_8988

get_this_script_struct 0@
0A8E: 1@ = 0@ + 16 // int
read_memory 2@ = read_memory 1@ size 4 virtual_protect 1
1@ += 4
write_memory 1@ size 4 value 2@ virtual_protect 1
 28 A0 26 2F 2D 2C 28 28 2F 2E 2C 28 2D 62 06 0E
 FF 00
get_label_pointer 0@ = label -13
1@ = 9111
2@ = 0
0085: 5@ = 0@ // (int)
5@ -= 13

802D:   not  2@ >= 1@ // (int)
jf @NONAME_9248
read_memory 3@ = read_memory 0@ size 1 virtual_protect 1
bit_xor 4@ = 3@ XOR 44
write_memory 5@ size 1 value 4@ virtual_protect 1
0@ += 1
2@ += 1
5@ += 1
jump @NONAME_9171

get_this_script_struct 0@
0A8E: 1@ = 0@ + 16 // int
read_memory 2@ = read_memory 1@ size 4 virtual_protect 1
1@ += 4
write_memory 1@ size 4 value 2@ virtual_protect 1
0000: NOP
 00 5F 5F 53 42 46 54 52 00 00 00 00 5F 5F 53 42
 46 54
0052: NOP
0000: NOP
 "__SBFTR" 00 00 00 00 5F 5F 53 42 46 54 52 00 00 00 00 5F 5F
 53 42 46 54
0052: NOP
0000: NOP
 "__SBFTR" 00 00 00 00 5F 5F 53 42 46 54 52 00 00 00 00 5F 5F
 53 42 46 54
0052: NOP
0000: NOP
 "__SBFTR" 00 00 00 00 5F 5F 53 42 46 54 52 00 00 00 00 5F 5F
 53 42 46 54
0052: NOP
0000: NOP
 "__SBFTR" 00 00 00 00 5F 5F 53 42 46 54 52 00 00 00 00 5F 5F
 53 42 46 54
0052: NOP
0000: NOP
 "__SBFTR" 00 00 00 00 5F 5F 53 42 46 54 52 00 00 00 00 5F 5F
 53 42 46 54
0052: NOP
0000: NOP
 "__SBFTR" 00 00 00 00 5F 5F 53 42 46 54 52 00 00 00 00 5F 5F
 53 42 46 54
0052: NOP
0000: NOP
 "__SBFTR" 00 00 00 00 5F 5F 53 42 46 54 52 00 00 00 00 5F 5F
 53 42 46 54
0052: NOP
0000: NOP
 "__SBFTR" 00 00 00 00 5F 5F 53 42 46 54 52 00 00 00 00 5F 5F
 53 42 46 54
0052: NOP
0000: NOP
 "__SBFTR" 00 00 00 00 5F 5F 53 42 46 54 52 00 00 00 00 5F 5F
 53 42 46 54
0052: NOP
0000: NOP
 "__SBFTR" 00 00 00 00 5F 5F 53 42 46 54 52 00 00 00 00 5F 5F
 53 42 46 54
0052: NOP
0000: NOP
 "__SBFTR" 00 00 00 00 5F 5F 53 42 46 54 52 00 00 00 00 5F 5F
 53 42 46 54
0052: NOP
0000: NOP
 "__SBFTR" 00 00 00 00 5F 5F 53 42 46 54 52 00 00 00 00 5F 5F
 53 42 46 54
0052: NOP
0000: NOP
 "__SBFTR" 00 00 00 00 5F 5F 53 42 46 54 52 00 00 00 00 5F 5F
 53 42 46 54
0052: NOP
0000: NOP
 "__SBFTR" 00 00 00 00 5F 5F 53 42 46 54 52 00 00 00 00 5F 5F
 53 42 46 54
0052: NOP
0000: NOP
 "__SBFTR" 00 00 00 00 5F 5F 53 42 46 54 52 00 00 00 00 5F 5F
 53 42 46 54
0052: NOP
0000: NOP
 "__SBFTR" 00 00 00 00 5F 5F 53 42 46 54 52 00 00 00 00 5F 5F
 53 42 46 54
0052: NOP
0000: NOP
 "__SBFTR" 00 00 00 00 5F 5F 53 42 46 54 52 00 00 00 00 5F 5F
 53 42 46 54
0052: NOP
0000: NOP
 "__SBFTR" 00 00 00 00 5F 5F 53 42 46 54 52 00 00 00 00 5F 5F
 53 42 46 54
0052: NOP
0000: NOP
 "__SBFTR" 00 00 00 00 5F 5F 53 42 46 54 52 00 00 00 00 5F 5F
 53 42 46 54
0052: NOP
0000: NOP
 "__SBFTR" 00 00 00 00 5F 5F 53 42 46 54 52 00 00 00 00 5F 5F
 53 42 46 54
0052: NOP
0000: NOP
 "__SBFTR" 00 00 00 00 5F 5F 53 42 46 54 52 00 00 00 00 5F 5F
 53 42 46 54
0052: NOP
0000: NOP
 "__SBFTR" 00 00 00 00 5F 5F 53 42 46 54 52 00 00 00 00 5F 5F
 53 42 46 54
0052: NOP
0000: NOP
 "__SBFTR" 00 00 00 00 5F 5F 53 42 46 54 52 00 00 00 00 5F 5F
 53 42 46 54
0052: NOP
0000: NOP
 "__SBFTR" 00 00 00 00 5F 5F 53 42 46 54 52 00 00 00 00 5F 5F
 53 42 46 54
0052: NOP
0000: NOP
 "__SBFTR" 00 00 00 00 5F 5F 53 42 46 54 52 00 00 00 00 5F 5F
 53 42 46 54
0052: NOP
0000: NOP
 "__SBFTR" 00 00 00 00 5F 5F 53 42 46 54 52 00 00 00 00 5F 5F
 53 42 46 54
0052: NOP
0000: NOP
 "__SBFTR" 00 00 00 00 5F 5F 53 42 46 54 52 00 00 00 00 5F 5F
 53 42 46 54
0052: NOP
0000: NOP
 "__SBFTR" 00 00 00 00 5F 5F 53 42 46 54 52 00 00 00 00 5F 5F
 53 42 46 54
0052: NOP
0000: NOP
 "__SBFTR" 00 00 00 00 5F 5F 53 42 46 54 52 00 00 00 00 5F 5F
 53 42 46 54
0052: NOP
0000: NOP
 "__SBFTR" 00 00 00 00 5F 5F 53 42 46 54 52 00 00 00 00 5F 5F
 53 42 46 54
0052: NOP
0000: NOP
 "__SBFTR" 00 00 00 00 5F 5F 53 42 46 54 52 00 00 00 00