:lol:lol7 link said:Fuck it! That was what I was looking for, thanks.
QSTYLEZZ link said::celeral_spitting:
how to use this? I cant read the screen :sweet_jesus:
help help help :bawww: :bawww:
i want it :angry: :angry: :angry:
PopandauL link said:It pretty hard to read it, but there's a trick:
Turn your screen upside down, use magnifier and zoom 200% then drag the skin near your eyes upside. Now, all you have to do is to stuck a carrot in your mouth and you can read it.
PopandauL link said:It pretty hard to read it, but there's a trick:
Turn your screen upside down, use magnifier and zoom 200% then drag the skin near your eyes upside. Now, all you have to do is to stuck a carrot in your mouth and you can read it.
Pinii link said::celeral_guy: Pinii here. Just found the true meaning of life and a tutorial to hack any server rcon. Its on wikipedia. Good luck
nyan language.